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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 14 September 2000 at Westminster Cathedral Hall, Westminster, London SW1.


  • Toby Harris (Chair)
  • Richard Barnes (Deputy Chair)


Anthony Arbour, Reshard Auladin, Cindy Butts, Roger Evans, Nicky Gavron, Elizabeth Howlett, Nicholas Long, Cecile Lothian, R David Muir, Sir John Quinton, Angela Slaven, Graham Tope, Adbal Ullah and Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff:

Peter Edwards (Clerk), Peter Martin (Treasurer)

MPS staff:

Sir J Stevens (Commissioner), I Blair (Deputy Commissioner), I Johnson (Commander Territorial Policing) and K Luck (Director of Resources)

In addition approximately 40 members of the press/public and other MPA/MPS staff were present.

Part 1

48. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Jennette Arnold, Lynne Featherstone, Peter Herbert, Darren Johnson and Jenny Jones.

49. Minutes: 28 July 2000

(Agenda item 2)

the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 28 July 2000 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

50. Minutes of committees

(Agenda item 3)

The Authority received the minutes from the Chair’s Co-Ordination and Urgency Committee dated 14 July 2000; Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee dated 20 July 2000; Human Resources Committee dated 21 July 2000; and Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee dated 28 July 2000.

that the minutes of the meetings of the Committees mentioned above be received.

51. Amendments to standing orders

(Agenda item 4)

The Authority received a report that sought approval to amend the Authority’s Standing Orders in order to make provision for questions from the public to be asked at meetings of the full Authority and a process for dealing with petitions.

The report also sought approval to provision being made to receive questions from the public at meetings of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee.


  1. that the Authority’s Standing Orders be amended in order to make provision for questions from the public at full Authority meetings and a process for dealing with petitions, as outlined in the report; and
  2. that with regard to the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee the Authority’s Standing Orders be amended to allow for a public question time for a maximum of thirty minutes.

52. Urgent approval undertaken under delegated powers

(Agenda item 5)

The Authority were informed that the Clerk, in accordance with Standing Order 11 (urgent business), and after consulting with the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Human Resources Committee and with the written approval of Richard Barnes, as one of the Deputy Chairs of the Authority, had authorised the MPS to move towards filling an Assistant Commissioner post.

that the Authority note the action undertaken by the Clerk in accordance with Standing Order 11.

53. Commissioner’s update

(Agenda item 6)

The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir John Stevens, gave the Authority an oral report on a range of current development and issues. These included: recent initiatives including ‘Operations Strongbox and Empire’ in Lambeth and Hackney; ‘Operation Beluga’, a successful initiative against drug crimes, policing of a ‘rave’ event in Kingston; the latest position on recruitment and retention and terrorism and other serious crime matters.

Members welcomed the success of the operations that had taken place in both Lambeth and Hackney, although concern was expressed that the resourcing of these initiatives should not be at the expense of outer/London boroughs. With regard to the ‘rave’ event in Kingston, Members highlighted the need for more effective police monitoring of the internet to gather intelligence about such events. Members also welcomed the national recruitment campaign and acknowledged the importance of dealing with current recruitment problems.

that the report be received.

54. Budget strategy

(Agenda item 7)

The Authority received a report that proposed a budget strategy for 2001/02 in the light of the Mayor’s guidance on the intermediate draft submission and the results of the Government’s Spending Review 2000. The report outlined the guidance from the GLA on the development of the draft budget submission, the timetable and process for its delivery and updated members on Spending Review 2000. The report also sought members’ approval to key features when considering a budget strategy and a basis for providing information for the Mayor’s capital investment plan.

It was noted that the submission of the draft intermediate budget to the Mayor was required by 26 September 2000.


  1. that the Authority notes the guidance for submission of the intermediate draft budget;
  2. that the Authority approve a budget strategy for 2001/02 as outlined in the report, and that the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee be invited to finalise the detailed submission within the framework of that strategy; and
  3. that the Authority agree the basis for providing information for the Mayor’s capital investment plan, as outlined in the report.

