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Minutes of the meeting of the Human Resources Committee held at Romney House, Marsham Street, SW1 on 1 November 2001.



  • Rachel Whittaker (Chair)
  • Angela Slaven (Deputy Chair)
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Cindy Butts
  • Nicholas Long
  • Cecile Lothian
  • Graham Tope
  • Abdal Ullah

MPA staff

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Ken Hunt (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Alan Johnson (Head of Human Resources)

MPS staff

  • Esme Crowther (Head of Employment Tribunal and Grievance Advice Unit)
  • Simon Bray (A/Commander, Directorate of Professional Standards)
  • Chris Haselden (Human Resources Performance Management)
  • Mike Shurety (Assistant Director of Personnel)
  • Alastair Thompson (Director of Personnel Business Services)
  • Linda Van den Hende (Business Director - Occupational Health)

Part 1

44. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Bernard Hogan-Howe (Assistant Commissioner) and Peter Clarke (Deputy Assistant Commissioner), both from Personnel, MPS.

45. Minutes: 6 September 2001

(Agenda item 2)

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. At the last meeting, it was agreed that a working group would be set up to consider the police reform agenda. Anthony Arbour agreed to join Graham Tope and Angela Slaven on the working group.

Resolved - that

  1. the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 6 September 2001 be confirmed and signed as a correct record; and
  2. Anthony Arbour would join Graham Tope and Angela Slaven on the working group on the police reform agenda.

46. Minutes of Remuneration Sub-committee: 11TH October 2001

(Agenda item 3)

The minutes of the last Remuneration Sub Committee were noted.

Resolved - that minutes of the meeting of the Remuneration Sub Committee held on 11th October be noted.

47. Chair and Members’ update

(Agenda item 4)

The Chair had attended an Association of Police Authorities (APA) conference on human resource issues, and a Police Negotiating Board (PNB) meeting on behalf of Toby Harris. Cindy Butts had attended a meeting with the Police Federation, chaired by Angela Slaven. This had sought to improve communications between the MPA and Federation. She had also attended a workshop on the competency framework.

Resolved that update be received.

48. January committee meeting change of date

(Agenda item 5)

At its meeting in March the Human Resources (HR) Committee agreed the dates of committee meetings for the coming year. However at the meeting in September, the Chair requested that the date of the meeting in January be changed. 10 January at 10.00 a.m. had appeared a suitable option, but it was then learnt it would clash with a GLA meeting. Members were invited to discuss a suitable alternative, however they agreed the meeting should take place at 10 a.m. on 10 January.

Resolved that January 2002 meeting of the HR Committee be moved from 3 January to on 10 January.

49. MPS civil staff and the pay and grading review

(Agenda item 6)

Members received a report updating them on the annual pay award process for MPS civil staff, and seeking agreement to proceed with changes arising from the pay and grading review. Members were informed that the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Management Board had endorsed the proposals from the pay and grading review, and had recognised generally that civil staff jobs were paid below the London public sector median and that there were recruitment and retention problems. Members were given more information about the pay proposals in a presentation by Hay in the exempt part of the meeting.

Questions were asked about the recycling of money not spent on vacant posts. The recyclable element had been devolved to organisational command units, and was not available centrally to be redistributed. The cost of the proposals in the current financial year was estimated at £12 million, which was included in the budget. In the following years the additional cost of the incremental increases would be £5 million for three to four years until the London public sector median had been reached. A resolution on the recommendations in the report was postponed to agenda item 21.

50. Reform agenda

(Agenda item 7)

The Clerk informed Members that the white paper on the police reform programme was now unlikely to be published before December. The Home Secretary had made a statement on the outcomes from the PNB. This would be circulated to Members.

A workshop on police reform would be held on 12 November. Members expressed concern that the information given to the press on civil patrols was more than they themselves had received. The Clerk would raise this matter formally with the Commissioner.

Resolved that

  1. a verbal update on the reform agenda be heard;
  2. the Home Secretary’s statement on the outcomes from the PNB would be circulated to Members; and
  3. that the Clerk raise formally with the Commissioner the issue of the press being given information on civilian patrols in excess of that received by Members.

51. Progress on personnel related HMIC recommendations

(Agenda item 8)

A report was received on the recommendations for action contained in the latest report from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), ‘MPS Inspection Report 2000/2001’. It also outlined the current position in respect of ‘Winning the Race: Embracing Diversity’ and provided a progress update on the outstanding human resource recommendations contained in the earlier HMIC inspections as reported to the MPA Human Resources Committee in March 2001. 

The HMIC National Thematic Inspection Report ‘Winning the Race: Embracing Diversity’ included the recommendation “that only ‘qualified’ trainers are used in CRR training and that NPT and ACPO compile a suitable definition of ‘qualified’ that the Service can adopt with common accord”. Members were informed that the MPS had formed a working definition pending receipt of a definition from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO). The Clerk agreed to raise this with the APA.

