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Report 23 of the 19 Jul 01 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and outlines the requirements for the provision of equipment for the Airwave Radio system that will be replacing the METRADIO system during 2003.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Provision of equipment for airwave radio system

Report: 23
Date: 19 July 2001
By: Commissioner


The report outlines the requirements for the provision of equipment for the Airwave Radio system that will be replacing the METRADIO system during 2003

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to note the contents of this report and to approve the request for tender action for the provision of equipment for the Airwave Radio system.

B. Supporting information

1. A contract needs to be set in place for the provision of equipment for the Airwave Radio system that will be replacing METRADIO in the MPS from October 2003 onwards. The provision of the Airwave service will be provided by BT Quadrant under individual contracts between BT Quadrant, PITO and police authorities (including the MPA). However, individual police forces are expected to make their own arrangements to purchase or rent the ancillary equipment (e.g. hand held radios).

2. The MPS is currently in discussions with other police forces that will also be going 'live' during 2003, to see whether the MPS requirements can be expanded to include their needs through a joint process, thus creating economies of scale that will benefit both the MPS and the other police forces.

3. The requirement is for hand held radios, vehicle radios, covert radios, radio alarms and control room equipment. The contract needs to be set in place in order that the equipment will ready for service in the MPS by October 2003. However, should other force requirements be included in the MPS tenders then some will require their equipment in early 2003. It is understood that the lead-time between award of contract and delivery of equipment is likely to be in the region of six months.

4. As the total estimated value for the requirement is over the EC threshold of £144,456 for the provision of goods, an advertisement need to be placed in the official journal seeking expressions of interest. The expressions of interest will be sifted and tenders issued to qualified companies. Tenders when received will be opened under formal purchasing rules and split for separate commercial and technical evaluations. The recommendations for award of contract will be placed before the committee in due course.

C. Financial implications

Financial details of the contract for the provision of equipment for the Airwave Radio system that will be replacing METRADIO in 2003 are contained in a separate 'exempt' report, to be considered in Part 2 of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee meeting. The MPS equipment cost will be fully funded by a Home Office Capital Grant due to be received in 2002/3.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Andy Kinch, MPS Department of Procurement and Commercial Services.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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