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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


28 July 2000

Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee held at Romney House, Westminster, London.



  • R David Muir (Chair)
  • Cindy Butts (Deputy Chair)
  • Angela Slaven (Deputy Chair)
  • Nicholas Long
  • Cecile Lothian
  • Abdul Ullah

MPA staff

  • Peter Edwards (Clerk)
  • Ian Gaskell (Deputy Clerk)
  • Colin Balkman (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Mike Robinson (Head of Secretariat)
  • Alan Johnson
  • Julia Smith

MPS staff

  • AC Anderson Dunn
  • Ann Wheeler

Plus four members of the press and public.

Part 1

1. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Jenny Jones and Jennette Arnold.

2. Terms of reference and membership

The Committee considered its terms of reference and noted its membership, as agreed by the Authority at its meeting on 26 June 2000. It was also noted that the Terms of Reference would be reviewed in December 2000.

that the terms of reference and membership of the Committee be noted and in paragraph four, line one the word ‘other’ to be removed from specialist areas.

3. Consultation: best value - progress review

Members considered a report that provided details of the review and progress made. The Committee was asked to discuss the emerging findings and consider its role in the future of the project.

It was noted that the Chair’s Co-ordination and Urgency Committee had agreed to the proposed changes to the Independent Challenge Panel (ICP) and that a list of potential names for the ICP had been prepared from which the Chair and Deputy Chairs would choose. The ICP would be chaired by a member of the Authority, but not one from the Committee in order to ensure independence.

In addition, the Mayor’s office had raised an issue concerning the reasons behind the disbandment of the ICP. An explanatory letter had been prepared by AC Dunn and a copy would be forwarded to the Mayor’s Adviser.

A related issue as to the Mayor’s overarching responsibilities and the potential they raised for overlaps and problems was raised by a member. It was recognised that some clarification of the functional roles of the MPA and GLA would be helpful to MPA members. A protocol explaining the respective roles and responsibilities was in hand and would be presented to the Authority.

It was emphasised that the project would need to produce an implementation plan and business case for the consultation strategy. Proposals for consulting with community and voluntary groups were still being developed and therefore could not be put to the meeting.


  1. that the agreement by the Chair’s Co-ordination and Urgency Committee for reconstituting the Independent Challenge Panel and the extension of the project by one month be noted;
  2. that the list of suggested names for the ICP be circulated to members;
  3. that the letter from AC Dunn outlining the reasons for the earlier disbandment of the ICP be copied to the Mayor’s Adviser; and
  4. that a protocol clarifying the MPA and GLA functional roles be progressed and reported to a future meeting of the Authority.

4. Consultation: development of draft strategy - the MPA member role

The Committee considered a report that provided background information on the preparation of a consultation strategy. Members were invited to note and comment on the suggestions as to the role members might have in the development of the strategy.

Members noted and concurred with the process outlined and, in particular, agreed that member involvement in the focus groups would be important. It was agreed that the Chair and Cecile Lothian should be put forward as members of the Best Value Review of Consultation Project Board. A report on the relationship between the Project Board and the Committee would indeed be welcome. It was agreed that appendix one needed amending.


  1. that the Chair and Cecile Lothian would become members of the Best Value Review of Consultation Project Board;
  2. that the scheduled dates for the focus groups be circulated to members;
  3. that the proposed role for members in developing the Consultation Strategy be approved as an approved duty;
  4. that the process for developing the strategy with a view for publication in November was agreed; and
  5. that a report be prepared on the relationship between the Project Board and the Committee.

5. Consultation: development of the 2001/02 policing and performance plan

Members considered a report that suggested an interim approach to consultation for the 2001/2002 policing plan. In developing a policing plan for the MPS a key duty of the MPA would be to obtain the views of people in the area about matters concerning policing (Police Act 1996). Consultation was currently being reviewed as part of the best value programme, resulting in development of a long term strategy. However, members agreed that as the strategy would not be available until later in the year, an interim approach was necessary.

It was also noted that some individual members had close contacts with local media and that this should be fostered where possible. The Director of Communications would obtain a list from members.

It was agreed that e-consultation should be used early in the process, i.e. doing fact finding, as well as to review provider options paper.


  1. that the consultation process proposed for 2001/2002 be approved;
  2. that details be obtained from members of any regular media commitments they have as representatives of the MPA; and
  3. that a copy of the Cabinet Office publication ‘How to consult your users’ be circulated to members of the Committee.