55. Human Rights - Police Authority responsibilities

(Agenda item 8)

The Authority received a report drawing attention to the Human Rights Act which comes into effect on 2 October 2000 and which in particular incorporates into UK law the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights. It was noted that, the Act’s effect would be to allow people to claim their rights under the European Convention on Human Rights in UK courts and tribunals as opposed to having to go to the European Court.

The report informed members that the Act required all public authorities to act compatibly with the Convention and provided information on the detailed content and implications of the Act by means of a model report circulated by the Association of Police Authorities.

In discussions, several members requested training on the implications of the Act.


  1. that the actions points set out in the APA model report be adopted by the MPA, in particular that police authority members and staff build on the work underway in the MPS to:
    • raise awareness of human rights issues within the Authority;
    • promote a human rights culture within the Authority;
    • spread the human rights message within the community and to local partners;
    • take on board the relevance of human rights issues to their work;
    • audit current policies and practices for human rights compliance;
    • ensure that any decisions taken are informed by and take account of human rights considerations;
    • satisfy themselves that the policies, procedures and practices of their police force are human rights compliant; and
  2. subject to (1) above, discussions should take place with the MPS to prepare joint proposals on the best methods for implementing the recommendations.

56. The benefits of DNA in the detection of crime

(Agenda item 9)

Members received a report that outlined the benefits of DNA in the detection of crime. The report was supported by an oral presentation from Commander Godwin.

The Committee noted how the MPS were continuing to work closely with the Forensic Science Service and how attempts were being made to reduce the timescale for producing results. The report also outlined other future initiatives in developing DNA in the detection of crime. The report concluded by informing the Authority that through increased harvesting of DNA and speedier turn around times for obtaining results the MPS had achieved a 183% increase in the number of identifications in the first quarter of the financial year, in comparison to the same period last year.

that the Authority note the report and the steps already taken by the MPS to harvest the benefits of DNA and the planned future initiatives.

57. Street crime performance indicators and analysis

(Agenda item 10)

The Authority received a report that gave performance information about street crime in the metropolitan police district. The report outlined levels of street crime offences and trends over time, performance against MPS targets for 2000/01, and information on judicial disposals. Members noted the comparative levels of robbery in other metropolitan forces and the factors that had contributed to the rise in street crime, in particular the disproportionate increase in the number of crime victims aged between 10 and 17. The report concluded by outlining the MPS street crime action plan.

that the report and the plan of action being followed by the MPS be noted.

58. Conservative Party consultation document - 'Common sense on travellers'

(Agenda item 11)

The Authority received a report advising members of a Conservative Party consultation document on travellers’ issues. Members were invited to consider the document, together with the views of the MPS on the issues, to give any feed back.

that members’ views on the consultation document be set out in an MPA response to the consultation document.

59. Proposed MPA member declaration of freemasonry membership

(Agenda item 12)

Members considered a report that sought views on whether members and staff should be asked to complete a voluntary declaration of freemasonry membership.

that members and staff be asked to complete a voluntary declaration of freemasonry membership.

60. Congestion charges

(Agenda item 13)

The Authority considered a report that invited the MPA, as a 'key stakeholder', to consider a discussion paper on central London congestion charges, which had been circulated by the GLA, as part of the Mayor’s ‘Draft Transport Strategy’. It was noted that the MPS, as fellow key stakeholders, had also been asked to respond and it was suggested that a joint response be made.

In considering the discussion paper, members requested that the MPA/MPS response include their concern that the enforcement of congestion charges could result in additional cost to the MPS.

that, subject to the inclusion of a point about the possible additional costs to the MPS, in regard of congestion charges, the comments submitted by the MPS, be used as the basis for a joint response to the Mayor.

61. Notting Hill Carnival 2000 - initial report

(Agenda item 14)

The Authority received an initial report on the policing of the Notting Hill Carnival 2000. The report informed members of the strategic intention of policing the event and gave details of the command structure and resources for the Carnival.

The report informed members that two murders had taken place at this year’s Carnival and there had been a significant increase in crime. Members noted the MPS’ suggestion that this would be a timely opportunity to address major concerns regarding public safety and that the Mayor also intended to review the Carnival.

Members agreed that Nicholas Long would be nominated as the MPA’s representative on the Mayor’s review.

that the report be received.

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