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Minutes of the Equal Opportunity & Diversity Board held on 4 December 2003 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, SW1H 0NY.



  • Cecile Wright (Chair)
  • Toby Harris (up to agenda item 5)
  • Kirsten Hearn (up to agenda item 7b)
  • Peter Herbert
  • Graham Tope (from agenda item 7b)
  • Abdal Ullah (up to agenda item 7b)
  • Rachel Whittaker

 MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Ken Hunt (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Julia Smith (Policy Officer, CDO)
  • Tim Rees (Policy Development Officer)
  • John Crompton (Committee Services)

MPS officers

  • Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur (for agenda item 10)
  • Commander Steve Allen (Diversity Director)
  • Commander Bob Broadhurst (Territorial Policing HQ)
  • Chief Superintendent Rob Jarman (Diversity Directorate)
  • Chris Haselden (Head of HR Strategic Management, Directorate of Human Resources)
  • Denise Milani (Director DOIT)
  • Chief Inspector Sean Kennedy (Head of Diversity Training)

Co-opted members - George Mills (CRE) and Rev. Stephen Penrose

Part 1

37. Introductions and apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

An apology for absence was received from the Deputy Commissioner and Lee Jasper.

38. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations were made.

39. Minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2003

(Agenda item 3)

Resolved - That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2003 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

40. Chair and Members’ update

(Agenda item 4)

The Chair reported that amongst her activities she had presented an award to Boy to Manhood an organisation concerned with working with young people some of whom are ex offenders.

Rachel Whittaker reported on a presentation she had attended at Portcullis House on hate crimes.

Abdal Ullah reported that he had been appointed to the new CRE London Board.

Other members reported on their MPA activities.

41. MPA independent evaluation of MPS CRR training

(Agenda item 5)

The MPA Independent evaluation of the MPS CRR training commenced in October 2002. The final report and recommendations were discussed by the Working Group on 13 October 2003 and it was agreed that the final report would be launched at the EODB meeting. A report was submitted which presented a summary of the main findings and outlined the arrangements that have been proposed for overviewing the implementation of the recommendations.

Penny Tamkin of the Institute of Employment Studies gave a presentation on the final report and its 65 recommendations and replied to question from members of the Board. In this connection the Head of Diversity Training, MPS confirmed that work on the MPS’s own evaluation would be complete by 15 December. He also advised that the method of delivering training was being examined to make it more relevant to each Operational Command Unit.

In the ensuing discussion some members questioned whether there were sufficient incentives/sanctions to motivate police officers to change behaviour. The Chair said she wished to thank those involved in the evaluation, in particular Cindy Butts who had chaired the project working group. She thought it would be appropriate for the report to be referred to the full Authority for ratification of the approval of the findings.

Resolved – That

  1. the findings and recommendations arising from the independent evaluation of the MPA Community and Race Relations (CRR) Training be approved and that the Authority be asked to concur; and
  2. the proposal to establish a group to overview the implementation of the recommendations as outlined in paragraph 12 be approved.

42. Presentation by Kate Monkhouse of the London Civic Forum on the consultation work on the Policing Plan

(Agenda item 6)

This presentation related to the report attached as appendix 5 to agenda item 15.
Kate Monkhouse of the London Civic Forum gave a presentation on the work done by the Forum to consult six focus groups on the policing plan. It was hoped to hold a feed back session with the participant groups in the spring. One common theme which had emerged across the groups was that the way in which the police engaged with that particular community was considered to be as important as concerns about specific aspects of criminal behaviour.

Resolved - That the presentation be noted.

43. Implementation of Recommendation 61 of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry

(Agenda item 7a)

A report was considered which outlined the progress made by police officers of recording all stops and stop and searches.

In reply to a comment from a member, Commander Broadhurst agreed to reconsider the use of the word “will” in the second sentence of the Equality and Diversity implications section of the report.

Commander Broadhurst reported that the hand held IT device had been introduced in Tower Hamlets as planned on 30 November and early indications were that it was being well received. Following discussion the amount of information to be included in the print out had been reduced and was now of a more manageable proportion.

The Board viewed the hand held device being used and an example of the print out. Members suggested that officers hand out the MPA guide to stop and search as part of the process of engaging with persons stopped.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

44. Monitoring groups

(Agenda item 7b)

This report provided an update on the Recommendation 61 Monitoring Group in Hackney and the recently established MPS Monitoring Group in Tower Hamlets.

Concern was expressed regarding the lack of formal engagement between the Tower Hamlets monitoring group and MPA officers.

Peter Herbert referred to the table in paragraph 1 of the report and asked for an explanation of the marked monthly variation. Commander Broadhurst said that as far as he was aware no analysis had been carried out on the data but undertook to supply an explanation for the member.

Councillor Julius Nkafu the Chair of the Hackney monitoring group attended for consideration of this report. Councillor Nkafu confirmed that whilst there was a lot of raw statistical data available on the numbers of stops and searches - there was a lack of analysis of the data including why, for example, the numbers should fluctuate so markedly from one month to the next. The lack of analysis was a major stumbling block to the work of the monitoring group and acceptance of the need for stop and search by the wider community.

Abdal Ullah spoke about the work of the Tower Hamlets monitoring group, which he chairs.

Resolved -That the report be noted

45. Stop and Search Scrutiny

(Agenda item 8)

The Policy Development Officer, CDO gave an oral update on the progress of the scrutiny. In addition to the formal evidential hearings, a more informal event for young people had been held in Brixton. The programme of evidence sessions was now drawing to a close save for two sessions to be held in January including one to hear evidence from the Deputy Commissioner. Following guidance from the Panel, the officers were now in a position to commence drafting the report.