The HMIC Thematic Inspection Report ‘Policing London ‘Winning Consent’ Part 1 – Community Safety and Race Relations’ recommended that the MPS conduct a review of the grievance procedure to make it more effective and user friendly, for both management and staff at all levels. The Chair asked for an update of this review at the HR meeting in January.

Questions were asked about workforce planning and promotion procedures. Members were told that these were to be brought together under a single command as part of the restructuring of Personnel Department to form a new HR Directorate. A plan of action would be brought to this committee when a director for the new command was appointed.

Resolved that

  1. the contents of the report be noted;
  2. MPA actions be agreed;
  3. the Clerk raise with the APA the need for ACPO to define ‘qualified trainers’ for CRR training; 
  4. Members receive an update on the review of the grievance procedure in January; and 
  5. an action plan for the new ‘selection command’ be bought to the committee when prepared.

52. MPS sickness

(Agenda item 9)

Members received an analysis of the sickness data currently available and an update on the report submitted on 6 September 2001. The report set out the process for recording and collating sickness data, identified the owner of the corporate sickness data and proposed the type and range of data to be made available for MPS analysis on a monthly basis. In addition, the report provided proposals for future information provision to the MPA,

Resolved that

  1. Members note the contents of the report and the further analysis to be undertaken;
  2. monthly sickness data and trends be provided to the HR Committee through the Personnel Management Information Report; and
  3. detailed six-monthly reports, incorporating an analysis of the data and an impact statement of interventions taken, together with supporting data to evidence success, be made in January 2003 to coincide with HR Committee meetings.

53. Police officers’ allowances

(Agenda item 10)

A report was received providing details of the various allowances payable to police officers, the costs of those allowances and the authority process applicable to them.

Resolved that

  1. the various allowances payable and the authority process applying to them be noted; and
  2. that those allowances negotiated through PNB and ratified by the Home Secretary be approved formally by the Clerk, in consultation with the Treasurer, in line with the decision reached on 21 June 2001 regarding the approval of increases to other allowances. 

54. Facilities for MPS support associations

(Agenda item 11)

A report was received providing details of the facilities provided to the MPS support associations, the arrangements for meeting the associations on a regular basis and the approach to be taken to the formation of new associations. 

Resolved that the current position be noted and that a progress report be provided to the HR Committee in 6 months time.

55. Personnel management information

(Agenda item 12)

A report providing a range of personnel related management information to the end of September 2001, with a summary of key points was received. Members were informed that the retention of new recruits was monitored, particularly during their first five years of service. At the moment, the fall out rate from Hendon was no higher than in the past. It was suggested that due to the flexibilities available in the devolved civil staff pay budgets, the term ‘budgeted workforce target’ was misleading in respect of the numbers of civil staff. The MPS were asked to explore an alternative term. 

Resolved the contents of this report and the management information provided be noted.

56. Terms of reference of the Remuneration Sub-committee

(Agenda item 13)

Members received a report recommending some changes to the Remuneration Sub-Committee’s terms of reference.

Resolved that the following changes be made to the Sub-Committee’s terms of reference:

  1. the terms of reference 1 - 4 of the Remuneration Sub-Committee be amended as follows:
    ACPO Ranks
    1. To consider, for recommendation to the Human Resources Committee, any new pay ranges for all ACPO ranks. These will be subject to agreement at the Police Negotiating Board and ratification by the Home Secretary.
    2. To consider and agree the pay and terms and conditions to be offered on appointment to ACPO ranks up to and including Assistant Commissioner. This will include the length of any fixed term appointment. To develop, in discussion with the Commissioner, the performance assessment regime and additional benefits over and above those to which these posts are entitled by Police Regulations. This will also include early retirement arrangements for all ACPO ranks. 
    3. To make recommendations to the Home Secretary in relation to the terms and conditions to be offered to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner. 
  2. the terms of reference 5 – 8 be amended as follows:
    Senior MPS Civil Staff
    1. To consider recommendations from the Commissioner about the pay, terms and conditions, including early retirement or redundancy, for senior civil staff in pay bands 1 to 4.
    2. To agree with the Commissioner those senior civil staff posts for whom the MPA will be involved with the process of selection. For the senior civil staff in band 1 to agree with the Commissioner and to implement a process which reflects the Authority’s intention to be involved in objective setting.

Senior MPA Staff

  1. the current term of reference in relation to the level of salaries and salary increases for the MPA Clerk and Treasurer remain unchanged.