6. Crime and disorder strategies and partnerships

Members reviewed a report that sought to inform them about local crime and disorder partnerships and strategies in London. The report also described how the Authority might fulfill its statutory duty as a co-operating body.

The process of establishing the Crime and Disorder partnerships could be eased by contacting the local borough commander who would already have links with the Borough Chief Executive and other partners (representatives of Probation Service and local health authority. In addition, it was noted that the Authority had just agreed to a link member scheme whereby each Borough would have member contact. The MPA and MPS Secretariats would assist in fostering communication.


  1. that the requirements for local crime and disorder strategies and the duty of co-operation placed on all partners be noted;
  2. that an internal workshop be arranged for early October to clarify the role and desired direction of the Authority. The workshop would be open to all members of the Authority;
  3. that a report giving members guidance on how to approach their link member responsibility be prepared and submitted to a future meeting; and
  4. that in the interim the MPA Secretariat assist members in their geographical link duties;
  5. members should be asked to visit their constituency to find out how local crime and disorder partnerships are operating (particularly problems and concerns) in time to report back in advance of the planned workshop.

7. The MPA and diversity

Members considered a report that provided some background information on the work of the MPS on diversity, both internally and externally, and identified a range of issues for the MPA to consider. Given the range and complexity of the issues on diversity and the length of the paper it was agreed that this most important topic should first be tackled by a member workshop so that the issues could be prioritised.


  1. that the continuing work being carried out on diversity by the MPS be noted;
  2. that a workshop be arranged for the second half of September, and the, MPA secretariat canvas dates; and
  3. that background papers to the report be provided to members on request.

8. HMIC report "Winning Consent" - recommendations relating to consultation and diversity

Members considered and noted a report that presented the HMIC recommendations which required members’ action arising from the report "Winning consent".


  1. that the recommendations relevant to the work of the Committee arising from the HMIC report, Policing London "Winning Consent", be noted;
  2. that it be noted that a follow up inspection on the progress in implementing “Winning Consent” was planned for October and that there would be scope for involvement by interested members.

Note of annotation:
[It was subsequently discovered that the follow up inspection would begin in the week beginning 24 July 2000. A note requesting expressions of interest in participation was issued urgently to members.]

9. Raising the profile of the Committee and developing e-consultation

Members agreed to accept the report as urgent even though it had been circulated with less than three clear working days’ notice under the provisions (Section 1000B 4b of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency was the requirement to commence the process of consultation without delay.

The report gave proposals for launching and raising the profile of the Committee. It also presented advice on the scope for carrying out consultation exercises, including the use of e-consultation.

In addition to the detailed recommendations, the Chair suggested that a leaflet was produced which set out the aims of the Committee and gave contact details including the website address. To enhance the effectiveness of the site a member proposed that details of members’ special interest areas were included in the biographies. Regular updating by MPA support staff was also key to the success of the site.

It was noted that a detailed e-consultation exercise would need to be supported by staff who could analyse the responses. This would require further resources.


  1. that the suggestions for launching the Committee and maintaining a high profile be approved;
  2. that the Director of Communications discuss further inter-website co-operation for future consultations/surveys with other organisations;
  3. that the website Administrator research the cost of specialist design forms and links for inclusion in the website upgrade; and
  4. that in the event of a communication exercise being planned the Director of Communications be involved at an early stage in order to ensure that an appropriate media strategy was produced.

10. Connecting communities - bid for challenge funding

Members considered a report that set out the MPS position on the most recent Home Office additional funding initiative aimed at race equality.

The Chair considered that it was important to engage with the Home Office in the future work of the Committee on such issues. The Clerk advised that Sarah Marshall from the Home Office, Race Equality Unit, could be invited to attend future meetings as an observer and to contribute to the work of the Committee.

The Deputy Treasurer added that a meeting was scheduled with the Head of Strategic Co-ordination to look at challenge funds and the methods used to facilitate access to these funds across the service and Authority as a whole. Closer integration and co-ordination of how these processes were managed may be beneficial.


  1. that the preparation of a bid and the context of that bid be noted;
  2. that broad support of the bid be given by the Committee; and
  3. that Sarah Marshall, HO Race Equality Unit, be invited to attend future meetings of the Committee as an observer.

11. Dates of future meetings

Members were invited to set a timetable for future meetings of the Committee. It was concluded that in order to engage with as many people as possible, meetings should be in the evening and rotate around various venues in London.

that meetings be held on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6pm at different venues around London.

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