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Minutes of the meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 29 June 2006 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Len Duvall (Chair)
  • Reshard Auladin (Deputy Chair)
  • Cindy Butts (Deputy Chair)
  • Tony Arbour
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Richard Barnes
  • Dee Doocey
  • Nicky Gavron
  • Toby Harris
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Peter Herbert
  • Damian Hockney
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Jenny Jones
  • Joanne McCartney
  • Karim Murji
  • Aneeta Prem
  • Murad Qureshi
  • John Roberts
  • Richard Sumray
  • Graham Tope
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Chief Executive)
  • David Riddle (Deputy Chief Executive, Deputy Clerk and Solicitor to the Authority)
  • Ken Hunt (Treasurer)
  • Nick Baker (Head of Committee Services)

MPS officers

  • Sir Ian Blair (Commissioner)
  • Andy Hayman (Assistant Commissioner)
  • Tarique Ghaffur (Assistant Commissioner)
  • Rod Jarman (Commander TP)

Catherine Crawford, Chief Executive and Clerk in the Chair.

1. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Bob Neill.

2. Declarations of interests

(Agenda item 2)

No declarations were made.

3. Elections of Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Authority and appointments to the Authority

(Agenda item 3)

The Chief Executive and Clerk invited nominations for the position of Chair of the Authority.

Karim Murji proposed and Reshard Auladin seconded that Len Duvall be appointed chair.

Following his appointment, Len Duvall, Chair of the Authority, sought nominations for the positions of Deputy Chairs of the Authority.

Nominations for Reshard Auladin (proposed by Aneeta Prem and seconded by Cindy Butts) and Cindy Butts (proposed by Reshard Auladin and seconded by Karim Murji) were received.

The Authority was asked to consider the appointments of the chairs and deputy chairs of committees and the membership of those committees. As these appointments were recently considered at the March 2006 Authority meeting following the recent committee restructuring, it was agreed to ratify those appointments.

Members were asked to consider any additional appointments to the Corporate Governance Committee, which currently has three members. Members were asked to give expressions of interest to the Chief Executive and Clerk.

Members confirmed the appointments of the co-opted members to the Corporate Governance Committee and Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board, as outlined in the report. It was noted that the Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee would be seeking additional co-opted members to that Committee.

Resolved – That

  1. Len Duvall be appointed Chair of the Authority until the 2007 annual meeting of the Authority;
  2. Reshard Auladin and Cindy Butts be appointed Deputy Chairs of the Authority until the annual meeting of the Authority in 2007;
  3. the membership of the Authority’s committees, including the positions of chairs and deputy chairs, as agreed at the Authority meeting on 30 March 2006 be confirmed.
  4. the co-opted member appointments of Richard Stephenson to the Corporate Governance Committee and Lee Jasper to the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board be confirmed.

4. Link member appointments

(Agenda item 4)

Members were asked to confirm borough link appointments, noting the minimum expectations of members acting in that role.

In addition, members were asked to agree a process for reviewing lead link members roles.

The nominations, as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report were agreed. It was also agreed that Len Duvall continue temporarily as link borough member for London Borough of Barking and Dagenham and the vacant borough posts be filled as follows: London Borough of Newham Aneeta Prem; and London Borough of Tower Hamlets; Reshard Auladin/Len Duvall. It was agreed that Joanne McCartey replaces Reshard Auladin as link borough member for London Borough of Enfield. It was also agreed that while there is no link Member for the London Borough of Brent, David Riddle, Deputy Chief Executive and Clerk will continue to represent the MPA in relation to that Borough.

Resolved – That

  1. the borough link member appointments be approved as outlined in Appendix 1 and subject to the above changes; and
  2. the approach to other link member appointments contained in paragraphs 3 to 5 of the report and specifically the process proposed in paragraph 5 be agreed.

5. Appointments to outside bodies

(Agenda item 5)

The Authority considered a report that sought MPA appointments to outside bodies and other organisations.

Resolved – That the MPA representation on outside bodies as given at Appendix 1 to these minutes be agreed.

6. Appointment of independent members of the Standards Committee

(Agenda item 6)

Members considered a report proposing the appointment of two independent members of the Standards Committee.

