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Minutes of the Planning, Performance & Review Committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 8 May 2003 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Richard Sumray (Chair)
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Nicholas Long

Also present: Jenny Jones (Items 1-9)

MPA Officers:

  • David Riddle (Deputy Clerk)
  • Johanna Gillians (Senior Analyst)
  • Elizabeth Turner (Treasury)
  • Nick Baker (Head of Committee Services)
  • Yvonne Peart (Committee Officer)

MPS Officers:

  • A/AC Bill Griffiths
  • A/DAC Rose Fitzpatrick
  • Ch.Supt David Morgan
  • Cmdr Alan Given (Criminal Justice Department)
  • D/S John Zlotnicki (Head of Corporate Planning)
  • D.Ch.Supt Frank Hooley
  • D.Supt Adrian Maybanks
  • Cmdr Steve Roberts
  • Carol McDonald (Head of Corporate Performance Analysis Unit)

Part 1

78. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Reshard Auladin and Lynne Featherstone.

Members welcomed David Riddle the new Deputy Clerk to the meeting.

Members also thanked Johanna for the hard work that she had put into this Committee and wished her every success in her new post.

79. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 2)

No interests were declared.

80. Minutes

(Agenda item 3)

Resolved – That the minutes of the Planning, Performance and Review Committee held on 13 March 2003 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

81. Best value review of managing demand: final report and improvement plan

(Agenda item 4)

Members received a report that set out the improvement plan as recommended by the MPS Project Board from the final report of the ‘Managing Demand’ Best Value Review (MDBVR) March 2003.

Members were informed that the MPS proposals to implement the recommendations made in the MDBVR would provide a more customer focused service for the people of London, having regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

Members gave separate accounts of their recent experiences when having to visit a police station and suggested that ‘one stop shops’ / drop in points should be developed. Members also requested that accessibility problems needed to be addressed.

The Chair asked that the MPS note the comments made in Lynne Featherstone’s written submission and that any issues that have not yet been dealt with be considered. He asked that the MPS also consider improving customer services when dealing with people with special needs or requirements and emphasised the importance of ensuring that proper resources support these initiatives. In conclusion the Chair also requested that costings be applied to each recommendation made in the improvement plan and these costings highlighted in any future reports.

Resolved – That

  1. the final report be endorsed;
  2. the recommendations and improvements plan as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved;
  3. an update of progress towards the improvement plan be received every six months; and
  4. a report on how the recommendations are to be taken forward be presented to a future Committee.

82. Criminal Justice update

(Agenda item 5)

A report was received that set out the work being carried out by the Department of Criminal Justice. It included victims and witnesses activity, case file preparation and joint working with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), with the ultimate aim of bringing more offences to justice. The fourth strand of the Narrowing the Justice Gap Plan, as provisionally approved by the London Criminal Justice Board, was also outlined in the report.

Members were given details of the Southwark and Lambeth pilot of CPS lawyers at the point of charge and case progression units, with victim and witness focus desks. Members asked that any future report on this pilot include details of performance.

Central Processing Units (CPUs) are expected to reduce the cost of failure and increase the number of offenders brought to justice. Work is currently being carried out on the cost of failure. Confirmation was given that many of the CPU introduction costs would be opportunity costs and that the real cost would be calculated after roll out is completed.

The MPS reported that a formal agreement on the times that lawyers are present at the Point of Charge has not yet been reached and that the CPS have been asked to resolve this issue.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be noted; and
  2. a report on the financial implications and that also explores ways of improving the victim and witness focus desk be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.

83. Policing Plan and Strategy Plan for 2004/05

(Agenda item 6)

The Committee received a report that outlined a number of concepts that will underpin the 2004/05 planning process.

Members were informed that the concepts are based around consultation, development of indicators and targets and how MPA members can be involved. The MPS will have follow-up meetings to assess the process.

The Chair confirmed that the Planning Panel would debate the planning cycle timetable in more detail and consider the implications of some of the concepts outlined in the report.

Resolved – That members note the concepts proposed for the 2004/05 planning process.

