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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 10 December 2001 at Romney House, Marsham Street, London, SW1.



  • Toby Harris (Chair)
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Richard Barnes (Deputy Chair)
  • Cindy Butts
  • Lynne Featherstone
  • Peter Herbert (Deputy Chair)
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Jenny Jones
  • Nicholas Long
  • Cecile Lothian
  • R David Muir
  • Eric Ollerenshaw
  • Sir John Quinton
  • Richard Sumray
  • Graham Tope
  • Abdal Ullah
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Peter Martin (Treasurer)
  • Nick Baker (Secretariat)

MPS officers

  • Sir John Stevens (Commissioner)
  • Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner)
  • Tarique Ghaffur (Assistant Commissioner)
  • Bernard Hogan-Howe (Assistant Commissioner)
  • Michael Todd (Assistant Commissioner)
  • Keith Luck (Director of Resources)

Approximately 110 members of the press/public and other MPA/MPS staff were also present.

Part 1

74. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Darren Johnson.

75. Minutes: 25 October 2001

(Agenda item 2)

The Authority considered the minutes of the meetings held on 25 October 2001.

Resolved that the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 25 October 2001 be signed as a correct record.

76. Question to the Authority

(Agenda item 3)

In accordance with Standing Order 15, the Authority were asked the following questions from Mrs Susan Wilson.

'I have been advised to write to you to request that my question is presented to the MPA and the Metropolitan Police Service regarding the reporting and investigation of a crime of assault committed by a Metropolitan Policeman in June 1996.

This crime was originally reported to the Police Complaints Authority but they said they had "no locus" in the matter and needed to be invited by the Metropolitan Police to investigate.

What is a member of the public to do when the PCA will not investigate a crime committed by a police officer?

I enclose a copy of a video tape which shows the assault on my son when he was 16 years old. The Metropolitan Police claimed in the High Court this was an "accidental collision" but Mr Justice Morland found it to be a "deliberate unlawful assault."

The Clerk made the following response:

'You have had an opportunity to put the issues relating to your son's injury in 1996 to the Deputy Chair of the Authority. A further meeting, with the Chair of the Authority, to which other members are invited, is to take place on 17 December 2001.

I have discussed your specific question on the need for an investigation into the alleged assault on your son with the Deputy Commissioner. He is concerned that you may not know the full extent to which enquiries have already been made. He would therefore like to invite you to attend a meeting with Deputy Assistant Commissioner Hayman who will take you through the steps the Metropolitan Police took to investigate this incident.

However there is ongoing litigation of the matter with an appeal pending in February 2002. The decision to bring an appeal is one for the Metropolitan Police and is not a matter in which the Authority has a locus to intervene.

It would be inappropriate to comment on the details of the civil litigation until the conclusion of the appeal where the Court of Appeal will examine all the facts including the video evidence in detail. To do otherwise and to discuss this case in public, including a detailed exposition of a video, runs the risk of a breach of the Contempt of Court Act 1981.

Members have however already had an opportunity to see the video and a further opportunity will be available to them at the private meeting with the Chairman and others on 17 December 2001'.

Resolved – That the questions from Mrs Susan Wilson be received.

77. Minutes of committees

(Agenda item 4)

The Authority received the approved/draft minutes (previously circulated) of the following committee meetings:

Resolved - That the minutes be received.

78. Special meeting of the Authority

(Agenda item 5)

Members were asked to consider a special meeting of the Authority to consider issues around deaths in police custody.

Resolved – That a special meeting of the Authority be held on 18 January 2002 at 10.00 a.m. to consider issues around deaths in police custody.

79. Chair's and members update

(Agenda item 6)

The Chair's and Members' activities since the last meeting were given.

The Chair updated Members on his current programme of borough visits and extended an invitation to other Members to join him on these visits.

Resolved – That the Chair's and Members update be noted.

80. Commissioner's update

(Agenda item 7)

The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, Sir John Stevens, gave the Authority an update on the following developments and current issues

'Week in the life of the MPS'

Following a request from Members the Commissioner outlined a week within the MPS. The Commissioner gave some of the incidents and duties undertaken during the week 3-9 November 2001. These included the Information Room taking in excess of 49, 000 calls, 73,000 emergency '999' calls received, 24,000 crimes entered into 'CRIS'; a state visit from the King of Jordan and an official visit from the President of Pakistan; policing of event such as a film premier in Leicester Square, football matches across London, a trade justice march and rally; unplanned events such as an impromptu demonstration in Southall, disorder at a festival in Waltham Forest, a disturbance at a night club in Hammersmith (involving a crowd of over 200 people – officers had CS gas used against them), disturbance in Hillingdon between Asian and Somalian youths, 167 calls relating to concerns relating to anthrax. The Commissioner added that during this period there were two murders, three unexplained deaths and three non-fatal shootings.

