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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the meeting of the Human Resources Committee held at Romney House, Marsham Street, SW1 on 6 September 2001.



  • Rachel Whittaker (Chair)
  • Angela Slaven (Deputy Chair)
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Cindy Butts
  • Nicholas Long
  • Cecile Lothian
  • Graham Tope
  • Abdal Ullah

MPA staff

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Ken Hunt (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Alan Johnson (Head of Human Resources).

MPS staff

  • Peter Clarke (Deputy Director, Personnel)
  • Jenny Deere (Business Director - Recruitment)
  • Chris Haselden (Human Resources Performance Management)
  • Mike Shurety (Assistant Director of Personnel)
  • Linda Van den Hende (Business Director - Occupational Health)

Also present members of the press/media and public.

Part 1

137. Apologies

(agenda item 1)

Apologies were received from Assistant Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe.

138. Minutes: 21 JUNE 2001

(agenda item 2)

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. The report to Members on the range of allowances available to police officers (agenda item 9, 'Police officers – increase to certain allowances') was now scheduled for the next meeting.

Resolved that

  1. the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 21 June 2001 be confirmed and signed as a correct record; and
  2. a report would be presented to the next Committee on the range of allowances available to police officers and the arrangements for approving increases.

139. Chair and members' update (verbal report)

(agenda item 3)

The Chair stated that she had attended a police disciplinary appeal at Tintagel House and felt the accommodation there was not ideal for this purpose.

A note was circulated to Members on Waltham Forest's retention initiative. The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Personnel Department were looking at this initiative.

The Chair requested that the date of the Human Resources (HR) Committee meeting in January be rescheduled for later in the month.

Some members had attended 'Gender Agenda'. It was suggested this could be discussed further at a workshop.

A Member deplored the delay in paying salaries to civil and MPA staff at the end of August. He was assured that measures had been put in place to alleviate hardship, and that the matter was being pursued with Capita. .

Resolved that

  1. the MPS look at the Waltham Forest's retention initiative;
  2. the date of the January HR Committee be changed;
  3. gender issues would be a suitable topic for a workshop; and
  4. a copy of the report on the delayed payment of salaries be forwarded to Members, when available.

140. Recruitment

(agenda item 4)

A report was received informing Members of the progress of police and civil staff recruitment against budgeted workforce targets (BWT) for 2001/02, and the steps taken to speed up the police recruitment process. Members were told that the August intake at Hendon was 249. 1143 officers had been recruited since 1 April 2001, which compared with 487 this time last year. The report noted that a fundamental review was underway to improve the business processes related to police officer recruitment. The Chair requested that a summary of this report go to the full Authority.

Resolved that

  1. the report be noted; and
  2. a summary of this report be circulated with the report to be presented to the September full Authority.

141. MPS sickness

(agenda item 5)

A report was received providing the current MPS sickness position and outlining the proactive measures taken by Occupational Health to support the organisation in managing sickness absence. Members were informed that difficulties were still being experienced in getting accurate statistics. Police sickness rates, as shown in Appendix 1 of the report, had gone up because data was being collected in a different way. Members were concerned about this increase and felt that accurate statistics should be produced at the next meeting. The MPA's analyst could assist in this work. It was suggested that the financial benefits of occupational health initiatives be included under 'financial implications' in future papers.

Members were informed that participation in the pilot psychological project was not compulsory. The success in reducing traffic wardens' sickness rates was noted.

Resolved that

  1. the contents of this interim report be noted;
  2. accurate police sickness statistics be presented with the report to be provided at the next meeting; and
  3. financial benefits of occupational health initiatives be included under 'financial implications' in future papers.

142. Police Reform Programme

(agenda item 6)

A report was received providing an overview of the police reform programme particularly in relation to human resource issues. The Clerk informed Members that a white paper would be circulated by the government, in November, on the Police Reform Programme. MPS, MPA and the APA were working on this issue. The Workshop to be held the following day would provide for a more detailed discussion.

Resolved that Members note the developments to date on the police reform programme in particular the implications for human resource issues.

143. Retaining officers with 30 plus years service

(agenda item 7)

A report was received setting out options for retaining officers with over thirty years of service. The full Authority had remitted this report to the HR Committee on 26 July for detailed consideration. The issues surrounding the retention of officers were discussed in depth. Although some Members felt the proposals would assist retention, concern was felt about the budgetary impact and the implications for pension regulations as well as employment law. Further work would be undertaken by the MPS on the costings for various options. This would be discussed at the Finance Planning and Best Value (FPBV) Committee on 14th September.

Resolved – That

  1. the budgetary implications be considered by the FPBV Committee;
  2. piloting by the MPS of a retention scheme not be supported at this time;
  3. the initial West Midlands scheme not be pursued.
  4. further refinement be made as to whom retention might be offered, to make the proposal affordable.

