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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 28 June 2007 at Westminster Council House, Council Chamber, 97-113 Marylebone Rd, London, NW1 5PT.



  • Len Duvall (in the Chair from item 3 – not for item 15)
  • Reshard Auladin (Deputy Chair) (not for item 14)
  • Cindy Butts (Deputy Chair) (in the Chair for item 14)
  • Tony Arbour
  • Nicky Gavron (from item 11)
  • Toby Harris
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Peter Herbert
  • Damian Hockney
  • Elizabeth Howlett (not for item 14)
  • Jenny Jones
  • Joanne McCartney
  • Karim Murji (from item 14)
  • Aneeta Prem (not for item 14)
  • John Roberts
  • Richard Sumray (not for item 14)
  • Graham Tope
  • Rachel Whittaker (not for item 14)

MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Chief Executive) (not item 14)
  • David Riddle (Deputy Chief Executive)
  • Ken Hunt (Treasurer)
  • Nick Baker (Head of Committee Services)

MPS officers

  • Sir Ian Blair (Commissioner)
  • Paul Stephenson (Deputy Commissioner)
  • AC John Yates (item 14)
  • Commander Shaun Sawyer (Item 12)
  • Alisa Beaton (Director of Information – Item 15)
  • Anne McMeel (Director of Strategic Finance)

1. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Jennette Arnold, Richard Barnes and Dee Doocey. Karim Murji for lateness.

2. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 2)

The following members declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 15 (ordinary meeting) and withdrew from the meeting: Len Duvall (Chair of the Authority), Reshard Auladin (Deputy Chair of the Authority), Elizabeth Howlett, Aneeta Prem, Richard Sumray and Rachel Whittaker.

3. Appointments tot he Authority

(Agenda item 3)

Members received a report that sought nominations for the positions of Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Authority. The report also sought nominations for chairs and deputy chairs of the Authority's committees, portfolio holders and membership of committees and representation of the MPA on outside bodies. Ratification was also sought of nominations of co-opted members to committees.

A number of additions to committee membership were made and these are reflected in Appendix 2 to the minutes.

In relation to appointments to outside bodies a vote was required for appointments to the APA Plenary, following which those members indicated at Appendix 4 to the minutes were appointed. It was noted that the APA Criminal Justice System Task Group would now have 3 representatives and that the APA liaison networks for ‘Efficiency’ and ‘Information Management’ no longer meet.

In addition it was noted that the London Crime Reduction Delivery Board was now called the London Community Safety Partnership. In relation to this body the Chair requested that a report be presented to a future meeting of the Authority on the work and remit of the partnership, before appointments are made to it.

Resolved - That

  1. Len Duvall be elected Chair of the Authority until the annual meeting 2008;
  2. Reshard Auladin and Cindy Butts be elected Deputy Chairs of the Authority until the annual meeting 2008;
  3. the current committee structure and terms of reference be confirmed for 2007/08;
  4. the positions of chairs and deputy chairs of committee as given at Appendix 1 to these minutes be agreed until the annual meeting 2008;
  5. the membership of committee for 2007/08 as given at Appendix 2 to these minutes be agreed;
  6. portfolio holder positions for 2007/08 as given at Appendix 3 to these minutes be agreed;
  7. the MPA representation on outside bodies, as given at Appendix 4 to these minute be agreed; and
  8. the co-opted members to committees, as given at Appendix 5 to the report be ratified.

4. Minutes: 31 MAY 2007

(Agenda item 1)

Members considered the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 31 May 2007.

Resolved - That the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 31 May 2007 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.

5. Minutes of committees

(Agenda item 2)

The minutes of the following Committees were received for information

  • Finance/Joint Planning Performance and Review Committee 17 May 2007
  • Planning Performance and review Committee 17 May 2007

6. Chair's update

(Agenda item 3)

Following the collapse of the building opposite 10 Dean Farrar Street on 12 June 2007, the Chair thanked the MPA staff for calmness following that event, he added his thanks to staff for continuing to maintain as much business as usual during the period that the MPA’s offices had been closed.

7. MPA and MPS Gender Equality Scheme

(Agenda item 4a & item 4b)

The Authority received reports that presented the MPA Gender Equality Scheme (GES) for 2007-2010 and how the MPS will deliver the GES using the MPS Equality Scheme framework.

