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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Minutes of the meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee held on 20 February 2001 at Romney House, Westminster, London SW1.


  • Graham Tope (Chair)
  • Reshard Auladin (Deputy Chair)
  • Nicholas Long (Deputy Chair)
  • John Biggs
  • Roger Evans
  • Sir John Quinton
  • Richard Sumray
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff:

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Peter Martin (Treasurer)

MPS staff:

  • Deputy Commissioner Ian Blair
  • Keith Luck
  • Trevor Lawrence
  • Barbara Riddell
  • Peter Theodoulou

Also present 25 members of the press/media and public and other staff members from the MPA and MPS.

Part 1

77. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Cindy Butts and Cecile Lothian.

78. Minutes - 22 January 2001

(Agenda item 2)

that the minutes of the meeting held on 22 January 2001 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

79. Draft annual plan/ best value performance plan

(Agenda item 3)

A report detailing the latest version of the proposed priorities, objectives, performance indicators and targets for the annual plan was submitted for comment by members prior to its submission to the meeting of the Full Authority on 8 March 2001.

In addition, a supplementary paper setting out an approach to measuring stop and search performance was tabled. In introducing the supplementary paper the Deputy Commissioner apologised for its lateness and explained that it had been requested at the meeting of the Full Authority on 8 February 2001. He would also contact Peter Herbert on the matter. The Clerk reported that at the request of the Home Secretary a conference would be held shortly to discuss stop and search. This might have implications in the longer term for the monitoring of stop and search.


  1. That subject to changes suggested at the meeting the proposed performance indicators and targets be referred to the Oversight Panel.
  2. The Oversight Panel consider the remaining areas where details are required prior to the plan being submitted to the meeting of the Full Authority on 8 March 2001 for final approval.
  3. The status of the plan production be noted and proposed process for completion as set out in appendices 3 and 4 be approved.
  4. The approach to stop and search as set out in the supplementary paper be agreed and referred to the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and the Independent Advisory Group.

80. Summary of annual plan/ best value performance plan

(Agenda item 4)

A report was considered which described the current position on the preparation and distribution of the annual policing plan / best value performance plan.

Further to paragraph 8, an example of what the proposed layout of the text might look like was tabled for Members consideration.

Further to paragraph 12, the Director of Corporate Development reported that the advertisement which the MPS had placed in the Evening Standard in connection with the 2000/01 plan had cost £30,000.


  1. The Authority's statutory duties in respect of the annual policing plan / best value performance plan and its summary be noted.
  2. A joint summary, executive summary and base plan continue to be produced.
  3. The indicative costs of the joint summary and be noted and the costs be divided between the GLA plus functional bodies on the basis of 'equal cost for equal space'.
  4. A maximum of £150,000 be spent on the MPA contribution to the joint summary and approval of expenditure be delegated to the Clerk in conjunction with the Oversight Panel.

81. Transfer of bus lane camera offence processing to Transport for London

(Agenda item 5)

Transport for London is planning to apply a decriminalised procedure to bus lane offences captured on camera and has asked the MPS whether it wishes to retain the processing function for these offences.


  1. The MPS should not retain the decriminalised processing function for bus lane camera offences.
  2. The MPS should be prepared to offer advice to TfL on the design of its new systems if required.

82. Resource allocation formula

(Agenda item 6)

A report was considered which set out the detailed arrangements for the joint MPA/MPS review of the Resource Allocation Formula, which has been the subject of earlier reports.

The Deputy Commissioner explained that the general conclusions of the review would be explained to key stake holders such as the Borough Commanders prior to the publication of the specific local outcomes.


  1. The terms of reference for the joint project board and the scope of the review be noted.
  2. The engagement of PA Consulting and the revised timetable for the delivery of a new allocation model be noted.

84. Budget monitoring to January 2001

(Agenda item 7)

This report had been circulated with fewer than three clear working days notice due to the relevant information not being available at the time of the agenda despatch. Members agreed to consider the report as an urgent item.

The report set out the current position against budget and the forecast outturn. It is anticipated that there will be a small overspend on the revenue budget in the order of 0.1 per cent.

Members stressed the importance of including more detailed explanations for the individual variances within the information in the appendices.

Roger Evans referred to a discussion at a meeting of the Audit Panel where an amount of £460,000 had been identified which the MPS could recover from overseas police forces and inquired where provision had been made for this in the budget.

Sir John Quinton (the Chair of the Audit Panel) advised that the figure had been identified by the internal auditors and was a largely hypothetical sum as it was acknowledged that there were often extenuating circumstances which meant that the monies could not be recovered.

that the position be noted.

85. 2001/02 budget update

(Agenda item 8)

This report had been circulated with fewer than three clear working days notice due to the relevant information not being available at the time of the agenda despatch. Members agreed to consider the report as an urgent item as the budget had been agreed at a meeting held after the main agenda despatch.

The Committee received a report which set out the final outcome of the budget process for 2001/02. Copies of a motion which had been carried at the Assembly meeting on 15 February 2001 were tabled.

Further to paragraph 7 the Treasurer reported that the balance to be found was £14.8 million and not £14.7 million as shown. This meant that the Authority still had to identify savings amounting to £17.1 million and not £17 million as shown. The figure in the final bullet point of paragraph 9 should read £5.6 million. The corresponding figures in paragraph 10 should also be amended.