144. Workforce demographics

(agenda item 8)

Members received a report providing information about the composition of the MPS workforce and providing some data on workforce projections.

Resolved that the contents of the report be noted.

145. Changing habits

(agenda item 9)

The Committee considered a report 'Changing Habits' detailing two Members' (Nicholas Long and Jennette Arnold) findings on conditions found in locker rooms, showers, WCs and other spaces within MPS police stations. The two Members concerned made twelve recommendations for action and improvements. The report also included the MPS' response to the Members findings.

Members welcomed the report as part of the retention strategy and thanked the authors of 'Changing Habits' for their work. The paper was remitted to the Estates Sub Committee through the FPBV Committee. The Director of Property Services was thanked for his work on a 'concept' locker room at Lambeth.

Resolved - That

  1. the report and the initial response from the MPS be received; and;
  2. the report be remitted the Estates Sub Committee through the FPBV Committee to consider the financial implications of the proposals in the report.

146. MPS personnel budget

(agenda item 10)

Members received a report providing information about the MPS Personnel Department budget, current spend and projected spend for 2001/02. Members were informed that the biggest fluctuations were in relation to recruitment. Questions were asked about the underspend in relation to childcare provision caused by the delay in setting up pilot schemes.

Resolved that the contents of the report be noted.

147. Reimbursement of legal protection insurance premiums for superintending ranks

(agenda item 11)

A report was received informing Members that the Superintendents' Association had asked that superintending ranks be reimbursed the cost of insurance premiums paid for professional indemnity. This was agreed.

Resolved that the MPS reimburse the insurance premiums paid for professional indemnity of superintending ranks.

148. Meetings with MPS representatives

(agenda item 12)

Members of the HR Committee had over the last year held a series of short meetings with trade unions, staff associations and other representative groups. Members received a report suggesting a way forward for future meetings.

It was agreed that Cindy Butts be a link member with the Black Police Association, Abdal Ullah with MPS faith groups and Cecile Lothian with traffic wardens and civil staff. Nicholas Long offered to take on discrete areas of work in relation to the Police Federation. Members thought all Authority Members should be involved in this. The Clerk agreed to consider how MPA Members should engage with staff associations, trade unions and support organisations, and present a report to the full Authority.

Resolved - That

  1. the HR Committee hold meetings of up to two hours with those staff representative and support organisations outlined in the report, ahead of any future workshops;
  2. the HR Committee hold one-hour meetings with other support organisations ahead of HR Committee meetings;
  3. all staff representative groups and support organisations be informed of the likely workshop topics in sufficient time to provide written comments or observations on the issues in order to inform the discussions;
  4. all staff representative groups and support organisations be invited to raise any issues or concerns in correspondence with the MPA (these matters could then be addressed by the MPA either directly or in consultation with the MPS);
  5. the format of the meetings remain unchanged;
  6. Cindy Butts be a link member with the Black Police Association, Abdal Ullah with MPS faith groups and Cecile Lothian with traffic wardens and civil staff; and
  7. the Clerk would consider how MPA Members could engage with staff associations, trade unions and support organisations, and present a report to the full Authority.

149. Personnel management information

(agenda item 13)

A report was received providing a range of personnel related management information to the end of July 2001, together with a summary of key points.

Members noted that they were no longer receiving the monthly MPS workforce data and requested they receive this information in future. This would be made available through the Member's Library.

Resolved - That

Members note the contents of this report and the management information provided; and

Members continue to receive monthly workforce data, through the Member's Library.

150. Pay arrangements for MPA staff

(agenda item 14)

A report was received outlining the MPA's need to develop pay review arrangements for its staff that would include some form of objective setting. This would be informed by, but separate from, the annual appraisal/performance management process. It was noted that the recommendations of this Committee would not go to the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee (which had been cancelled), but to Finance Planning and Best Value (FPBV) Committee to consider any budgetary implications. Members considered that there should be discretion over the payment of a cost of living increase and that pay increases should be met from existing budgetary provision. The 7% performance related maximum would be accepted this year, then reviewed annually. It was noted that the budget provision would not need to be 7% if this were a maximum increase, and that the Deputy Treasurer would review the requirement.

Resolved that

  1. that the MPA adopt a simple two-band approach which excludes the posts of Clerk and Treasurer;
  2. that the Clark and Treasurer have discretion over the payment of a cost of living increase;
  3. FPBV be informed of any budgetary effect, but that any pay increases be paid from existing budgetary provision;
  4. the maximum of 7% be accepted this year, and the percentage reviewed in future years;
  5. the transitional arrangements detailed in paragraph 19 of the report for the first year be agreed;
  6. training on performance management and objective setting be provided for managers in the MPA;
  7. pay reviews for the Clerk and Treasurer be based on the process outlined at paragraphs 7-17 of the report, but remain a matter for the Remuneration Sub Committee;
  8. that the broad principles of the pay of Internal Audit Directorate staff outlined in this report be accepted, and Hay evaluations to be carried out of internal audit jobs, in consultation with existing staff transferred under TUPE conditions.

