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Report 7 of the 23 Nov 00 meeting of the Chair's Co-ordination and Urgency Committee and discusses the provision of regular performance management report to MPA Committees.

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Provision of regular performance management reports to MPA committees

Report: 7
Date: 23 November 2000
By: Clerk


This report considers the provision of regular performance management report to MPA Committees and in particular outlines proposals discussed by the Performance Standards and Professional Management Committee to recommend liaison with other committees that have a particular interest in some areas of performance and related PIs and targets.

A. Supporting information


The PSPM Committee has agreed the processes for receiving performance information that will allow it to carry out the key function of monitoring MPS performance. In particular it has agreed both the form and timing for the provision of reports against Best Value and Policing Plan performance indicators and associated targets. This paper puts forward the PSPM recommendations for liaison with other committees that have a particular interest in some areas of performance and related PIs and targets.


Each month, the PSPM will receive a tabulated performance indicators report covering the status of all policing plan and best value indicators. It will also receive the monthly performance report produced for the MPS Performance Review Committee (PRC) which usually meets several weeks beforehand. The PRC report contains many of the statistics included in the tabulated report (albeit in a different form). It also contains commentary on high profile subjects where a regular report has been requested or where the nature of current performance requires an explanation. The report to the PSPM will also include key issues raised by the PRC.

The PSPM has an overall lead responsibility for monitoring MPS performance and should therefore receive performance information against all PIs. However it is recognised that other Committees have a stronger interest in some areas and therefore should take the lead. To take account of this the PSPM proposes that the table at Appendix 1 be adopted on behalf of other Committees by the CCU. The table presents a committee structure for reporting performance against PIs. In order to remove duplication of effort only one committee is given the lead for any one performance indicator.

Each quarter, a performance report will be submitted to the full Authority. This will comprise the performance report received by the PSPM the previous month with additional comment covering any related issues that the PSPM might wish to bring to the Authority’s attention.

The table (see Appendix 1) identifies those Committees, other than the PSPM, that it recommends should take the lead for some PIs. It is proposed that the Committees in question should be provided with monthly extracts from the PSPM report for their lead areas. After the first couple of months, the Committees in question may wish to receive this information on a less regular basis.

It would be helpful if PSPM members could be kept informed of any significant issues raised by other Committees against their lead areas in order that they can maintain an overall picture on performance monitoring. It will be the responsibility of MPA officers to ensure that this is achieved through the provision of appropriate reports to the next convenient PSPM meeting.

B. Recommendations

  1. That the lead committee responsibility for performance monitoring against PIs should be as set down in Appendix 1 to the report.
  2. That where a committee other than PSPM has the lead for monitoring performance, the relevant subset from the regular monthly PSPM performance report should be issued to the next meeting.
  3. That MPA Officers to ensure that the PSPM is kept informed of key issues raised by other committees on PIs for which they are the lead.
  4. That a quarterly report should be submitted to the full Authority and be based on the monthly report presented to the PSPM meeting held the previous month, with commentary from the PSPM on any key issues raised.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report.

D. Review arrangements

Subject to recommendation 4 being approved, review arrangements would be based on a quarterly report being submitted to the full Authority and on the monthly report presented to the PSPM meeting held the previous month, with commentary from the PSPM on any key issues raised.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Ian Gaskell.

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