Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the special meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee held on 23 April 2009 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Steve O’Connell (Chairman)
  • John Biggs
  • Faith Boardman (Vice-Chairman)
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Dee Doocey
  • Deborah Regal
  • Graham Speed
  • Richard Tracey

MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Chief Executive)
  • Ken Hunt (Treasurer)
  • John Crompton (Committee Services)

MPS officers

  • Ailsa Beaton (Director of Information)
  • Jane Bond (Deputy Director Property Services)
  • Alan Croney (Director, Property Services)
  • Paul Daly (Director of Exchequer Services)
  • Anthony Doyle (Director, Procurement Services)
  • Simon Hart (Director of Business Development)
  • Paul James (Director of Finance Services)
  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources)
  • Paul Minton (Commander, Territorial Policing)
  • Peter Ross (Director, Programme Delivery, PSD)
  • Phil Smith
  • Brita Sread

152. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Cindy Butts and Kit Malthouse. (members).

The Chairman welcomed John Biggs and Paul James, the new Director of Finance to their first meeting of the Committee. He also referred to the fact that this was the last meeting which Alan Croney, the Director of Property Services, would be attending before he left the MPS. On behalf of the Committee he thanked Alan for his services to the MPA and MPS and wished him well for the future.

153. Declaration of interests

(Agenda item 2)

There were none.

154. Minutes of the meetings held on ON 19 March 2009 (PART 1)

(Agenda item 3)

The Chairman reported receipt of an email from Dee Doocey in which she had requested that the second paragraph of minute 133 -Treasury Management and Investment Strategy for 2009/10 - to read as follows:

“Dee Doocey said that she did not feel able to support the recommendation as she did not have the relevant expertise to be able to determine whether or not the strategy was appropriate.”

Resolved – That subject to the foregoing amendment the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 19 March 2009 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

155. Sub-committees

(Agenda item 4)

Oral updates were provided as follows

Resources Sub-committee 8 April

Faith Boardman reported that there had been a presentation on the contracts database. The rest of the meeting had largely been concerned with giving detailed consideration to the contract items which were also on the agenda for this meeting. A summary of the Sub-Committee’s comments on these items had been included in the agenda for today’s meeting as agenda item 11. She would welcome comments from colleagues on whether the style and content could be made any more useful. Faith Boardman concluded by saying that in addition to the formal business of the Sub-Committee she was undertaking a programme of visits to relevant establishments such as the VAT function at Empress State Building, Forensics and the firearms facility at Gravesend and would be accompanied by relevant colleagues.

Resolved – That the oral update be noted.

156. Revenue and capital budget monitoring report 2008/09 – period 11

(Agenda item 5)

A report was submitted which showed that at period 11 (to the end of February) the revenue budget is forecast to underspend by £29.1m (0.9% of budget). The capital programme shows year to date total expenditure of £256.6m (including the purchase of New Scotland Yard (£129m)). This total represents 74.6% of the revised annual budget of £344m. The forecast for the year of £293.9m is £50.1m below the revised annual budget.

Resolved – That

  1. the year to date and forecast position for revenue and capital budgets be noted.

157. Small and medium enterprises – early payment of invoices

(Agenda item 6)

A report was submitted which provided an update on the actions taken in support of the Mayor’s initiative to speed up payments to small and medium size enterprises.

A member asked whether there were any ways in which the period for scanning invoices (currently up to five days) might be speeded up. The Chairman referred to the fact the MPS appeared to be using the date of the invoice as the starting point for the ten working days and wondered whether a more accurate picture might be obtained if the date of receipt was used.

The Director of Resources undertook to include information on the points which had been raised in the next monitoring report.

Resolved – the actions taken to date to improve the time to make payment on undisputed invoices to SMEs with the ultimate aim being payment within 10 working days of the receipt of a valid invoice and the current payment profile for SMEs be noted.

158. Police Property Act Fund

(Agenda item 7)

This report included a summary of the 2007/08 annual accounts, the 2008/09 grant budget outturn and proposals for the allocation of the 2009/10 grant budget.

Resolved – That

  1. the report on the 2007-08 annual accounts for the Police Property Act Fund be noted;
  2. the outturn of the 2008-09 grants budget be noted; and
  3. the proposals for the allocation of the 2009-10 grants budget as set out in paragraph 18 and Appendix 4 be agreed.

159. Treasury Management Policy

(Agenda item 8)

This report set out for approval the Treasury Management Policy Statement for 2009/10 and reviewed the options for the provision of treasury management services.

Members felt that it would be appropriate to review the policy in six months time.

Resolved – That

  1. the delegation by the Treasurer through the Commissioner to the MPS Director of Resources for the responsibility for the day to day operation of the treasury management function in accordance with the Authority’s treasury management strategy and policy be agreed;
  2. the Treasury Management Policy Statement 2009/10 be agreed; and
  3. a report be submitted in six months reviewing how the policy was operating.

160. Routine contracts programme

(Agenda item 9)

This report set out the latest version of the Routine Contracts Programme, which provided details of the contracts above £1m that the MPS wishes to let over the next twelve months on a rolling programme as well as details of those contracts let since the last report. The programme only covers the known routine renewals and note the emergent requirements that will continue to be dealt with under the current arrangements and brought to Committee where required.

Resolved – That approval be given to the latest version of Routine Contracts Programme and authorisation to the placing of OJEU advertisements where appropriate.

161. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 10)

Resolved - That under section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraphs 3 and 7 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.

Summary of decisions made on exempt items

162 Report from Resources Sub-committee

(Agenda item 11)

This report sets out the comments made by the Resources Sub-Committee on reports which are also on the agenda for this meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee. Its contents were noted in conjunction with the relevant reports.

163. Disposal of Johnson House

(Agenda item 12)

The information relating to the marketing of this property was noted. A report on the outcome to be submitted to the next meeting.

164. Annual Update on the Patrol Base and Custody Centre Property Programme

(Agenda item 13)

165. Variations to the Facilities Management Contracts

(Agenda item 14)

Recommendations relating to variations to the contracts were adopted.

166. Property Services Department Intermediate-Term Energy Procurement Strategy

(Agenda item 15)

Recommendations relating to the extension of these contracts were agreed.

167. Exempt Appendix to routine Contracts Programme

(Agenda item 16)

The appendix was noted.

168. Procurement of future Radio Services Contract

(Agenda item 17)

Recommendations relating to the award of a contract were agreed.

169. Forensic Medical Examiner contract with British Transport Police (BTP)

(Agenda item 18)

Recommendations relating to entering into a contract with BTP and the City of London Police for the provision of Forensic Medical examiner services were agreed.

170. Minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2009 (part 2)

(Agenda item 19)

Agreed and signed as a correct record.

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