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Report 15 of the 25 Sep 03 meeting of the MPA Committee and seeks members’ views on arrangements for Authority meetings from May to September 2004, taking account of the date of elections in June 2004.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Authority meetings May - September 2004

Report: 15
Date: 25 September 2003
By: Clerk


The report seeks members’ views on arrangements for Authority meetings from May to September 2004, taking account of the date of elections in June 2004.

A. Recommendations

That the Authority agrees that

  1. subject to approval from the Home Office, the 2004 annual meeting of the Authority be held on Thursday 8 July 2004;
  2. the meetings that would have taken place in June 2004, with the exception of Co-ordination and Policing Committee, be moved to May 2004 as given at Appendix 1 of the report; and
  3. to ensure continuity of business, the dates of meetings in July and September 2004, be approved as also given in Appendix 1.

B. Supporting information

1. At the Authority meeting on 27 February 2003, members agreed the calendar for Authority meetings up to April 2004 and that consideration be given to dates for meetings in May and June 2004 once the date of joint GLA\local and European elections had been decided.

2. The Home Office has now confirmed that GLA, local and the European parliamentary elections will be held on 10 June 2004.

3. The holding of elections in June will have implications for the MPA, namely that the submission of the GLA MPA members nominated by the Mayor are not expected until late June. It should also be borne in mind that the new term of office for magistrate and independent members starts in early July 2004.

4. This issue will affect other police authorities, as the Local Government Act 1972 requires them to hold an annual meeting between March and June. The Association of Police Authorities have raised this issue with the Home Office and are seeking a dispensation to allow authorities to hold annual meetings up to the end of August.

5. To allow as much time after 10 June 2004 for mayoral nominations to be received and for new/re appointed magistrate and independent members to be in place, it is proposed that the 2004 annual meeting of the Authority be held on Thursday 8 July 2004. It is also proposed to bring forward to May the committee meetings that would be otherwise be held in June 2004.

6. In order to avoid potential clashes with GLA meetings by keeping where possible to agreed days for MPA meetings, some Committee meetings would have to be held in either the morning or afternoon of another meeting and these proposals are given at Appendix 1. It is also proposed that as a safeguard, the Co-ordination and Policing Committees be retained in June 2004, in case urgent issues arise. Either of the meetings could be cancelled if not required.

7. Appendix 1 also proposes dates for the first 2004/05 cycle of meetings, in July and September. Changes of MPA membership may affect the viability of these dates, but some dates need to be put in the forwarded diary for the incoming members. If there are date problems these can be addressed at the annual meeting in early July 2004. It is also proposed to have a ‘business’ full Authority later in July 2004. This meeting could consider dates for committees for the rest of 2004/05.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are no equality and or diversity implications arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Nick Baker, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

May 2004

06 10.00 Professional Standards and Complaints Committee

2.00 Human Resources

07 11.00 Co-ordination and Policing
13 10.00 Consultation Committee

2.00 Planning, Performance and Review Committee

17 11.30 Co-ordination and Policing
20 12 -1.30 ACPO Conduct S/C

2.00 Equal Opps and Diversity

24 2.00 Finance Committee
27 10.00 MPA (full Authority)

2.00 Audit Panel


June 2004

04 11.00 Co-ordination and Policing (If required)

July 2004


11.00 Co-ordination and Policing (If required)


10.00 MPA (full Authority) Annual meeting


10.00 Professional Standards and Complaints Committee

12.30 ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee


11.30 Co-ordination and Policing (If required)


10.00 Human Resources

2.00 Finance Committee


10.00 Consultation Committee


10.00 MPA (full Authority)

September 2004

03 11.00 Co-ordination and Policing
09 12.00 ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee

2.30 Planning, Performance and Review Committee

13 10.00 Audit Panel
16 2.00 Equal Opps and Diversity
20 11.30 Co-ordination and Policing
23 2.00 Finance Committee
30 10.00 MPA (full Authority)

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