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Report 14 of the 25 Sep 03 meeting of the MPA Committee and proposed formats for monthly information made available about the support provided to boroughs by non-borough units and the aid resources supplied by both boroughs and non-borough units.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Support provided for boroughs by non-borough units

Report: 14
Date: 25 September 2003
By: Commissioner


The Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) has requested that monthly information be made available about the support provided to boroughs by non-borough units. In addition, the Deputy Chair of the MPA has requested information about the aid resources supplied by both boroughs and non-borough units. This report outlines proposed formats for both.

A. Recommendation

That the proposed format of the management information, and its supply to MPA members and OCU Commanders on a monthly basis be approved.

B. Supporting information

Support Provided for Boroughs by Non-Borough Units

1. The Chair of the Authority has requested a database that could be used when replying to letters querying policing levels on a Borough.

2. The attached template at Appendix 1 gives standard information in one chart, exception reports in a second and OPM data in a third. As this is based on existing information, these documents can now be produced, monthly in arrears.

3. It is proposed that this information is provided to MPA members and OCU Commanders.

4. As the Operational Policing Measure data becomes more readily available, this will, to a large extent, provide the information that is required pan-MPS.

Resources Supplied As Aid

5. The Deputy Chair of the MPA requested information about the resources supplied as aid by boroughs and non-boroughs on a monthly basis. Following consultation with CO11, the attached format, at Appendix 2, is proposed. This can be provided monthly in arrears with minimal additional work being required.

6. It comprises the percentage of aid provided by boroughs and non-borough units monthly between August 2001 and July 2002, and between August 02 and July 03, thereby enabling year on year and month on month comparisons to be made; two pie charts showing the types of aid provided, again allowing for year on year comparisons to be made; a bar chart that compares the number of constables on events by month during 2001/02 and 2002/03; and abstractions by percentage of RAF.

7 A commentary will also be provided with each month’s data, explaining monthly spikes and trends, and why a particular borough might be excluded from providing aid for a period of time. Again it is expected that this will generate further questions and demands for data, which will have to be carefully monitored and managed given the parochial nature of such information.

8. It is proposed that these tables form the second part of a monthly management information pack that is provided to MPA members and OCU Commanders.

C. Equality and diversity implications

Will be presented at the meeting.

D. Financial implications

The Government Affairs Unit will prepare the first section of the pack; the second section by CO11. Co-ordination and circulation of the combined document will be via the Government Affairs Unit. This function will be absorbed within current staffing levels. There are therefore only minimal financial implications in the preparation and circulation of the data proposed. However, should demand for additional information or analysis be sought, there is every likelihood that additional resources would be required.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: DAC Howlett, Commissioner’s Chief of Staff, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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