Resolved – That Stephanie Caplan and Anne Dickens be appointed as independent members of the Standards Committee for a term of four years from the date of this meeting (29 June 2006).

7. Independent Members of the Appointments Board

(Agenda item 7)

The Authority determined the membership of the Member Appointments Panel that would appoint a replacement independent member following the resignation from the Authority of Abdal Ullah.

Resolved – That Len Duvall, Richard Barnes, Aneeta Prem, Graham Tope, Richard Sumray and Rachel Whittaker be appointed to the Member Appointment Panel.

8. Members attendance 2005/06

(Agenda item 8)

Members received a report that outlined members’ attendance at MPA bodies to which they were appointed during the year since the last annual meeting in June 2005. It was noted that as outlined in the report, this did not represent a full picture of members’ contribution to the MPA.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

This concluded the Annual Meeting business and the Authority resumed the Ordinary Meeting of the Authority started at 10:25 a.m.

9. Minutes

(Agenda item 1)

Members considered the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 25 May 2006

In relation to minute 142 – in relation to Brian Haw, confirmation was given that the opportunity costs of removal of Mr Haw’s site in Parliament Square was £20,237. Confirmation was given that the Commissioner and Chair of the Authority had sent letters to the House of Commons Transport Committee, in relation to comments made regarding the merger of British Transport Police.

John Roberts confirmed that he had meet with Mr Mery, who had submitted a question to the May Authority meeting, regarding his concerns on stop and search.

Resolved – That the minutes of the meetings of the Authority held on 25 May 2006 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

10. Minutes of committees

(Agenda item 2)

The minutes of the following committees were received for information:

  • Professional Standards and Complaints Committee 18 May 2006
  • Planning, Performance and Review Committee 8 June 2006

Resolved – That the minutes of Committees be received and noted;

11. Chair’s update

(Agenda item 3)

It was noted that the Chair had no update.

12. Commissioner's update

(Agenda item 4)

The Commissioner reported orally on a number of matters and monthly performance figure were tabled.

Armed police raid

The Commissioner reported that on the basis of very credible information the MPS had undertaken an armed raid on a house at which a teenage boy had been seen with what appeared to be a MP5 machine gun. Following the raid, at which no shots were fired, it was confirmed that the gun found at the premises was a replica MP5. To demonstrate the very close similarities between replica and real guns the Commissioner arranged for the Authority to see both a replica and real MP5 gun.

Members supported the Commissioner in the need for the Government to restrict the sale of or to ban replica guns.

Firearms incident in Waltham Forest

The Commissioner report that the unarmed officer shot whilst taking part in an operation in Waltham Forest was recovering from his injuries and had been released from hospital. Several arrests had been made.

Sally Anne Bowman

Confirmation was given that a 35-year old man had been arrested in relation to the murder of Sally Anne Bowman.

Good news items

The Commissioner, with the agreement of the Chair, tabled a summary of operational and non-operational good news events, stories and information. The Commissioner suggested that this summary should be provided to members in advance of future meetings.

In supporting the suggestion and noting the links with the developments that had initiated the arrest in the investigation into the murder of Sally Anne Bowman and the increasing success in solving ‘cold’ cases, the Authority should receive and update report on the work of forensic science in the MPS.

Other issues

The Commissioner informed member of the arrangements to commemorate the events of July 2005.

AC Ghaffur confirmed that the MPS were currently studying the court judgement made concerning the ‘critical mass’ cycle event that takes place every month. Further information would be circulated to members on this matter.


Members were presented with monthly performance information, which provided a comparison between April – May 2006 and the same period for 2005. Members also received information on public satisfaction that outlined details of surveys undertaken and a revised safer neighbourhood key individual network survey.

It was noted that there were considerable improvements in most of the categories, particularly regarding gun related crime and Trident gun crime. Members also raised concerns about gun crime and displacement. The Commissioner acknowledged that there was work needed in relation to robbery and provided members with details regarding the homicide figure.

13. Forrest Gate update

(Agenda item 5)

This item was taken as part of the Commissioner’s update.