57. Review of recruitment and retention difficulties in the Internal Audit Directorate

(Agenda item 14)

The HR Committee, Audit Panel and Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee had recently considered reports containing details of the review of recruitment and retention difficulties in the Internal Audit Directorate carried out by Cornwell Associates. Hay Management Consultants had conducted an evaluation of the pay ranges to supplement this work and ensure consistency with other staff in the MPA Secretariat. Members received a report containing details of the pay arrangements for Internal Audit staff and how existing staff would be assimilated onto the new pay ranges.

Resolved that the pay and assimilation arrangements for Internal Audit staff be agreed. 

58. Employment Tribunals

(Agenda item 15)

The Committee agreed to receive a report providing management information about MPS Employment Tribunal cases circulated with less than three clear working days notice. This report was considered urgent because Members needed to keep abreast of developments. This format of the report had been refined to identify those Tribunals currently pending, which had been categorised as exceptional or significant. 

A Member requested more information provided in the report on exposure to risk. He would speak to the MPS staff involved. Another Member felt that it might often be more cost effective to settle all cases than fight them, however the legal advice received by the MPS was that cases could not be approached solely on a financial basis. 

The Clerk informed Members that a protocol had been agreed with the MPS whereby she would receive a weekly update, and a quarterly report on Employment Tribunals. She would keep Members informed of exceptional or significant cases. 

An exempt appendix was discussed after the exclusion of the press and public. It was agreed that this appendix would remain in the same format.

Resolved that

  1. contents of the report be noted; and 
  2. the next report include discussion of the relative merits of contesting or settling cases out of court.

59. Review of recruitment process for Deputy Clerk

(Agenda item 16)

Following the Deputy Clerk selection process earlier in the year, it was agreed to set up a review to look at the recruitment process, assess if it was fair and open and identify any lessons to be learnt. The review had been completed and the recommendations were summarised in the report. It was agreed that Members would be provided with the full report. 

Resolved that 

  1. the recommendations of the review and quality assurance process be noted, and any necessary action arising be agreed; and
  2. a copy of the full review be given to Members.

60. Review of MPA Secretariat senior staff structure

(Agenda item 17)

The Chair of the MPA commissioned a review of the MPA senior staff structure in the light of experience gained since the introduction of the new Police Authority in July 2000. The review report should be completed in the next two weeks.

Resolved that Members note the contents of this report; and receive the review at the earliest opportunity.

61. Monitoring of MPA staffing and recruitment

(Agenda item 18)

A report was received providing an analysis by gender and ethnic origin of the recruitment exercises in the MPA. A request was made that the report be presented to the Community, Diversity and Outreach Committee.

Resolved that 

  1. the MPA should examine best practice in comparable organisations to inform ways to improve under-representation in the workforce and the success of under-represented groups (including the disabled) in its recruitment processes.
  2. the MPA review the methods and media used for recruitment purposes and consider consultation with representative organisations such as the Employers Forum on Disability to improve areas of under-representation; and
  3. the MPA should continue to monitor its workforce and recruitment processes.
  4. the report should be presented to the Community, Diversity and Outreach Committee 

62. Airwave and health issues

(Agenda item 19)

A report was received which reviewed public concern with health issues over the technology used in the Airwave system. The technology was not yet used by the MPS.

Resolved that the content of the report be noted, and updates be received quarterly. 

63. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 20)

Resolved that the press and public be asked to leave the meeting during discussion of the remaining items of business because exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 was likely to be made known.

64. MPS civil staff pay and grading review (presentation)

(Agenda item 21)

A representative of the Hay Group gave a presentation on civil staff pay and grading proposals. It was agreed that Angela Slaven and Cindy Butts maintain an oversight of the process for the MPA.

Resolved that

  1. the outcome of the annual pay award of 3.5% on basic pay, which took effect from 1 July 2001 for industrial staff and from 1 August 2001 for non-industrial staff be noted;
  2. the changes recommended by the pay and grading review, approved by the MPS Management Board, which will move MPS civil staff towards the median of London Public Sector Pay be agreed;
  3. the additional funds needed in 2002/03 be noted and the requirement for full year costs in 2003/04 and future years to be reflected in the medium term financial forecast be agreed, subject to savings being found; and
  4. Angela Slaven and Cindy Butts maintain an oversight of the implementation process for the MPA.

65. MPA/MPS personnel developments (verbal update)

(Agenda item 23)

The Clerk circulated a note of the recent Deputy Assistant Commissioner and Commander promotions. She had some concerns about the process for these promotion boards. These would be addressed before the next promotion board. The MPA and MPS should jointly review the ACPO posts within the MPS.

Following comments made by the Commissioner on Operation Calm at the full Authority meeting, Members requested and received a briefing note on the welfare of officers employed during this operation. The MPS undertook to consider how managers could be reminded of their responsibility for welfare of staff.

An update was given on the Human Resource Director recruitment exercise. Members were also informed about a senior civil staff suspension.

The meeting ended at 5.15 p.m.

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