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This page contains press release 66/01, which discusses a call for calm and unity among London's diverse communities from Muslim members of the metropolitan police.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Muslim members of Metropolitan Police Authority call for community unity

19 September 2001

Muslim members of the Metropolitan Police Authority today called for calm and unity among London's diverse communities, following the terrorist attacks on the United States last week.

Abdal Ullah and Reshard Auladin said that there was increased racial tension in some areas of London which had led to members of minority ethnic communities being subjected to insults and abuse.

Abdal Ullah said:

'The Muslim community in London is as appalled, shocked and traumatised as everyone else following the awful events in the United States on 11 September. Indeed, Muslim leaders have expressed their dismay and called for unity among all of our communities as we share our grief.

'Now is a time for coming together and supporting one another. We must guard against using these dreadful events as an excuse for racism. We need to maintain the good relationships among all of our diverse communities built up over the years so painstakingly and to our mutual benefit.'

Reshard Auladin added:

'There is a danger that certain sectors of our society could be victimised following the tragic deaths in America. This would play into the hands of those evil people responsible for these atrocities. We therefore appeal to all Londoners to continue to work together positively and constructively to build a stable and harmonious relationship with their neighbours.'

Toby Harris, Chair of the Authority, said:

'To attach blame to any particular minority ethnic group in London for the terrible events in the United States would be quite wrong. To stigmatise certain sections of the community would achieve nothing.

'Instead, we must be tolerant of each other and defend the right of people to go about their lawful business without fear of harassment or intimidation. London is one of the most culturally rich and diverse major cities in the world and we should be proud of that fact. Let us not play into the hands of a few fanatics and bigots who would like nothing more than for us to destroy the very foundations of our society.'

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