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26 September 2000

Minutes of the meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee held at Clockhouse Community Centre, Defiance Walk, Woolwich Dockyard Estate, London SE18 5LQ.



  • R David Muir (Chair)
  • Cindy Butts (Deputy Chair)
  • Angela Slaven (Deputy Chair)
  • Jenny Jones
  • Nicholas Long
  • Cecile Lothian
  • Abdul Ullah

MPA staff

  • Peter Edwards (Clerk)
  • Colin Balkman (Deputy Treasurer),
  • Liza McKinney
  • Alan Johnson
  • Julia Smith

MPS staff

  • Ann Wheeler, CDR
  • Stephen Roberts, CDR
  • M Messinger
  • CS S French
  • Supt S Corkill
  • Supt M Simmons
  • Chief Supt Zieminkski (Divisional Commander, Greenwich).

Plus 15 members of the press and public.

Part 1

12. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Jennette Arnold.

13. Comments from the Chair

The Chair of the Committee welcomed everybody to the meeting, the first Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee meeting held externally. The Chair informed the meeting that the object of these externally held meetings was to engage the public. The Chair concluded by inviting the Committee and MPA/MPS staff to introduce themselves.

14. Minutes

(Agenda item 2)

that the minutes of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee meeting. held on 28 July 2000 be signed and agreed as a true record.

15. Questions from the public

(Agenda item 3)

The Chair, in accordance with procedural Standing Order 33, invited questions from members of the public. It was noted that an allocation of thirty minutes would be made for questions. The following questions were put to the Committee:

  1. What are the MPA going to do about the exclusivity of the Greenwich PCCG and its lack of accountability regarding its financial responsibilities?
    A similar question was also raised from another member of the public.
    The Chair noted the points raised and the MPA agreed to look at the concerns raised about the Greenwich PCCG. The Chair also stated that he would personally, as MPA link member for Greenwich, become more involved in the PCCG.
  2. Would the MPA give a commitment to talk to PCCGs and allow them greater cross access to the MPA web site?
    The Chair informed the meeting that the MPA intended to review the efficiency and effectiveness of PCCGs as part of the Best Value review of consultation and would be looking at suitable ways of monitoring their work. The Chair also encouraged all MPA members to become involved in their respective PCCG. The Director of Communication undertook to look at ways in which PCCGs could have greater access to the MPA web site.
  3. What steps were the MPA taking to prevent the continuing loss to other areas of police officers in the Greenwich area, particularly in the light of the increase in racist attacks in the area?
    Chief Superintendent Zieminkski in reply stated that in the light of the poor public attendance at the Millennium Dome because of general manpower shortages in London, officers from the Greenwich area had been redeployed to other areas. However, despite this reduction, there had been a reduction in crime in Greenwich. It was hoped that the current recruitment drive would enhance the number of police officers throughout London.
  4. Should the MPA be encouraging young people to become more involved in PCCGs and should PCCGs be actively encouraging young people to join?
    Members agreed that young people should be encouraged to become involved in PCCGs and that the MPA should be actively looking at ways of encouraging both young people to join and PCCGs to involve young people in their work.
  5. What is the process for addressing complaints against the MPA and the MPS?
    It was noted that initial complaints against the MPS should be addressed at any local police station to the senior officer on duty, probably an inspector or sergeant. Complaints about the MPA should be addressed to the Clerk of the Authority. Complaints about members of the Authority should be directed to the Mayor for GLA members, to the Clerk of the Authority for Independent members and to the Greater London Magistrates Courts Association with regard to Magistrate members.
  6. Why does the MPS/MPA not consider recruiting and retaining more ‘Specials’?
    It was reported by the MPS that many ‘specials’, once recruited, decided to become full time police officers. Whilst this was welcomed, it resulted in the apparent loss of special officers.
  7. The Home Office has failed to monitor the poor performance and abuse of powers by many PCCGs, What are the MPA going to do to monitor PCCGs and to eliminate poor practice?
    The Chair reiterated that the MPA would be looking at PCCGs, particularly at some of the concerns that had been expressed, together with ways of harmonising the way in which PCCGs currently operated and boosting membership numbers. The Chair also encouraged MPA members to become more involved in their own link borough PCCGs.
  8. The MPA should look for guidance from the Black Police Association on matters of recruiting and retaining black and ethnic minority officers, which in turn would save the MPS considerable resources.
    Members noted the need for the continuing recruitment and retention of black and ethnic minority officers and acknowledged the support and help that could be obtained from the Black Police Association.

16. Chair’s update

(Agenda item 4)

The Committee received an update from the Chair on the following issues.

  1. Notting Hill Carnival
    It was reported that Committee member, Cindy Butts, had attended a meeting with the Chief Executive of the Notting Hill Carnival Trust to discuss the Trust’s perspective on the events during and following the Carnival.
    The Chair also reported that the Mayor was undertaking a review of the Carnival and that fellow Committee member, Nicholas Long, would be representing the MPA at that review.
  2. Lawrence Status report
    It was reported that negotiations on a settlement with the Lawrence family were continuing and that MPA supported the need for the settlement to be finalised as soon as possible, and to be generous and fair.
  3. Gurpal Virdi Status report
    It was reported that an inquiry team would be established to consider the issues around this case. It was noted that the Terms of Reference for the inquiry had yet to be drafted.

that the report be received.

17. Update on workshops for CDO committee

(Agenda item 5)

The Committee considered a report that informed members of the progress in preparing and arranging workshops on Diversity and Crime and Disorder.

that the outlined programmes for the workshops be approved.

