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Minutes of the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee held on 12 March 2002, at Romney House, 43 Marsham Street, Westminster SW1P 3PY.



  • Richard Barnes (Deputy Chair in the Chair)
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Nicholas Long
  • R David Muir
  • Richard Sumray
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Peter Martin (Treasurer)
  • Nick Baker (Committee Services)

MPS staff

  • Michael Todd (Assistant Commissioner)
  • Trevor Lawrence (PDS)
  • Kevin Geeson (Finance)
  • Mike Aston (DoI)

Also in attendance: 7 members of the public and MPS/MPA staff.

Part 1

40. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies of absence were received from Toby Harris (Chair), Graham Tope and Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner). In the absence of the Chair, Richard Barnes took the Chair. 

41. Minutes: 10 January 2002

(Agenda item 2)

Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2002 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

42. Key workers initiative: affordable housing scheme

(Agenda item 3)

Members were informed that the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee (FPBV) at its meeting in February 2002 had considered the MPS application for starter homes initiative funding to the Home Office and that the application had been made on a pro-rata basis jointly by both the MPA and the City of London Police.

The Home Office had also informed FPBV Committee that the MPA proposal that individual applicants fund the administrative fees for their particular property was unacceptable under the terms of the offer. 

Members now considered a report that proposed that administrative fees be funded from an earmarked reserve from the projected underspend from 2001/02.

Resolved – That the administrative fees for starter home initiative funding be funded from an earmarked reserve created from the projected under spend from 2001/02.

43. Funding for Virdi action plan

(Agenda item 4)

R. David Muir declared a pecuniary interest in this report and did not take part in the discussion.

The Committee received a report that outlined proposed costs for the Virdi Action Plan, as agreed by the full Authority at its meeting in February 2002. It was reported that hearing and initial assessment costs outlined in the report were provisional and that, if further work was in prospect, a more detail report will be presented to a future meeting of the Committee.

Resolved – That 

  1. funding for the panel to hear any evidence that PS Virdi wishes to give be approved; and
  2. in principle, the funding for further work by the Panel, subject to a further report with detailed costs being presented to a future meeting of the Committee, after evidence has been given and assessed be agreed. 

44. Home Office Holly Royde conference

(Urgent Item)

The Committee agreed to receive an additional item circulated after the main agenda had been distributed, but within the statutory three clear working days as the closing date for attendance at this conference by a member was imminent.

The report reminded members that this Committee had agreed that approval was required on member attendance at a conference or seminar should costs, including travel and accommodation, exceed £500 per delegate.

It was noted that the Home Office Holly Royde conference is to be held at Binfield, Berkshire on 16-18 April 2002 and that it will address race, community relations and policing, with particular focus on the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2002. The cost of attendance, together with travel and accommodation will exceed £500 and members were asked to approve the attendance to the conference of Cindy Butts.

Resolved – That Cindy Butts’ attendance at the Home Office Holly Royde Conference 16-18 April 2002 be approved.

45. ACPO/APA conference 13/15 May 2002

(Urgent Item)

The Committee agreed to receive an additional item circulated after the main agenda had been distributed, as the closing date for attendance at this conference by members was imminent.

The Committee considered a report that sought approval to book six places for the ACPO/APA Conference to be held at the NEC Birmingham from 13 to 15 May 2002. Approval was required on members’ attendance at the conference as costs, including travel and accommodation, exceed £500 per delegate.

Resolved – That

  1. approval be given to book six places for the Clerk and five MPA members to attend the ACPO/APA conference in May 2002; and
  2. the Clerk be authorised to agree which members should attend. 

46. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 5)

A resolution was put to exclude the press and public from the meeting during agenda items 6 and 7 and an urgent additional item as it was likely to disclose exempt information as described in Schedule 12(a)(1) and (8) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

Resolved - that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following items of business.

47. MPA accommodation

(Agenda item 6)

Following the signing of the lease agreement for new MPA accommodation at 10 Dean Farrar Street, the Committee now considered a report on proposals for fit out, furniture and equipment, IT, security and telephony works.

Members requested that their thanks to those MPA and MPS officers involved in the work to date on this issue be noted.

Resolved – That

  1. the proposals set out in paragraphs 8,12, 18 and 19 of the report be agreed for fit out, furniture and equipment, security IT, and telephony works, subject to delegating approval of the tendered prices to the Clerk in consultation with the Chair and another member.
  2. the Committee agree the financing proposals in paragraph 23-26 of the report; and
  3. the indicative floor plans at Appendix 1 to the report be noted.

48. Variation to the contract to provide a new crime reporting system

(Agenda item 7)

It was reported to members that a supplier had informed the MPS Department of Information (DoI) that it could not meet the delivery dates set out in a contract. Following negotiations between the DoI and the supplier it was proposed to reschedule the delivery dates in return for provision of additional work and equipment at no monetary costs to the MPA. Members were also informed that liquidated damages would become payable should there be any further delay in the project.

Resolved – That 

  1. the rescheduling of the delivery dates of the scheme in exchange for additional work from the supplier and the provision of additional equipment be approved; and
  2. members note that liquidated damages would become payable should there be any further delay in the project.

49. Health and Safety Executive

(Urgent item)

The Committee considered a report that informed members of possible proceedings being brought against the MPS and a request that the MPA underwrite the legal costs of the ‘responsible officers’.

Resolved – That the Committee agree in principle to underwrite all reasonable legal costs, if a prosecution is brought, and any fines imposed or compensation awarded against the ‘responsible officers’.

The Committee closed at 3.50 p.m.

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