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Report 9 of the 26 May 03 meeting of the MPA Committee and seeks approval to the process and timetable for the Independent Member appointments that will be required in 2004.

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Appointment process for MPA independent members in 2004

Report: 9
Date: 26 June 2003
By: Clerk


This report seeks approval to the process and timetable for the Independent Member appointments that will be required in 2004.

A. Recommendations

That the Authority:

  1. Approves the timetable attached as an appendix to this report and authorises the Clerk to take the necessary steps to progress it, subject to report to the Co-ordination & Policing Committee as appropriate;
  2. Appoints a GLA or Magistrate member of the Authority to serve on the Selection Panel; and
  3. Considers and, if possible at this stage, agrees the basis and membership of the panel that will make the final Independent member appointments.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA enters its second term in the summer of 2004 and all three elements of its membership – Greater London Assembly members, Magistrate members and Independent members – will be the subject of electoral or appointment processes.

2. The government has now confirmed that the Greater London Authority elections will be held on 10 June. Therefore, the 12 GLA appointments to the MPA for the next four year term will be known after that date. The current Magistrate members’ term of office expires on 30 June 2004. The Greater London Magistrate’s Courts Association is responsible, via its selection panel, for selecting the four Magistrate members to serve on the MPA.

3. The MPA is responsible for the appointment of six Independent members (the seventh is appointed by the Home Secretary). As members will know, these positions are publicly advertised, followed by a three stage appointment process:

  1. A selection panel considers the applications and interviews to arrive at a long list of 24 candidates. This selection panel comprises one Assembly or Magistrate member of the MPA; one person appointed by the Home Secretary; and one other person appointed by the other two panel members.
  2. The Home Secretary then selects a short list of 12 candidates.
  3. A panel of MPA members (Assembly and Magistrate members only) interview these candidates to make the six appointments.

4. Attached as Appendix 1 is a proposed timetable for the recruitment process. The Authority is asked to agree this and authorise the Clerk to take the necessary steps to progress it, subject to report to the Co-ordination & Policing Committee as appropriate.

5. The Authority is also asked to appoint its GLA or Magistrate member to the first stage selection panel. Expressions of interest in this position have been sought and will be reported to the meeting.

6. The final stage of the process is the appointment interviews. For the appointment of the current Independent members in 2000, the panel consisted of all Assembly and Magistrate members of the Authority (or those who were able to attend). Some Independent members have commented on how daunting those interviews were because of this. It also meant that there was not a consistent panel membership for all the interviews. The Authority is invited to consider an alternative, such as an appointments panel of five members – four GLA members (one from each party group) and a Magistrate member – and, if possible at this stage, to agree the membership of the panel.

7. These Independent member appointments will make a significant contribution to the Authority’s effectiveness in its second term. It is therefore important to interest the right candidates – across a broad spectrum of interests and backgrounds - and to give them as accurate as possible a picture of what MPA membership involves. The Association of Police Authorities (APA) produced much useful material to support the Independent member recruitment process in other police authorities last year. This will be helpful, but the Authority will want to produce its own publicity material.

C. Equality and diversity implications

It is important that, as far as possible, the Authority’s membership reflects the communities it serves. Attention will be paid, therefore, to each stage of the process to make sure that no candidates or potential candidates are disadvantaged in any way. Although it is essential that the successful applicants can demonstrably meet the role specification, integral to the selection for interview and final appointments will be the aim of arriving at a balanced membership, as well as one that can bring a variety of skills and experiences to the role.

D. Financial implications

The 2003/04 budget contains provision of £100,000 for this recruitment and appointment exercise. Although the exercise has not yet been costed out, clearly publicity will be a significant cost. Depending on the response agency services may be needed to handle initial expressions of interest and/or an initial assessment of the applications – in 2000 nearly 800 information packs were sent out and 157 applications received.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Independent Member recruitment timetable

26 June 2003
Appoint Selection Panel and Appointment Panel at AGM

By mid-September 2003
Ensure that Home Secretary’s appointment to the Selection Panel has been made (current appointment expires 9 November 2003)

By 5 September 2003
Finalise copy for advertisements and recruitment initiatives (3 weeks to next stage)

Weeks of 29 September and 6 October
Advertisements in newspapers

Week of 20 October 2003
Open Day or other recruitment initiatives

(6 weeks from 29 September to closing date)

7 November 2003
Closing date for applications

(6 weeks allowed for Selection Panel to decide who to interview)

By 19 December 2003
Selection Panel selection for interview completed

(7 weeks allowed for Selection Panel interviews. But includes the Xmas period and 50 + interviews will be required – up to 6 days of interviews)

By 6 February 2004
Selection Panel interviews completed for production of long list (50 + interviews)

(1 week allowed for production of letter to Home Secretary)

By 13 February 2004
Long list of 24 candidates sent to the Home Secretary

(6 weeks allowed for Home Secretary to agree a shortlist)

By 26 April 2004
Decision on final shortlist of 12 candidates from Home Secretary

By 26 April 2004
Home Secretary to inform MPA of his independent member appointee

(3 weeks allowed from Home Secretary’s decision to completion of final interview stage (12 interviews over 2 days) Easter Monday is 12 April)

By 26 April 2004
Final interview stage completed – GLA/Magistrate Member appointment panel

(1 week allowed for production of offer letters)

By 3 May 2004
All positions offered subject to references and any checks

3 July 2004
Start of Independent Members’ term of office

June/July 2004 Induction programme for all new members (Independent, Assembly and Magistrate)

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