Resolved - That

  1. the MPA Gender Equality Scheme for 2007-210 be agreed; and
  2. progress on the MPS Gender Equality Scheme be endorsed that noting that it was being monitored and progressed effectively.

8. New Model Code of Conduct

(Agenda item 5)

Following the introduction by the Government of a new Model Code of Conduct for members of local authorities, members received a report that sought the adoption of the new code of conduct for the MPA.

The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed that the report had been considered by the Standards Committee, which had recommended that the Authority adopt the code un-amended except for the inclusion of the non-mandatory paragraph 12(2) of the Code, which allows members with a prejudicial interest to attend meetings for the purpose of making representations, answering questions etc. This would require a change to Standing Orders to extend the same right to members of the public.

The Deputy Chief Executive added that the Standards Committee had requested that members’ attention be drawn to the Codes requirement to register gifts and hospitality over the value of £25 and the need for a declaration be made within three years. It was noted that in raising this issue the Standards Committee had also requested that members needed to be made aware of their obligation and be given advice and information on this matter on a regular basis.

Resolved - That

  1. the Authority agrees to the adoption of those provisions of the Model Code of Conduct that apply to police authorities un-amended and that the Authority's Code should include the non mandatory paragraph 12(2); and
  2. provision for deputations be included in Standing Orders as set out at Appendix 2 to the report.

9. Review of Standing Orders

(Agenda item 6)

A report was considered that outlined a review to the Authority's Scheme of Delegation, Financial Regulations and Anti fraud Policy. It also outlined a fundamental review of the Authority’s Contract Regulations to ensure they reflect best practice and legislative changes and to make them more accessible and user friendly.

It was noted that the Procurement Strategy would be presented to the July meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee and would include details of the European Union exemption.

The Treasurer in response to members confirmed that within the Financial Regulations delegated authority to the MPS Director of Strategic Finance on the acquisition and disposal of land and buildings had been reduced from £2 million to £1 million, to allow the Authority greater oversight. He added that the Authority would still receive reports on any disposals under £1 million, if they were deemed to be in the public interest.

Resolved - That

  1. the proposed amendments to the Standing Orders be agreed
  2. the revised standing orders be applicable from September 2007 subject to any changes made at meetings

10. MPA accounts year end 31 March 2007

(Agenda item 7)

The Authority received the draft accounts for 2006-07, which are subject to audit. The report identified key features of the accounts and outlined the structure of the statements.

The Treasurer confirmed that draft accounts reflected that comments and views of the Corporate Governance Committee, which had scrutinised them at their meeting on 15 June 2007. He added that the Corporate Governance Committee wished to draw attention to the Authority of the Statement of Internal Control, included within draft Statements of Accounts and requested endorsement of the level of reserves held by the Authority. The Corporate Governance Committee also requested that the change in pension transaction for the new police pension fund be reported.

Resolved - That

  1. the draft set of accounts for 2006/07 be approved, subject to the new Pension Fund Accounting Regulations being approved by Parliament, following review by the Corporate Governance Committee, for onward submission to the Authority’s external auditors; and
  2. the Treasurer be given delegated authority to make any minor amendments necessary to the draft accounts prior to finalisation of the audit.

10. MPA update on ‘Counter Terrorism: the London Debate’

(Agenda item 8)

This report was taken in conjunction with agenda item 9 where members commented on the MPS response to the recommendations arising from ‘Counter Terrorism: The London Debate’.

Following consideration of a report in February, members received an update on the progress made by the MPA on counter terrorism: The London Debate.

The report proposed a mechanism for monitoring the recommendations arising from the debate and to maximise their implementation.

Resolved - That

  1. members note the progress made regarding 'Counter Terrorism: The London debate' since 22 February 2007; and
  2. the approach to taking 'Counter Terrorism: The London debate' forward as outlined in paragraph 25 of the report be approved.

11. MPS response to the MPA report ‘Counter Terrorism: the London Debate’

(Agenda item 9)

Members received a report from the MPS, which outlined the MPS’s initial response to each of the recommendations of the report 'Counter Terrorism: The London Debate’.

AC Hayman in presenting the report and the recommendations, informed members that in some areas the recommendations presented were very much work in progress and not considered as complete. He added that they were presented to update members of the current status in responding to issues raised as part of the London debate and that some required further time to either develop or implement.

The Chair agreed that members should go through each of the 46 recommendations outlined in the report and invited members to comment.

