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This page contains details of the MPA Statutory Performance Indicators (SPIs).

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Statutory Performance Indicators (SPIs)

SPIs are used to help measure how well a service is performing. They are used by public service organisations such as, for example, Local Authorities and the Fire Service. The SPIs for policing are set out by the Home Office and are used by Police Forces throughout England and Wales.

SPIs are established by Order (statutory instrument) under Section 4 of the Local Government Act 1999. In Legal terms, SPIs are ‘best value performance indicators’ in all but name and should be treated as such.

The Policing Plan targets proposed this year reflect the priorities and outcomes from the Policing London Strategy. This represents a shift in how the Metropolitan Police Authority will assess the performance of the police service. Performance across a wide range of objectives and indicators will be monitored and maintained.

These are the audited Statutory Performance Indicators for the MPS for 2006-07.

The table also shows results for 2004-05, 2005-06 and specific targets for 2006-07 where applicable.

Description 2004-05 2005-06 (to Jan 06) unless otherwise stated 2006-07 Target
SPI 1a Satisfaction of victims of domestic burglary, violent crime, vehicle crime and road traffic collisions with respect: Making contact with the police. 82% (satisfied) 47% (completely/very)



Apr to Dec 05

SPI 1b Action taken by the police. 64% (satisfied) 37% (completely/very) 78%


Apr to Dec 05

SPI 1c Being kept informed of progress. 48% (satisfied) 22% (completely/very) 59%


Apr to Dec 05

SPI 1d Their treatment by staff. 86% (satisfied) 59% (completely/very) 92%


Apr to Dec 05

SPI 1e The overall service provided. 68% (satisfied) 39% (completely/very) 79%


Apr to Dec 05


81% target
SPI 2 Using the British Crime Survey, the percentage of people who think their local police do a good job. 51% 53%

Year to Sep 05

SPI 3a Satisfaction of victims of racist incidents with respect to the overall service provided. 59% (satisfied) 31% (completely/very) 71%


Apr to Dec 05

72% target
SPI 3b Comparison of satisfaction for white users and users from visible minority ethnic groups with respect to the overall service provided. White: 70% (satisfied) 42% (completely/very)

BME: 63% (satisfied) 32% (completely/very)

  • White Victims 81% 49%
  • Black and Minority Ethnic Victims 72% 41%

Apr to Dec05

SPI 3c Percentage of stop/searches, which lead to arrest by ethnicity of the person stopped. White: 9.8%

Black and Ethnic Minority: 10.4%

  • White 12.3%
  • Black and Ethnic Minority Communities 13.8%

Apr to Dec 05

SPI 3d Comparison of percentage detected of violence against the person offences by ethnicity of the victim. White: 15.6%

BME: 11.1%

  • White Victims 19.9%
  • Black and Minority Ethnic Victims 15.5%
SPI 3e Proportion of police recruits from minority ethnic groups compared to the proportion of people from minority ethnic groups in the economically active population 15.6%




As at end of Dec 05

SPI 3g Percentage of female police officers compared to overall force strength 19.5% 20%

As at end of Dec 05

SPI 4a (a) Using the British Crime Survey, the risk of personal crime;
  • (a) 8%
  • (a) 7.6%

Year to Sep 05

SPI 4b (b) Using the British Crime Survey, the risk of household crime.
  • (b) 20%
  • (b) 20.4%

Year to Sep 05

SPI 5a Domestic burglaries per 1,000 households. -7.2% -7.2% +2.9%
SPI 5b Violent crime per 1,000 population. +6.2% +2.5% 5% reduction in BCS crime only - target
SPI 5c Robberies per 1,000 population. - 4% +14.7%  
SPI 5e Life threatening crime and gun crime per1,000 population. +0.9% +3% (584) 4% reduction in gun crime across the MPA area
SPI 5d Vehicle crime per 1,000 population. -14.4%
  • 0.0%
SPI 5f Acquisitive crime per 1,000 population (includes domestic burglary, personal robbery and vehicle crime)      
SPI 6a Number of notifiable/recorded offences resulting in conviction, caution, street warning for cannabis possession, taken into consideration at court or for which a penalty notice for disorder has been issued. 12,580 14,502 MPS has exceeded this year’s target for OBTJ and continues to improve.
SPI 6b Percentage of notifiable/recorded offences resulting in conviction, caution or taken into consideration at court. 14.7% 17.6% Achieved through SPI 7a
SPI 7a Percentage of notifiable/recorded offences resulting in charge, summons, caution or taken into consideration at court. 14.7% 17.6% 20% target
SPI 8a Percentage of domestic violence incidents with a power of arrest where an arrest was made related to the incident. 46% 52% 60% target
SPI 8c Value of cash forfeiture orders and confiscation orders per 1,000 populations     200 cases
SPI 9a i Number of people killed in under 30 days or seriously injured in road traffic collisions. 3,661

(12 months)


(Apr-Sep only)

SPI 9a ii Per 100 million vehicle km travelled 11.2% 5.9%  
SPI 10a Using the British Crime Survey, fear of crime. Burglary 18%

Car Crime 20%

Violence 26%

Burglary 19 %

Car Crime 19%

Violence 25%

Year to Sep 05

SPI 10b Using the British Crime Survey, perceptions of anti-social behaviour. 31% 28%

Year to Sep 05

SPI 10c Using the British Crime Survey, perceptions of local drug use/drug dealing. 34% 32%

Year to Sep 05

SPI 11a Percentage of police officer time spent on frontline duties. 65.6% tbc  
SPI12a Delivery of cashable and non-cashable efficiency targets £57.05 million £100.5 million  
SPI13a Average number of working hours lost per annum due to sickness per police officer 42 40  
SPI13b Average number of working hours lost per annum due to sickness per police staff 48 48  

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