Resolved - That the report be noted

46. Diversity strategies and recommendations

(Agenda item 9a)

A report was considered which provided an update on the MPS diversity strategy and progress against recommendations.

Chief Superintendent Jarman reported that the 169 recommendations had now been divided into 14 themes. There were local diversity strategies in place in 28 boroughs.

Commander Allen advised that he intended to submit a report to the next meeting of the Board on the new Diversity Strategy.

Chief Superintendent Jarman also reported on the launch of a new initiative around domestic violence which was being piloted in Hackney and Southwark. This brought together into a single document all the various component parts of an investigation into domestic violence. This would be more efficient from the police officer’s point of view and it would also be of advantage to the victim as it would reduce the number of interactions with the police.

Resolved - That the intention of the MPS to review the Diversity Strategy and to renew it, scoping all of the equalities recommendations to which the MPS is subject be noted.

47. Race, equal opportunities and diversity strategic policy objectives composite report

(Agenda item 9b)

This report presented an overview of the race, equal opportunities and diversity activities of this Board and proposed the adoption of key strategic and policy objectives for the MPA for 2004-2007. It drew together activity in response to a number of reports and recommendations.

The Policy Officer, CDO undertook to provide Chief Superintendent Jarman with details of the sources the surveys quoted in paragraph 37.

It was noted that Kirsten Hearn, who had left the meeting, had expressed an interest in taking on the lead responsibility for overseeing the Level 5 achievement. As Kirsten Hearn was not present at this junction, it was agreed to refer this aspect for decision by the Co-ordination and Policing Committee.

Resolved - That

  1. the proposed strategic priorities for the EODB for 2004/06 (Para 7) be agreed;
  2. the proposal in paras 12 and 13 for ensuring that the HR and other Committees progress the success measures in the RES and others that may emerge be supported;
  3. the further work proposed and comment on and agree the proposals in relation to the lifting of the label of intuitional institutional racism from the MPS (para 15-18) be noted;
  4. the proposal to increase the development of further equalities targets (in para 19) be agreed;
  5. the proposal for reporting update and progress on the Service Improvement Plan (SIP) (para 24) be agreed; and
  6. the decision on Comment on the proposal and athe member to take lead responsibility for overseeing the Level 5 achievement (para 28) be referred to the Co-ordination and Policing Committee.

48. Commissioner’s diversity working group

(Agenda item 10)

A report was considered which updated the Board on the progress made by the working group since the BBC “Secret Policeman” television programme.

Assistant Commissioner Ghaffur attended for consideration of this item. He said that the work of the Working Group was progressing well. As far as implementation was concerned, he would stress that the aim had been to build on existing reporting structures rather than introduce new ones. For this reason it was intended that the MPS Diversity Strategy Board would take the work of the working group forward. Assistant Commissioner Ghaffur reported that at the last meeting of the working group MPA members had been identified to act as sounding boards for various aspects.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

49. MPA and MPS equalities budget submission and diversity objectives 2004-2007

(Agenda item 11)

At it’s meeting on 16 October 2003 the Board agreed the draft equalities budget for the MPA. A report was submitted which invited members to discuss the detailed equalities budgets submissions of the MPA and MPS that were submitted to the Mayor’s office as part of the annual budget process.

Resolved – That

  1. The Race and Diversity objectives of the MPA for 2004-07 be agreed;
  2. the progress made on implementing the recommendations following the 2003/4 Budget Equalities meeting be noted;
  3. the two additional equalities objectives concerning the safety of women proposed by the Mayor’s office following the 2004/05 equalities budget review process be agreed;
  4. in the light of the most recent advice from Counsel, the Mayor’s office recommendation for monitoring the equalities performance of the Community and Police Consultative Groups be referred to the Authority for a decision; and
  5. the process for more closely monitoring and over-viewing the equalities expenditure of the MPS be agreed.

50. Review of Independent Custody Visiting

(Agenda item 12)

At its meeting on 13 November 2003 the Consultation Committee considered a report that proposed a review of independent custody visiting. The report had been referred on to the Board due to its relevance to the Authority’s overall equalities agenda.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

51. Race Equality Scheme and impact assessment

(Agenda item 13)

The Race Relations (Amendment) Act places a specific responsibility on the MPA as a public authority to carry out an impact assessment on all relevant functions and (formal and informal) policies. The Local Government Equalities Standard and recommendations arising from the GLA “Equalities For All” review also proposes that the MPA should carry out impact assessment. The Board was asked to approve the process outlined in the report for receiving the outcomes of these assessment and comment on the way in which it will wish to use the outcomes to inform further overall equalities objectives of the Board.

Resolved – That

  1. the direction of the draft guidance be agreed;
  2. the proposal outlined in paragraph 14 for receiving the outcomes of these assessments be agreed; and
  3. the programme of training be approved.

52. MPA internal equal opportunities group

(Agenda item 14)

The MPA has an internal officer Equal Opportunities Group to provide overview on the range of work, such as achieving level 5 Equalities Standard, that needs to be progressed. A report was considered which sought members’ views on the remit of the group.

Resolved - That the remit of the group as set out in the report be agreed.

53. Equality and diversity implications in reports considered at MPA Committees

(Agenda item 15)

Resolved - That the report be noted.

The meeting closed at 4.40 p.m.

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