84. Audit report on 2002/03 Policing and Performance Plan

(Agenda item 7)

The Committee received a report that set out the MPS action plan in response to the District Audit report and recommendations relating to the 2002/03 Policing and Performance Plan.

The MPS reported that they are confident about the recommendations outlined in the audit report and that they propose to report back on their progress on these in 6 months. The Chair asked that consideration be given to the integration of the best value process into the plan and how it is taken into account. With regard to recommendation 2 of the action plan, the Chair requested that information is provided on the particular resources that would be dedicated to the targets and to ensure that all are covered in the budget returns.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be noted.
  2. a report on progress made to be presented to the Committee in 6 months.

85. MPS March performance report

(Agenda item 8)

Members considered a report that summarised the MPS performance against policing plan objectives for 2002-3.

The MPS reported that a number of targets had been met and that judicial disposal rates for street crime, burglary and autocrime had improved on the previous year. Members were also informed that exception reporting allows for the monitoring of areas that are performing well in addition to areas performing badly and also provides information to allow best practice to be identified.

The Chair queried the purpose of the MPS target to reduce police officer sickness levels when little focus is given to this target because it is in line with national levels. The Chair also said that it is important that the MPS continue to address recruitment targets. With reference to the District Audit report, he requested that work be carried out on how the MPS implement the National Crime Recording Standard and expressed his concern on how matters are classified no-crime.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

86. Organised illegal immigration and human trafficking

(Agenda item 9)

Members considered a report that provided an update on the current MPS response to the emergence of a range of organised crime groups and the trafficking of human beings.

Members expressed their disappointment that the report did not meet the original brief and in particular address issues relating to the victims of trafficking, whilst acknowledging that the report author may not have been in the position to meet the requirements of the original brief. It was agreed that a report would be presented to a future meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee (COP), possibly held in close session in order to allow full discussion, including current operational issues, involvement of voluntary sectors and victims support in the UK and abroad. An invitation to the Immigration Service should be made to attend this meeting to take forward related issues with them. Members also requested that the Committee be presented with two case studies that would cover issues related to how children are looked after during and after operations.

In addition to those concerns outlined by members the Chair agreed to meet with Jenny Jones and AC Ghaffur to see how the issues could be taken forward, prior to this matter being taken forward by COP.

The MPS reported that they have received Government funding of £1m for the current year and will receive a further £3m for the next 2 years, to tackle organised illegal immigration and human trafficking.

In response, members expressed concern on how the extra officer resources to this cause would impact on the 2002 growth award made to Serious Crime Directorate.

MPS advised that a further update on the work of Serious Crime Directorate would be provided in 3 months.

Resolved – That

  1. members note the report and continue to support the work being carried out by the MPS on this issue; and
  2. a further report be presented to the informal session of Co-ordination and Policing with an invitation to the Immigration Service.
  3. a report on progress be presented to a future Committee.

87. Group rape

(Agenda item 10)

The Committee received a report that provided an update on ‘group rape’ and the steps being taken by the MPS to prevent and detect it.

Members were informed that the MPS would be meeting with the French Education Minister who is undertaking work on ‘group rape’.

The MPS also expressed there dismay that ‘group rape’ and sexual assault is not included in the national curriculum for schools and advised that this issue has before been raised in the House of Commons by a Brent MP.

Members referred to incidents of sexual assault that they had witnessed on CCTV / video at the New Year celebrations in Leicester Square both this year and last and asked for work to be undertaken in this area to present this in future.

In response the MPS said that they would take this matter forward and advised that this issue would fall between the role of both Project Sapphire and Public Order.

Resolved – That the Committee

  1. continues to support the steps being taken by Project Sapphire to improve victim care for rape victims and the investigation of rape;
  2. note the existence of ‘group rape’ and the steps being taken by the MPS to prevent and detect it; and
  3. a further report be received at future meeting of the Committee to cover current and future work on ‘group rape’ and feedback on the meeting to be held in France.

88. Borough performance monitoring

(Agenda item 11)

The Committee received a report that outlined the proposed mechanism for MPS borough performance monitoring.

Members were informed that the MPS had made internal changes in order to enhance the transparency of accountability mechanisms.