The Commissioner provided the Authority with the details of Operation Volga, which was an intelligence-led operation responding to credible and specific information of possible terrorist activities. The operation centred on properties in Lansdown Road, Forest Gate.

In addition to the oral presentation given by the Commissioner and AC Hayman, a report was tabled with the agreement of the Chair, which provided further details and a timeline of events. In presenting the information, the Commissioner confirmed that although this was an ongoing investigation full comments would be made where possible.

Members welcomed the report and the opportunity to discuss this incident. As part of the key messages and learning emanating from the operation, members made a number of comments and suggestions.

Several members raised issues around the media coverage of the incident and its effects on public and community confidence following the operation. In particular, some members raised concerns that the MPS had not responded or had been slow to respond to rebut or explain some of the misinformation that arose in relation to this operation. This could have included a fuller explanation of the number of officers involved in the operation. Members suggested that any communications strategy for such operations should include the option for ‘nothing being found’. Some members felt that some media reports about the two people arrested had attempted to discredit them. The Commissioner confirmed that, however this information had came about, it was not as a conscious decision on the part of the MPS. Members felt that this reporting further damaged community confidence in the police and that the MPS need to have a clear protocol on speaking to the press to, investigate any unfounded leaks to the media and within reason to work better with the media during such operations.

The Commissioner drew attention to the fact that The MPS was constrained in what it could properly comment on while an IPCC investigation was in progress, while such inhibitions did not apply to others.

The Chair of the Authority proposed that a report on the MPS working with the media be presented to a future meeting of Co-ordination and Policing Committee.

In relation to community confidence, some members felt that there was a need to work closer with all communities and in particular with young people who felt that they were not represented. Members suggested that one way forward would be to develop the methodology of Operation Trident, possibly through an IAG, but in doing so, ensure that this is done in a sensitive and cautious manner, working with both individuals and the community. This could prove beneficial in the better planning of such operations. It was felt that there was a need for the MPS to be engaging with young people through education. Members, in acknowledging that such operations would have to take place in future, suggested that there was a case for leading officers to meet with those communities involved in their locality. Whilst any such meeting could be difficult, it could help in restoring any lost faith and confidence.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be noted; and
  2. Co-ordination and Policing Committee receive a report on the MPS and the media.

14. Traffic Policing

(Agenda item 6)

A report was received that updated the Authority on the activities carried out by the Traffic and Transport Branch.

Members welcomed the report and raised a numbers of issues. These included: the need build on the success of automatic number plate recognition interception (ANPR) teams and set out a business case to introduce further teams; concern at the apparent the lack of co-operation and poor response times from the DVLA; concern relating to the ACPO guidelines of moving 50% of speed camera thresholds (speed limits plus 10% plus 2 mph); concerns about the increase in number of hit and runs incidents, particularly those involving both young drivers and the increase in the number of young black people as victims; and further information was sought on the apparent number of fixed penalties that were not being pursued.

Members also noted the on going work being undertaken by the Branch on tackling illegal mini cab drivers. Confirmation was given by Assistant Commissioner Ghaffur that work on this issue would be continuing.

Assistant Commissioner Ghaffur, acknowledged the success of the ANPR interception teams and supported the further introduction of more teams. However, he confirmed that any business case for further teams would have to be made subject to budget availability and other competing priorities. He confirmed that since he had only recently joined this Directorate, it was difficult to confirm the current concerns raised in relation to DVLA, but he was confident that there would be an improvement. He also acknowledged that the MPS had to undertake further work relating to the increase in hit and run incidents and the area of disproportionality. In response to concerns around the apparent lack of payment following tickets being issued, AC Ghaffur intimated that information and data on this matter was not readily available, but would be circulated to members when it was. He added that one issue could be that many ticket/fines were still being processed. AC Ghaffur also agreed to circulate further information to members on camera sites and ACPO guidelines on speed camera thresholds.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

15. 2005/2006 final accounts

(Agenda item 7)

The Authority received the draft accounts for 2005/06. The report outlined key features of the accounts, which it was noted were subject to audit and which provided the structure of the statements. Members also noted that the Corporate Governance Committee had subjected the accounts to scrutiny.