Recommendation 2

AC Hayman confirmed that details of Operation Kratos are available on the MPS website.

Recommendation 4

Some members were concerned that proposals to ask partners, particularly those in the education arena, to initiate more counter radicalisation and de-radicalisation initiatives could be counter productive and damage community relationships. However, some members supported such intervention as long as it was undertaken in a sensible manner and AC Hayman added that this would be undertaken through partnership working.

Recommendation 8

In relation to the use of so called ‘soft intelligence’ referred to in this recommendation there was a feeling that this could be seen as unfair by some communities who would see this as being directed solely at their communities and not in other areas. However, some members supported the approach of Operation Delphinus and the highlighted comments made by communities of the need to take forward any concerns they may have.

Members raised the issue of CDRPs having a standard item on counter terrorism on agenda. Members felt that CDRPs need better direction and support relating to this.

Arising from the discussion of this recommendation and the use of soft intelligence, the Commissioner confirmed that he was aware of the debate that there are links between terrorism and other crimes and the MPS were investigating these links.

Recommendation 20

Members welcomed the MPS response to improve data collection by flagging religious hate crime by religion more accurately and consistently and felt that this could be done quickly.

Recommendations 28-30

Members welcomed the proposals relating to this recommendation but suggested that there was a need to indicate timescales for the delivery of a clear strategy and policy framework for police community engagement to counter terrorism and more detail on the monitoring of this by the Authority.

Recommendations 32-38

Members highlighted the need for care to taken in the use of language as this again could alienate communities and stressed the importance of engaging with women and safety partnerships, amongst others, in communities on anti terrorism.

Recommendations 39-42

In welcoming the MPS drive on recruitment from London’s communities, members asked that subsequent training, relating to both counter terrorism and diversity be across the policing family to include PCSOs, specials and cadets. Some members also supported the need to promote greater representation within the service and the possibility of ‘fast tracking’. AC Hayman added that there were some complications around such issues ‘fast tacking’ as a reduction in any probation or training could have medium or long-term drawbacks to such individuals from a career perspective.

The Chair highlighted the lead that both the MPA and MPS were taking on this issue and he thanked MPA officers for their work in area. He added that it was important that information relating to Counter Terrorism: the London Debate was disseminated to partners, stakeholders and interested parties.

Resolved - that members note the MPS initial responses to the 46 recommendations for the MPS contained in the London debate report.

12. MPS response to Independent Police Complains Commission recommendations on Forest Gate

(Agenda item 10)

This item was withdrawn from the agenda.

13. Environmental strategy

(Agenda item 11)

The Chair of the Authority had requested a report from the MPS that summarised the strategic approach to environmental sustainability within the MPS, an indication of how the MPS is addressing the mayoral priorities and a summary of the success achieved to date and forthcoming challenges.

The report also outlined how the MPS were addressing environmental sustainability in line with the London Plan and mayoral priorities.

Whilst welcoming the report and the MPS strategic approach to sustainability, members raised a number of issues:

Members welcomed the MPS continuation to procure 100% electricity from renewable sources, but stressed that renewable source should not include nuclear energy. There was some concern relating to the number of flights undertaken by MPS officers and that offsetting costs on each flight was considered unacceptable and consideration should be given to reducing the number of flights taken or the use of more environmentally friendly methods of transport. In discussing this matter, some members felt that there was a need for greater clarity as the MPS were also required to be cost effective and this at times could conflict with the environmental strategy.

Members sought further clarification on the target to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% by 2025 and the possibility of working with partners to reduce the current MPS fleet. It was also requested that the MPS investigate further the re-cycling of food waste.

The Director of Strategic Finance, in response to members, confirmed that the Strategy had been impact assessed and added that discussions were taking place with Transport for London regarding the MPS fleet. Regarding air flights, it was noted the there was a reduction in the number being taken and that there was a conflict regarding costs. Confirmation was given that the sustainability of buildings was included in the £5.725m within the capital programme for Climate Change Action Plan. It was also confirmed that the free travel provided to some MPS staff was paid by the Service and was paid as a block payment.

The Chair of the Authority suggested that there was a need for prioritisation and that regarding the fleet there was an opportunity for this to be dealt with reasonably quickly. The Director of Strategic Finance agreed to bring a further report back to the Authority relating to the vehicle fleet and building issues.