The Commissioner undertook to circulate this information to Members, together with further information on the figures on the use of CS spray. He also proposed that he report back to Members on assaults on officers, the disarming of people with weapons and officer pursuits.

Members asked the Commissioner for a future update to include information that gives a comparison of over a period of a month and a comparison borough by borough.


The Commissioner updated the Authority on international terrorism and the MPS involvement in the investigations relating to the terrorist attack in New York and to Irish republican terrorist.

The Commissioner gave details of the arrest of suspected terrorists in relation to recent bombings in London and Birmingham.

MPS Christmas anti drink-drive campaign

The Commissioner confirmed that a campaign, in association with the national campaign, would be taking place this year and that this would run from 18 December 2001 to 2 January 2002.

Members raised concerns about the late decision to allow extended licensing laws during the New Year period and the cost effects on the service. Members also raised concern about people driving under the influence of drugs and the Commissioner confirmed that the MPS would be striving to influence a change to current legislation relating to this issue.

Arising from the discussion Members raised concerns about women's safety when using unlicensed cabs and how this was being considered as part of the MPS strategy on safety. It was agreed that a report on this issues be made to a future meeting of the Authority.

Operation Trident

The Commissioner gave details on Operation Trident, including an increase outside of the five Trident hot spot borough's; 4 murders, 21 non fatal shootings, 36 arrests for various crimes, fire arms recovery and details of a operation in which £2 million worth of cocaine had been found on a flight from Jamaica. The Commissioner requested that the co-operation of the authorities in Jamaica be noted and acknowledged that Trident crimes did not just relate to Jamaica.

In response to Members, the Commissioner agreed that Trident would have an effect on the murder clear up rate. In addition, the Commissioner agreed that a further report should be given to the Authority on the lessons learnt from Operation Strongbox.

Arising from this discussion, it was noted that a letter had appeared in 'The Voice' newspaper which was detrimental to Operation Trident and it was suggested that the MPS pass on the information shared with Members, which may give the author of the letter a better view of current work being undertaken.

Resolved – That

  1. the Commissioner's update be noted;
  2. the information on a 'week in the MPS' be circulated to Members;
  3. the Commissioner circulate to Members details of usage of CS spray by officers;
  4. the Commissioner report back to the Authority with details on assaults on officers, the disarming of people with weapons and officer pursuits;
  5. a report be presented to a future meeting of the Authority on MPS work on public transport safety, particularly in relation to women's safety, unlicensed cabs and work being undertaken with other agencies; and
  6. a report be presented to a future meeting of the Authority on the learning lessons of Operation Strongbox.

81. Policing priorities and objectives 2002/03

(Agenda item 8)

The Authority considered a report that outlined the process used to develop policing priorities and objectives for 2002/03.

The report also gave details of the remaining activities to develop a matrix for the delivery of objectives and highlighted the bespoke target setting process for the safer communities objective.

Member raised concerns that the priorities and objectives were not inline with the Authority's budget process, but acknowledged that this was partly a result of the delay in receiving the ministerial priorities.

It was noted that it was intended to bring a further report to Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee on 17 January 2001 and the full Authority on 24 January 2001 containing the MPS proposals for priorities, objectives, performance indicators and targets.

Resolved – That

  1. Members endorse the 2002/03 priorities and objectives as proposed by MPS Management Board; and
  2. Members note the progress on development of performance indicators and targets for delivery of objectives, and the bespoke target setting process.

82. Revenue budget 2002/03

(Agenda item 9)

The Authority were reminded that the draft budget for 2002/03 had been submitted to the Mayor following the last meeting in October 2001. The Authority now considered a report that updated Members on the current position and which sought final approval before the Mayor undertakes his statutory obligation to consult on the final budget proposals.

As this report had been prepared before the announcement of the grant settlement for the next year, Members were given an update by the Treasurer arising from further consideration of the budget by the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee on 6 December 2001.