Resolved – That the draft statement of accounts 2006, be submitted to the Authority’s external auditors.

16. Joint MPA/MPS annual report

(Agenda item 8)

The Authority received a report that presented the MPA/MPS annual report.

Resolved – That the annual report be approved.

17. Joint MPA and NHS review mental health and policing

(Agenda item 9a and 9b)

Members considered two reports on the joint MPA/MPS mental health and policing scrutiny review, submitted by the Chief Executive and Clerk (MPA) and AC Godwin on behalf of the Commissioner (MPS).

Both reports summarised the progress being made to implement the recommendations of the joint review of police and mental health. The reports outlined the governance arrangements that had been put into place to ensure that there was a consistent implementation of the recommendations across London.

In welcoming the report and the work undertaken by the Review, Richard Sumray, who co-chaired the original Review, stressed the importance of working within the new health structure and to sustain the need for change regarding mental health. He proposed that the Authority monitor the situation and that a further report be submitted to Authority meeting in six months.

Resolved – That

  1. the implementation arrangements outlined in the report and the progress being made to implement the recommendations of the joint review be noted; and
  2. an update report be presented to the Authority in six months.

18. Review of Standing Orders

(Agenda item 10)

A report was considered that presented amendments and additions to the Authority’s standing orders.

In approving the Standing Orders, members agreed that a further report be submitted to a future meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee reviewing the current format of questions from members of the public to the Authority.

Resolved – That

  1. the Standing Orders, as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report be approved; and
  2. a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee were members review the current format of questions from members of the public to the Authority.

19. Urgent Action taken under delegated authority

(Agenda item 11)

Members received a report that provided details of urgent action, taken by the Chief Executive and Clerk, under delegated authority.

Resolved – That the urgent action undertaken by the Chief Executive and Clerk, in accordance with Standing Orders, be noted.

The meeting ended at 1.45 p.m.

Appendix 1

Appointments to outside bodies (no of places in brackets)

Appointed annual meeting 29 June 2006

Association of Police Authorities

APA Plenary: (6)
Len Duvall, Jennette Arnold, Richard Barnes, Toby Harris, Richard Sumray, Rachel Whittaker and John Roberts (sub)

APA Policy Groups

Race & Diversity (1)
John Roberts
Neighbourhoood Policing (1)
John Roberts
Human Resources (1)
Rachel Whittaker
Financial resources
Officer appointment - Ken Hunt
Performance management (1)
Richard Sumray
Science and Technology (1)
Reshard Auladin

APA Liaison Networks

Efficency (1)
Karim Murji
Information management (1)
Karim Murji
Training Liaison(1)
Aneeta Prem
Bureaucracy (1)
Richard Sumray
Black & Minority Ethnic (1)
Open to any members to attend
Professional Standards (1)
Officer to attend
APA Criminal Justice System Task Group (2)
Richard Sumray and Aneeta Prem
APA Finance Lobbying Group
Richard Sumray

Association of London Government

Leaders’ Committee (1)
Len Duvall

ALG Panels

Crime and Public Protection Forum (previously the Community safety and policing Panel) (2)
Vacancy and John Roberts

Local Government Association

General Assembly (4)
Len Duvall, Anthony Arbour, Graham Tope and Elizabeth Howlett
Police Authorities in Corporate Membership Group (3)
Len Duvall, Nicky Gavron and Bob Neill

Policy Review Groups

Social Inclusion (3)
Watching brief
LGA Urban Commission (1)
Bob Neill
London Health Commission (1)
Richard Sumray


Airwave Programme Board (1)
Catherine Crawford
London Community Safety Partnership (1 member/1 officer)
Cindy Butts and David Riddle
Police Advisory Board (1)
Jennette Arnold
Crimestoppers (1)
Richard Barnes
Police Negotiating Board (1)
Rachel Whittaker
Safer London Foundation
Toby Harris
Race Hate Crime Forum
Peter Herbert and Aneeta Prem
London Criminal Justice Board
Richard Sumray and Reshard Auladin (substitute)
ACPO Group on Gender
Cindy Butts
Home Office Groups
BME Retention and Progression Group
John Roberts
BME Trust and Confidence Group
John Roberts

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