The MPS said that they await access to the QuAnTa system that would provide information on data provided by the Police Standards Unit (PSU) in order to anticipate its areas of interest.

The Chair requested a further report on the impact of TP engagement be provided to the Committee.

Resolved – That

  1. members note the proposed mechanism for borough performance monitoring outlined in the report; and
  2. a further report on the impact of TP’s engagement be presented to a future Committee and to also include if and how performance has improved.

89. Developing customer survey data

(Agenda item 12)

The Committee received a report that looked at the development of a method for considering how customer survey results can influence policy with the aim of improving satisfaction over time.

It was reported that MPA officers had met with MPS officers to discuss how to take forward the issues on customer survey data and in particular, how to improve the use of survey results. It was requested that the Committee support this joint project and that the MPA help to move this forward.

Resolved – That

  1. members support a project between the MPS and MPA officers to develop the use of survey data, with a particular aim to influence policy to improve customer satisfaction; and
  2. This Committee receives bi-monthly summaries of performance against policing plan indicators, which include customer satisfaction results and public attitude fear of crime results.

90. MPS action plan on CDRP Scrutiny

(Agenda item 13)

Members considered a report that detailed how the MPS will implement the recommendations of the Crime and Disorder Partnerships Scrutiny.

The MPS asked that the reports recommendation be amended to ‘seek the views of this Committee on what the MPS think is the best way to implement and monitor the activity towards achieving the recommendations at the CDRP Scrutiny’.

The MPS also requested that the implementation of recommendation 2,3 and 4 of the action plan be referred to a future meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee.

The MPS expressed their concern that the MPA, MPS and also the Government Office for London would all be monitoring CDRPs and that this would result in bureaucracy. They suggested that the new Home Office led Crime Reduction Development Board may be the way to take this forward. The implementation plan also needs to be developed around recruitment areas, as more staff will be required to meet these recommendations. A detailed report on the timescales of each activity is to be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.

In response, the Chair said that there would need to be more discussion around the new London Board. He said the issues raised would be discussed with officers and brought back within the action plan. He also suggested that borough formulate a plan on Anti-Social Behaviour in advance of the action plan.

Resolved – That

  1. members views be noted;
  2. recommendations 2, 3 and 4 of the action plan be referred to COP for consideration.
  3. a detailed report on the timescale of each activity and the improved action plan be presented to a future Committee.

91. Update on the MPA implementation of the CDRP Scrutiny recommendations

(Agenda item 14)

A report was considered that examined the progress made by the MPA to fulfil its role of responsible authority in CDRPs as recommended by the scrutiny panel.

The Committee were informed that the Deputy Clerk is to have a strategic role on CDRPs. He said that the recommendations would be addressed having a joint and considered approach and that a report would be presented to a future Committee.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be noted.
  2. a report on progress be presented to a future Committee.

92. Exclusion of the press and public

(Agenda item 15)

The committee considered a report that proposed that the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraphs 14 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.

Resolved – That report be heard in Part 1 of this Committee and that the appendices remain exempt.

The Chair considered that the report did not contain any exempt information and requested therefore that it be discussed in Part 1 of the meeting. He did acknowledge that there may be sensitive information in the Appendices and requested that if members wished to allude to these then a resolution to exclude the Press and Public could be placed.

Part 2

93. Drugs action plan

(Agenda item 16)

A report was considered that provided an update on the implementation of the MPS Drugs Strategy 2003 – 2006, focussing on the Drugs Action Plan. The report also gave an update on the recent Home Office announcement for funding streams on drugs initiatives for 2003/04.

The MPS reported that the Drug Action Plan would be updated throughout the year. Currently the MPS are in the process of recruiting 150 jailers. There have been extended negotiations around the introduction of a taskforce and a request for 55 officers has been made.

Members were informed that performance data would be provided in conjunction with other targets for the year within the policing performance assessment framework.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be noted; and
  2. a report to provide feedback on the action plan be presented to a future Committee progress be presented to a future Committee to include what had been implemented and how it worked.

The meeting ended at 4.50 p.m.

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