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Report 6 of the 10 Apr 03 meeting of the Finance Committee and sets out the measures approved by the Chair of this Committee and the Treasurer under delegated authority to balance the 2003/04 revenue budget.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Balancing the 2003/04 revenue budget

Report: 06
Date: 10 April 2003
By: the Treasurer and Commissioner


This report sets out the measures approved by the Chair of this Committee and the Treasurer under delegated authority to balance the 2003/04 revenue budget.

A. Recommendation

It is recommended that the contents of this report are noted.

B. Supporting information

2003/04 budget

1. At its meeting on 13 February this Committee agreed to delegate to the Treasurer, in consultation with the Chair of the Finance Committee, authority to approve, in advance of the April Finance Committee meeting, any proposed measures that might be necessary to balance the 2003/04 revenue budget.

2. The table below sets out the range of issues, and the measures agreed to meet them, reported to and decided by the MPS Management Board.

3. The MPS Management Board decisions were reported to the Treasurer who consulted the Chair of the Committee before giving delegated approval to the budget changes on 5 March 2003.

 Pressure Amount
MPA decision not to charge recruits for accommodation at Hendon 2,700 Transfer from non-pay inflation provision.
Shortfall between MPS assessment of full cost of PCSOs recruited in 2002/03 and grant funding notified by Home Office 1,500 Reduce central overheads by £500k and PCSO overtime by £500k. Balance of £500k to be transferred from non-pay inflation provision.
Cost of reimbursing congestion charges incurred by shift workers travelling outside public transport operating hours 713 Use existing provision of £440k for covert fleet charges as it is now expected these will be reimbursed by TfL. Transfer remaining £273k from non-pay inflation provision.
Pay award for civil staff 1,000 Transfer from non-pay inflation provision.
ERNIC on Special Priority Payments -700 Budget reduction possible in light of guidance from Home Office.
Levy for Police National Information and Co-ordination Centre and National Public Order Intelligence Unit 700 Use budget reduction above to meet this cost.

4. The measures listed above involve a total of £4,473,000 being transferred from the non-pay inflation provision, leaving a balance of £7,907,000. This remaining balance will be held centrally by the MPS, as agreed by Finance Committee on 13 February 2003. This will ensure that there is flexibility to address any unavoidable budget pressures. Any allocations from the provision will be agreed with the Treasurer and reported to the Finance Committee.

2004/05 and beyond

5. Work is now commencing on rolling forward the medium term financial projections for the period 2004/05 to 2006/07. This will incorporate the output from the review of the implications of increasing uniformed MPS staff to 35,000. It will have regard to the Mayor’s budget guidance expected to be issued at the end of May, which will be reported to the Committee. It is intended to report the medium term financial projections to the Committee and/or the full Authority in July.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are no new equality issues arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

The financial implications are those set out in this report.

E. Background papers

  • Corporate Finance 2003/04 budget files
  • Finance Committee report “Revenue Budget 2003/04“ of 13 February 2003.

F. Contact details

Report author: Martin Chatfield, Head of Corporate Finance, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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