Resolved - That

  1. the report be received and note the MPS strategic approach to sustainability and how the MPS are addressing mayoral priorities.
  2. that the Authority receive a further report on the environmental strategy in particular those relating to the MPS vehicle fleet.

14. Commissioner’s update

(Agenda item 12)

Performance issues

The Commissioner presented performance information and figures, which compared the period March - May 2007 with the same period for 2006. It was noted that notifiable offences fell by 6.5% and there were decreases in hate crime offences. He also drew members’ attention to the improved sanction detection rates in most of the categories.

The Commissioner raised concerns relating to the increase in gun-enabled crime.

Other issues

Criminal Justice

The Commissioner updated members on the introduction of virtual courts and he believed that they were working well and saving valuable policing time.

Regarding criminal justice, members welcomed the positive contribution being made AC Godwin and his work with the National Criminal Justice Board. However, some members raised concerns that the criminal justice service was failing those who ended up re-offending and that there was a need to equate the effects of alcohol and drugs and criminal justice . In response, the Commissioner suggested that the Authority should receive a report that looks at the criminal justice service and which includes such issues as the impact of recent licensing laws changes.

Road fatalities

The Commissioner drew members’ attention to the performance figures, which showed that there was a 14% increase in the number of road fatalities for the period presented, but showed a decrease in the twelve-month period. He acknowledged that the concerns around road fatalities and was confident that the work of the traffic OCU would continue to help reduce fatalities.

In noting the Commissioner’s comments and supporting the work of the traffic OCU, some members felt that MPS should be doing much more to support the traffic OCU in reducing road fatalities. Members felt that road fatalities were too often seen as regrettable or unfortunate and not comparable to other homicides. It was suggested that the traffic OCU required more officers, and the need for greater enforcement, possibility allowing some enforcement by PCSOs. Members also felt that there could be improved partnership working with Transport for London, particularly regarding road and junction lay outs.

The Commissioner in accepting the comments by members reminded them that staffing allocation formed part of the priorities and budget process of the MPA and MPS. He also reiterated that the role of PCSO’s was determined by the requirements of their local neighbourhood.

The Chair of the Authority suggested that the Authority receive a report that looks at road fatalities and in doing so includes the role of PCSOs, the enforcement of safety laws and the disproportionality of road deaths.

Youth crime

The Commissioner informed the Authority that following the deaths of a number of young people since the beginning of the year across London he had initiated a special pan London operation to attempt to reduce violent crime by young people and that this would take place over the summer months.

As part of the operation he confirmed that the MPS would be working with partners and key stakeholders in an attempt to reduce the violence.

Members broadly welcomed the initiation of this operation and in noting that this would mean use of stop and search, requested that this was undertaken in a respectable manner and that the MPS work closely with not only partners and communities but where possible with young people.

The Chair of the Authority also supported the initiation of the operation and the close working with partners and stakeholders. He added that this operation should form the basis of the next Authority agenda with the MPS submitting its Youth Strategy and any short or long-term issues. It was agreed that Cindy Butts kept informed of the development and progress of this operation.

Closure of Blackwall Tunnel

Following the closure of the contra-flow system at the Blackwall Tunnel, members raised concerns at the health and safety implications of this decision. Members were also concerned that the closure of the contra flow system had been undertaken with little consultation.

It was noted that the GLA had also requested further materials used in the decision to support the closure of the contra-flow and that these had not been received. The Commissioner confirmed that he would ask that any information the MPS had on this decision would be provided to members.

15. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 13)

A resolution was put to exclude the press and public from the meeting during remaining items 14 and 15 on the agenda as it was likely to disclose exempt information as described in Schedule 12(a) (para 1, 2,and 5) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

Resolved - That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of items 14 and 15 on the agenda.

Summary of exempt items

The Chair agreed to take agenda item 15 before item 14.

16. Mobile data terminal replacement

(Agenda item 15)

Members received a report on the replacement of a mobile data terminal.

17. Stockwell 2 investigation

(Agenda item 14)

Members considered a report that sought a decision on legal proceeding.