It was noted that the net impact of the grant settlement was to reduce MPA grant forecasts by £0.4 million and that late amendments had been made to the savings identified since the submission of the draft budget reducing the total from £60.4 million to £59.5 million (giving a total of £63.7 million savings accounting for £4.2 million of previous savings). In the light of the grant settlement and amendments to the proposed savings the funding shortfall had increased from £6.8 million to £8.1 million.

In addition to the information given by the Treasurer, the Chair informed the Authority that he had received from the Mayor a letter which included a proposal to increase his financing envelope by £18 million, subject to the views of the Authority.

In order for Members to consider this additional information the Chair proposed and Members agreed that the meeting stand adjourned for ten minutes.

Following the reconvening to the meeting, a proposals was put to Members by Richard Barnes that a special meeting of the Authority be called, within the next two weeks, in order for Members to considered the further information provided on the budget. Following a vote, this proposal was lost.

Members agreed to note the proposals in the Mayor's letter, and to continue to identify savings. The Authority agreed to review the additional allocation from the Mayor, holding back elements for contingency and releasing some on key deliverables. The Authority also noted the intention of the Mayor that the revised provision should recruit an additional 1,000 officers, but agreed that the Authority should review their deployment, taking account of underlying costs and any decisions the Home Office may make on the funding for counter-terrorism activities. It was agreed that the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee should review the allocation of resources being committed against diversity, equalities and consultation, taking account of other MPA development bids in order to achieve an appropriate balance of MPA and MPS requirements.

Members also discussed the Transport for London's proposals for enforcement of priority routes and agreed that the Authority needed to consider this in further detail.

The Authority noted the reduction of civil staff posts and the need to review the role of civil staff whilst continuing with the process of civilianisation and the Chair agreed to write to all MPS staff outlining developments in respect of the budget.

Resolved – That

  1. the letter from the Mayor dated 10 December 2001 be noted;
  2. the process for identifying savings should continue in order to provide further resilience to the 2002/03 budget and in anticipation of savings requirements in future years and that the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee at its next meeting should consider the scope for further savings;
  3. the Authority should review the treatment of the additional allocation from the Mayor and hold back some part of the overall budget as a contingency to be released on satisfactory progress on key deliverables (i.e. savings and recruitment targets);
  4. the Mayor's intention that the revised provision should recruit an additional 1,000 officers be noted and that the Authority review their deployment and the assumptions underlying the costing, taking account of decisions by the Home Office on the funding of future counter-terrorism activities;
  5. the savings so far identified (£63.7 million) should be pursued and the additional expenditure of £24.2 million be approved;
  6. the reduction in civil staff posts and the need to review the role of civil staff whilst continuing with the process of civilianisation;
  7. the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee should review the allocation of resources being committed against diversity, equalities and consultation, taking into account all the MPA development bids, to achieve an appropriate balance of MPA and MPS requirements;
  8. the Chair of the Authority write to all members of staff of the Metropolitan Police Service to explain developments in respect of the budget; and
  9. that a report be made to the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and full Authority on the Transport for London proposals for enforcement of priority routes.

83. Review of the Resources Allocation Formula

(Agenda item 10)

The Chair agreed to receive this report as an urgent item as work on the allocation formula had only recently concluded.

Members considered a report that set out the recommendations from the joint MPA/MPS Project Board for the implementation of the Resource Allocation Formula (RAF) in 2002/03 including the proposed structure of the new formula, the impacts across boroughs, consultation arrangements and the longer-term application of the formula.

Graham Tope informed the Authority of the review undertaken by the MPA/MPS Project Board, which he chaired, to review the formula, including the consultation process and workshops. Following this process the Project Board concluded that the final recommendations to the Authority should be what should be the baseline date against which the allocations are based and what boroughs should be given further consideration for additional posts under capital city allowance or Commissioner's judgement. In addition to the options considered by the Project Board, in relation to the most appropriate baseline date against which allocations are based, a further option: a 'high tide' option based on each borough's best strength between March 2001 and October 2001 was considered and subsequently recommended.

Graham Tope confirmed that the Project Board's 'high tide' recommended option would require an additional 275 officers above the current target of 17,585 on boroughs by March 2002 in order to ensure that there are no losers against best strength.