18. Best value review - progress report

(Agenda item 6)

The Committee received a report on the progress that had been made with the Best Value Review. It was noted that the three main stages in the review were: Stage 1 planning the review; Stage 2 stakeholder analysis and communication plan and Stage 3 the detailed review.

The report informed the Committee of the progress that has been made to date, which included; surveying the MPS Borough Commands, London local authorities and PCCGs and the review of existing MPS surveys. The report informed the Committee of future comparisons that would be undertaken and that consultations with various organisations, including focus groups aimed at officers and staff in the MPS, focus groups for young people and the homeless, PCCGs and groups representing the community and voluntary sector, had been completed

that the continuing work being carried out by joint MPA/MPS project team on the Best Value Review be noted.

19. Interaction between the CDO Committee and the Consultation Review Best Value Project Board

(Agenda item 7)

Members considered a report that updated them on matters in management of Best Value Reviews by the MPA. It was noted that the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee took overall lead on Best Value reviews, but that individual reviews, such as that on consultation, might be managed by other committees.

that the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee secure agreement from the Chair of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee as to its own responsibility for ‘signing off’ the project report.

20. Working guidelines for members

(Agenda item 8)

The Committee considered a report that proposed draft guidelines for members in undertaking their ‘link member’ responsibilities. The draft working guidelines would operate until full consideration could be given to developing a protocol between key stakeholders and partners.

Members offered the following suggested additions to the list of local contacts set out in Appendix 1 to the report: GLA members; MPs/MEPs; local authority members; the probation service; local drug action teams; and the Health Services.


  1. that the development of a protocol on MPA link member working relationships and responsibilities be deferred until members had had time to gain experience of the role, exchange experiences and consult stakeholders and key partners; and
  2. that members note the draft guidelines at Appendix 1 to the report, subject to the additions noted, and that these be presented to the full Authority for approval at the meeting in November 2000.

21. Vienna Convention and response to disorder

(Agenda item 9)

At their meeting on 28 July 2000 the full Authority had considered a report that described the Vienna Convention and the Free Tibet campaign that was highlighted during a visit from the President of China; and that drew attention to some of the MPS actions, some involving greater lay involvement, that were now being taken, as well raising further issues on responses to disorder.

Following discussion the Authority resolved that this Committee receive a report on member involvement in the review process of the Vienna Convention issues. A report had accordingly been provided by the Commissioner for members’ consideration.


  1. that the Committee note the contents of the MPS Review report into the President of China’s State visit; and
  2. that Jenny Jones and Nicholas Long be appointed to attend the MPS review meeting.

22. ALG Community Safety Panel membership

(Agenda item 10)

The Committee considered a report that gave details of the ALG’s Community Safety Panel and which sought nominations of members of the Committee to represent the MPA on this Panel.

that R David Muir, Cecile Lothian and Angela Slaven be nominated to the ALG’s Community Safety Panel.

23. Greater London Authority consultation

(Agenda item 11)

The Committee received a report that informed them of the consultation framework that the Greater London Authority was considering and the current relationship with the emerging MPA action plan.

that the Committee note the GLA consultation framework.

24. Update on consultation for the 2001/02 policing plan

(Agenda item 12)

The Committee considered a report that updated members on the progress of the consultation taking place to inform development of the 2001/02 Policing Plan.


  1. that the progress made so far in conducting consultation to inform development of the 2001/02 Policing and Performance Plan be noted; and
  2. that proposals to conduct public and stakeholder consultation for the policing plan 2001/02 would be developed by the joint MPA/MPS working group prior to consideration by the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee at its meeting in October.

25. Progress in implementing 'Winning Consent'

(Agenda item 13)

The Committee considered a report that informed members on the progress that the MPS had made in implementing the Community Safety and Race Relations recommendations in the HMIC report ‘Police London - Winning Consent’.


  1. that the Committee noted the progress that the MPS had made in implementing the Community Safety and Race Relations recommendations in ‘Winning Consent’ and the proposed MPA role in monitoring MPS progress in implementing these recommendations; and
  2. that the Committee noted that the Chair’s Co-ordination and Urgency Committee would co-ordinate HMIC recommendations MPA involvement in the HMIC inspection process and that any involvement by this Committee in specific reports/recommendations would be reported in due course.

26. Lay visiting to police stations

(Agenda item 14)

Members received a report on the current arrangements for lay visiting to police stations in London, together with a proposed initial way forward on how the MPA, which has responsibility for lay visiting, can influence, engage with, and support, the existing Lay Visiting Panels.

The report outlined the background to lay visiting, the role of lay visitors and panels and gave information on an initial analysis of the work undertaken by lay visitors in London. The report concluded by suggesting that the Committee approve a proposal to commission a consultant to undertake a full and comprehensive review of lay visiting.


  1. that the report and work undertaken on lay visiting to be noted:
  2. that a further report be submitted to the Committee providing more details on the role and responsibilities of the proposed consultant and outlining the financial implications of the proposal.

27. Arrangements for future meetings of the committee

(Agenda item 15)

The Committee received a report that considered arrangements for future meetings of the Committee, in particular those held externally and sought approval to a set of criteria for hiring external venues.

The report also highlighted ways of publicising committee meetings and efforts that would be made to encourage attendance by the public.


  1. that the Committee agreed the running order for its future meetings as outlined in paragraph 3 of the report;
  2. that the Committee agreed the draft criteria for selecting external venues as outlined in Appendix A of the report; and
  3. that the arrangements for promoting meetings as set out in paragraph 4 of the report be agreed.

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