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MPA Statement: Kit Malthouse commends outstanding bravery of officers injured in Harrow incident

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Kit Malthouse commends outstanding bravery of officers injured in Harrow incident

21 November 2011

On behalf of the MPA I commend the outstanding bravery of the officers from Harrow who were injured on Saturday 19 November. The first thought of all those officers called to the incident was to protect their community and I thank them for their selfless acts of courage as they tackled the highly dangerous incident.

Our thoughts also go to their families and friends, and I also thank them for their support to those officers as they go about their daily work never knowing when a normal day’s work can turn into a volatile or life threatening situation.

Our police officers put their lives on the line on a daily basis, running towards danger when most of us run away, and we all owe them a huge debt for their steadfast commitment and unwavering dedication to make London a safer place for us all.

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