Cindy Butts sought clarification of the recommended allocation figure given at Appendix 1 of the report for Hammersmith and Fulham that she believed to incorrect. The Deputy Commissioner believed this to be a clerical error and undertook to validate this number.

Members request that a vote be taken on which baseline date option should be agreed, a majority of Members voted in favour of the option given at recommendation 2 of the report.

Resolved - That

  1. Members agree the revised RAF formula;
  2. Members approve the recommendation of the project Board that implementation be based on a best strength baseline where no borough will be allocated fewer officers that its best strength position between March 2001 and October 2001, as given in option 4 Appendix 1 to the report;
  3. Members note the application of Commissioner's judgement for additional posts to Lambeth, Greenwich and Newham as a result of exceptional factors currently existing in those boroughs;
  4. Members note that the Project Board is keen to move to a full application of the formula outcomes as soon as possible; and
  5. that the RAF process be reviewed in three years time.

84. Implications of adopting the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS)

(Agenda item 11)

The Authority considered a report that informed Members that NCRS had been developed through ACPO for the purpose of addressing regional variation in crime recording and to take account of a victim focused approach to recording crime. It was noted that the ACPO Chief Constables' Council had agreed the introduction of the standard across all 43 police services in England and Wales by April 2002. The report outlined the implications for the MPS in terms of resource abstractions and associated opportunity costs, within an anticipated range of increase between 10% and 20% in the level of recorded crime.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

85. Resignation of Independent Member of the MPA

(Agenda item 12)

The Authority were informed that Angela Slaven had tendered her resignation as an independent Member following her appointment as an officer of a London local authority. The Authority were asked to agree consequential action to recruit a replacement independent Member and to seek nominations for her position as Deputy Chair of the Human Resources Committee.

Members paid tribute to Angela her work and commitment made to the Authority and as Deputy Chair of Human Resources Committee, together with her link member work with Bromley and Lewisham. Members wished her well in her new job. The Commissioner joined Members in thanking Angela for her work, particularly that in youth crime.

Arising out of the discussion the Chair commissioned a report on the role of link members, and in particularly in relation to non-borough command units.

Resolved – That

  1. Authority note that Angela Slaven will resign as an independent Member of the MPA with effect from midnight on 1 January 2002;
  2. Richard Sumray be appointed to sit on the selection panel to produce a long list of candidates for recommendation to the Home Secretary;
  3. Members of the selection panel be paid an allowance of £140 per day or £70 per half day;
  4. the Authority agree the approach recommended in paragraph 5 of this report for selecting a new independent Member from the shortlist provided by the Home Secretary and that Toby Harris, Richard Barnes and Cecile Lothian sit on the appointments panel;
  5. the Clerk be authorised to take all necessary steps to progress the recruitment process, including the placing of advertisements in the appropriate media;
  6. the period of appointment for the new independent Member be the same as for current independent Members, i.e. to July 2004;
  7. Cecile Lothian be appointment as Deputy Chair of the Human Resources Committee, to take effect from 2 January 2002;
  8. the link member vacancies caused by Angela Slaven's resignation be deferred at this stage until a new Independent Member is appointed; and
  9. the Authority received a report on the role of link members, particularly in relation to non-borough command units.

86. Appointment of Independent Members of the Standards Committee

(Agenda item 13)

The Authority received a report that sought confirmation of the appointment of two independent members for the Authority's Standard Committee.

Resolved – That Stephanie Caplan and Ian Whitburn be appointed as the independent members to the MPA Standards Committee for a term of four years from the date of this meeting.

87. Police reform update

(Agenda item 14)

The Chair agreed to consider this report as urgent as the Authority had only recently received details of the Government's White Paper on police reform.

Following the publication of 'Policing a new century: a blueprint for reform', the Authority considered a report that set out the next steps for the Authority to respond to the Government's agenda for reforming the police.

In response to a request from the Deputy Commissioner, the Clerk stated that a joint response with the MPS could be given on agreed issues, but reserved the right for the MPA to response on individual matters.

Resolved – That

  1. the report and the date for the forthcoming workshop on 20 December 2001 at 10.00 a.m. be noted; and
  2. the draft response to the Home Secretary should be circulated for comment and amendment early in January 2002.

88. Quarterly Performance Report

(Agenda item 15)

Members considered a report that gave an overview of MPS performance against the targets in the policing plan.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

The meeting closed at 6.30 p.m.

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