The meeting ended at 2.30 pm

Appendix 1

Appointments of Chairs & Deputy Chair of Authority Committees

Chair of the Authority - Len Duvall

Deputy Chairs of the Authority - Reshard Auladin and Cindy Butts

Committee Chair Deputy Chair(s)
Corporate Governance Toby Harris Faith Boardman
Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board Kirsten Hearn Aneeta Prem
Finance Graham Tope Richard Sumray
Planning, Performance and Review Richard Sumray Karim Murji
Professional Standards and Complaints Reshard Auladin Elizabeth Howlett

Appendix 2

MPA committees membership 2007/08

Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Len Duvall (as Chair of Authority)
Cindy Butts (as Dep Chair of Authority)
Reshard Auladin (as Dep Chair of Authority) and (as Chair of PSC)
Richard Sumray (as Chair of PPR)
Kirsten Hearn (as Chair of EODB)
Graham Tope (as Chair of Finance)
Toby Harris (as Chair of Corporate Governance)

Plus Portfolio holders

John Roberts
Aneeta Prem
Rachel Whittaker


Jennette Arnold
Richard Barnes
Faith Boardman
Elizabeth Howlett
Karim Murji
Damian Hockney

Corporate Governance Committee

Jennette Arnold
Faith Boardman (Deputy Chair)
Toby Harris (Chair)
Joanne McCartney
Karim Murji
Rachel Whittaker

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board

Cindy Butts
Kirsten Hearn (Chair)
Peter Herbert
Damian Hockney
Bob Neill
Aneeta Prem (Deputy Chair)

Finance Committee

Reshard Auladin
Richard Barnes
Faith Boardman
Dee Doocey
Elizabeth Howlett
Aneeta Prem
Graham Tope (Chair)
Richard Sumray (Deputy Chair)
Rachel Whittaker

Planning, Performance and Review

Reshard Auladin
Tony Arbour
Faith Boardman
Richard Barnes
Karim Murji (Deputy Chair)
Richard Sumary (Chair)

Professional Standards and Complaints

Reshard Auladin (Chair)
Tony Arbour
Damian Hockney
Elizabeth Howlett (Deputy Chair)
Jenny Jones
Karim Murji
John Roberts
Richard Sumray
Rachel Whittaker

Standards Committee

Damian Hockney
Aneeta Prem
John Roberts

And two independent members

Stephanie Caplan
Anne Dickens

Appendix 3

Appointment of portfolio holders 2007-08

Portfolio Member
HR & Workforce Modernisation Rachel Whittaker
Estate Strategy Aneeta Prem
Stop and search/ICV/Custody Command John Roberts
Met Modernisation Len Duvall
Community Engagement Cindy Butts

Appendix 4

Appointments to outside bodies

(no of places in brackets)

  Expression of interests for 2007/08
Association of Police Authorities
APA Plenary (6) Len Duvall, Faith Boardman, Richard Barnes, John Roberts, Richard Sumray, Rachel Whittaker
APA policy groups:
Race & Diversity (3) John Roberts, Kirsten Hearn
Neighbourhood Policing (1) John Roberts
Human Resources (1) Rachel Whittaker
Financial Resources (1) Officer appointment
Performance Management (1) Richard Sumray
Science and Technology (1) Reshard Auladin
APA Liaison Networks
Training Liaison (1) Officer appointment
Black & Minority Ethnic (1) Open to all to attend
Health and Safety (1) Rachel Whittaker
Professional Standards (1) Reshard Auladin
APA Criminal Justice System Task Group (3) Faith Boardman

Aneeta Prem

Richard Sumray

Association of London Government
ALG Leader’s Committee (1) Len Duvall
ALG Panels:
Crime and Public Protection Forum (previously the Community safety and policing Panel) (2) John Roberts
Local Government Association
General Assembly (4) Len Duvall, Damian Hockney, Elizabeth Howlett, Graham Tope
Police Authorities in Corporate Membership Group (3) Len Duvall, Damian Hockney, Bob Neill
Policy Review Groups:
Social Inclusion (3) Watching brief
LGA Urban Commission (1) Bob Neill
London Health Commission (1) Richard Sumray
Home office groups
  • BME Retention and Progression Group
John Roberts
Home office groups
  • BME Trust and Confidence Group
Karim Murji
Airwave Programme Board (1) Catherine Crawford
London Crime Reduction Delivery Board (2) Graham Tope
Police Advisory Board (1) Jennette Arnold
Crime stoppers (1) Richard Barnes
Police Negotiating Board (1) Rachel Whittaker
Safer London Foundation Toby Harris
Race Hate Crime Forum Peter Herbert, Aneeta Prem, John Roberts
London Criminal Justice Board Richard Sumray
London Community Safety Partnership TBD
London Fraud Forum Toby Harris

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