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Report 6 of the 17 October 2005 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee and updates members the progress made in implementing the Health and Safety plan for MPA members and staff.

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Implementation of the MPA Health and Safety Plan

Report: 6
Date: 17 October 2005
By: the Chief Executive and Clerk


This report updates members the progress made in implementing the Health and Safety plan for MPA members and staff.

A. Recommendation

That members note the report.

B. Supporting information

1. On 2 December 2004, Corporate Governance Committee endorsed the Health & Safety Policy and Plan for the Authority. Set out below is the progress made in respect of each specific area.

Instilling a Health and Safety culture in the MPA

2. The Chief Executive and the senior management team lead by example and actively promote a culture of safety. All staff have been consulted on the Health & Safety Policy and the Plan; everyone is actively encouraged to accept good health and safety practice as an everyday part of work. As part of the MPA commitment, health and safety issues are overseen at senior management team meetings.

Arrangements for Health and Safety in the MPA

3. As part of the Plan, specific priorities and targets have been set. These arrangements are complemented by systems that ensure that risk assessments and control measures are undertaken and reviewed on a regular basis; although in its early stages, this process is now underway.

4. All managers and their deputies have been trained in risk assessment and have been required to set in place robust measures to ensure the delivery of health and safety standards and procedures. All first line managers will be trained in their roles and responsibilities, during this financial year and all other staff will receive health and safety awareness training.

5. A staff representative from each Unit has recently been appointed to sit on the Health and Safety Working Party, which will meet every three months.

Delivering Health and Safety

6. Corporate risk assessments have been conducted and suitable control measures (Codes of Practice) have been published.

7. All Unit managers have scrutinised the Policy and Plan to identify any risks, which because of the unique nature of the Unit’s work, may have been omitted. The results are in the process of collation and a Code of Practice will be produced for each.

8. Systems are in place for the management of first aid, fires and building evacuations. There are seven fully qualified First Aid Officers covering four floors within the MPA and all been provided with first aid equipment. The last fire risk assessment was completed on 14 March 2005. There is a Joint Tenant Working group, which meet every three months, and there are sufficient numbers of fire marshals for the building. The last safe evacuation drill was carried out on 9 August 2005.

9. A comprehensive health and safety inspection is carried out every six months; the last was completed on 23 May 2005. In addition each Unit has appointed a health and safety representative, who together with the Unit manager, undertakes work area health and safety inspections.

10. A corporate accident reporting system has been devised and all accidents and near misses are recorded. Performance reports will go to the Deputy Clerk every three months.

Ensuring Health and Safety

11. Internal audit of the discharge of MPA health and safety responsibilities and standards rests with the Head of Scrutiny and Review who will report the findings to the senior management team.

12. The MPS has informally agreed apply its Complete Health and Safety Evaluation to the MPA, which will give an accurate assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of the arrangements. Part 1 will review the MPA health and safety management system and its related documentation, whilst Part 2 will examine the day-to-day practical management of particular risks.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no implications arising directly from this report.

D. Financial implications


E. Background papers

  • MPA Health and Safety Policy
  • MPA Health and Safety Plan

F. Contact details

Report author: Keith Dickinson, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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