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Report 15 of the 15 May 01 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and proposes a way forward for developing the Estate Strategy for the MPA.

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MPA estate strategy

Report: 15
Date: 15 May 2001
By: Treasurer


The report proposes a way forward for developing the Authority's Estate Strategy.

A. Recommendations

  1. To note the MPS Estate Strategy for 2001/02.
  2. To agree that MPA/MPS officers develop proposals to facilitate the achievement of MPA ownership of the Estate strategy.
  3. To consider and endorse, or amend, the initial set of immediate member priorities set out in paragraph 6.

B. Supporting information


1. The MPS Director of Property Services, on behalf of the MPS, has produced the annual Estate Strategy which is being reported to this Committee. The document represents an update of existing policies and, where known, emerging strategies but this has not been endorsed by the MPA. It is quite appropriate that the management of the estate should be continued on this basis until the MPA has been able to develop its own strategy.

Strategy development

2. However the MPA has ownership of the estate and should oversee the development of the strategy as recommended for example in the Audit Commission's report 'Action Stations'.

3. The purpose of the MPA's Estate Strategy must be to deliver the relevant requirements of the overall corporate strategy. The Authority is working towards identifying its own priorities for inclusion in a corporate strategy, for discussion with the MPS, as part of the process for developing next year's policing and performance plan.

4. The development of the Estate Strategy should therefore follow on from the agreement to the corporate strategy. To allow this to happen it is proposed that MPA and MPS officers should agree a joint approach to this work. This could include the use of external consultancy resources in an appropriate capacity. The proposed approach would be shared with the Estates Sub Group before being agreed by this Committee.

Initial views

5. In the meantime, and in advance of the MPA strategy being put in place, it would be appropriate to identify members' initial views to which the MPS can have regard in managing the estate over the next year.

6. The Committee is asked to consider and endorse or amend an initial set of immediate priorities as set out below. They should not be seen as a substitute for the strategy but simply an attempt to capture matters of importance to members which are therefore likely to feature when the strategy is finally agreed. Many aspects are already present to some degree within the MPS Estate Strategy:

  • the management of the estate should support and take forward the Borough-based policing model;
  • improvement of personal facilities for officers within operational buildings, ie: locker rooms, showers, etc. (Much of this is already disaggregated and under local commanders' control);
  • utilisation of the residential estate to support recruitment;
  • development of an innovative approach to providing mid-long term solutions to the provision of residential accommodation for staff;
  • a review of PFI-based projects to ensure that the authority is making the most effective use of this option;
  • whilst accepting the need to generate capital receipts for future capital investment, the justification of disposals of surplus assets must have regard to emerging strategic priorities. These would be appropriately discussed with the Estates sub-group;
  • the development of partnership arrangements with GLA functional families and other agencies such as GLMCA, ILPS, local authorities and the NHS to exploit opportunities for joint/shared solutions to property requirements.

C. Financial implications

The estate will be managed during 2001/02 within existing budget provisions.

The resource implications of revised strategies will be identified as they are developed.

Sales of surplus properties are currently the major source of funds for the capital programme.

Over recent years priority has been given to investment in IT over the estate infrastructure given the shortage of capital resources.

D. Background papers

  • MPS Estate Strategy

E. Contact details

The author of t his report is Peter Martin, Treasurer.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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