151. MPA budget monitoring

(agenda item 15)

A report was received setting out the forecast out-turn position against budget for the MPA for the financial year 2001-02.

Resolved that the contents of the report be noted.

152. Pilot for new consultation arrangements

(agenda item 16)

On 26 June 2001, the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach (CDO) Committee agreed to the piloting of new consultation arrangements that would assist the MPA in achieving more efficient and effective consultation. Members were asked to note the job descriptions and salary scale and to agree, subject to budgetary provision, to the recruitment of up to six Community Consultation Co-ordinators (CCCs), for a fixed term, to facilitate pilot schemes.

Resolved - That

  1. Members note the proposal to pilot new consultation arrangements from 1 February 2002;
  2. Members agree the salary range for the proposed job description; and
  3. Members to agree to the recruitment of up to six Community Consultation Co-ordinators, conditional on money being provided in next year's budget.

153. Human Resources Committee – workplan 2001/2002

(agenda item 17)

A report was received outlining a workplan for the Committee for the remainder of this financial year, covering both the formal business to be carried out at meetings and the issues that would need to be considered outside the meetings. It was suggested that three workshops be held between October and December on the Review of Personal Department/Hay evaluation of civil staff, the National Competency Framework and the reform agenda and next year a workshop be held on gender agenda.

Resolved - That

  1. two working groups be set up to consider:
  2. the MPS best value review of managing people (including Angela Slaven, Cecile Lothian and Cindy Butts)
  3. the police reform agenda. (including Graham Tope and Angela Slaven)
  4. the workplan outlined at Appendix 1 be agreed, subject to additional topics being included at the request of HR Committee Members and the MPS.

154. Staff representation in the MPA

(agenda item 18)

Members received a report explaining there were no formal staff representative arrangements in the MPA, although those staff that had transferred to the Authority from the MPS retained their rights to trade union representation. Whilst any member of staff had a right to belong to a trade union of his or her choice, it would be sensible for there to be one locus for discussions between senior management and staff. The Chair suggested that a consultation exercise be set up with current, permanent MPA staff to consider on whether the MPA either recognise the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union for staff representative purposes in the MPA or support a staff association for staff representative purposes in the MPA secretariat.

Resolved that a consultation exercise be set up with current, permanent MPA secretariat staff to consider on whether the MPA either recognise the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union for staff representative purposes in the MPA or a staff association in the MPA secretariat.

155. Performance management in the MPA

(agenda item 19)

Members received a report informing them that the MPA needed to develop a performance management framework to support an annual appraisal process for, and development of, staff. This would inform, but would be separate from, the pay progression process in the MPA.

Resolved that the MPA adopt the performance management framework outlined in the report.

156. Exclusion of the press and public

Resolved that the press and public be asked to leave the meeting during discussion of the remaining items of business because exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 was likely to be made known.

157. MPA / MPS personnel developments (verbal update)

(agenda item 20)

Members were informed that Deputy Assistant Commissioner and Commander posts had been advertised.

Members were given an update on the MPS's personnel IT system. Implementation had been delayed by a change of suppliers. It was noted that the IS/IT Sub Group was monitoring progress.

Resolved that the verbal update be received.

158. ACPO remuneration

(agenda item 21)

Members considered senior ACPO pay, currently outside the terms of reference of the Remuneration Sub-Committee.

Resolved that the recommendation be agreed.

159. Forfeiture of pension

(agenda item 22)

Members received a report asking them to consider the third stage in the forfeiture of pension procedure.

Resolved that Members recommend a permanent forfeiture of 75% of both parts of an officer's pension.

160. Forfeiture of pension

(agenda item 23)

Members received a report asking them to consider the third stage in the forfeiture of pension procedure.

Resolved that Members recommend a permanent forfeiture of 50% of an officer's pension .

161. Forfeiture of pension

(agenda item 24)

Members received a report asking them to consider the submission of an application to the Home Secretary seeking a certificate in connection with the forfeiture of pension.

Resolved that the application be submitted.

163. Forfeiture of pension

(agenda item 25)

Members received a report asking them to consider the submission of an application to the Home Secretary seeking a certificate in connection with the forfeiture of pension.

Resolved that the application be submitted.

164. Police reform - appendix 2

(agenda item 26)

Members received appendix 2 of the police reform report.

Resolved that the appendix be noted.

The meeting ended at 5.05 p.m.

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