In reply to a question from a member on paragraph 8 the Treasurer advised that he had learnt of the transfer of responsibility for executing warrants shortly before the Authority had approved the budget at its meeting on 14 December 2000.

Members commented that it was important that there was some form of "stock taking" exercise for members and officers to evaluate how this first budget setting process had gone and to identify learning points for the future. Consideration should also be given to ways in which funding could be obtained for prioritised items in the policing plan for which there was no provision in the approved budget (eg: the provision of more rape custody suites, work on Crime and Disorder partnerships.)


  1. The final budget proposed by the Mayor and approved by the GLA Assembly be noted.
  2. The Authority be recommended to agree final amendments to balance the budget detail as set out in paragraph 10 of the report.
  3. Proposals for delivering the programme of monitoring and scrutiny set out in paragraph 11 be submitted to the next meeting.

86. Treasury management strategy

(Agenda item 9)

The Committee received a report which set out a Treasury Management Strategy for 2001/02 together with the proposed borrowing limits.


  1. The strategy for 2001/02 be approved.
  2. The borrowing limits be approved and referred to the meeting of the Full Authority on 8 March 2001 for adoption.

87. Pension costs 2001/02 TO 2010/11

(Agenda item 10)

A profile of police pension costs over the next 10 years was submitted which identified peaks of expenditure that will need to be reflected in medium to long-term planning. A strategy was put forward to manage the expenditure.

A member commented that it would have been useful if the figures in the appendices had been expressed at current prices.

In response to a point concerning the possibility of the Mayor requiring use of the MPA reserves the Treasurer undertook to write to Roger Evans.


  1. The projected financial costs of police pensions over the next 10 years be noted.
  2. It is agreed that there is a need for a funding policy which would smooth the annual budget increases and provide a reserve to meet exceptional increases.
  3. A provisional policy, in line with the model set out in Appendix 5, be approved subject to reconsideration as part of the medium term financial review.
  4. The Authority makes representations through the national expenditure negotiations to ensure that future pension costs are recognised and adequately reflected in annual financial settlements.
  5. Representations be made to the Home Office to ask that it addresses the issue of the unfunded nature of police pensions.

88. Risk management advisers

(Agenda item 11)

The Treasurer made an oral report on the appointment of consultants to carry out a strategic review of risk management and risk financing. This was supported by a paper which was tabled.

that the appointment of Willis to carry out a strategic review of risk management be noted.

89. Efficiency and Effectiveness Review Programme

(Agenda item 12)

At the meeting of the Committee on 22 January 2001 it was agreed to appoint consultants to undertake an initial mapping and scoping project to be completed by 31 March 2001 to arrive at a three year programme of effectiveness and efficiency reviews. A report was considered which provided an update.


  1. To note the Project Board's recommendation to appoint Accenture to undertake the initial Mapping and Scoping Project as part of this Programme.
  2. To note the proposals of the Project Board regarding the appointment of consultants to undertake specific reviews identified as part of the Efficiency and Effectiveness Review Programme, on either an individual review or a packaged basis.

90. Mobile telephony masts on MPA buildings

(Agenda item 13)

A report was considered which asked the Committee to consider its policy in respect of the siting of third generation antennae on properties in the MPA. The Mayor had announced that he would not permit mobile masts on GLA or TfL property until detailed evidence is available relating to the possible health risks

The Committee concluded that before making a decision more information should be sought from the Mayor on his policy.

that further consideration be deferred pending receipt of that information.

91. Cleaning contract for north west London boroughs and Hendon Training Centre

(Agenda item 14)

A report was considered which set out the outcome of a formal competitive tender exercise for a replacement cleaning contract for a cleaning service to all MPS buildings in the north west zone.

that the report be noted.

92. Provision of consultancy staff to the MPS Directorate of Information

(Agenda item 15)

A report was considered which outlined the requirements for the provision of consultancy services to the Directorate of Information under a framework agreement.

that the report be noted.

93. Tender for supply and delivery of male body armour

(Agenda item 16)

A report was considered which set out the requirements for the supply and delivery of male body armour.

that the report be noted.

agreed that a report on procurement strategy be submitted to a future meeting.

94. Provision of south east London services and accommodation under a Private Finance initiative

(Agenda item 17)

This report was considered in conjunction with:

The report by the Treasurer had been circulated with fewer than three clear working days notice due to the relevant information not being available at the time of the agenda despatch. Members agreed to consider the report as an urgent item.

The Chair asked that it be noted that he was a member of the Council of the London Borough of Sutton.

The Director of Property Services reported that the third line of recommendation 1(i) should be amended so as to include Regulation 11 in addition to Regulation 14. He also apologised for the fact that it had not been possible to finalise details of the human resources aspects of the proposals as had been requested by members. Equion had agreed to hold the current prices until 9 March 2001– that is, the day after the next meeting of the full Authority.

After discussion the Committee indicated its support for the proposals which were seen as being a viable way forward and concluded that the full Authority should be asked to agree the recommendations at its meeting on 8 March 2001. In order to ensure that everything was in place to enable a decision to be made at that meeting officers should continue the negotiations with Equion and members be invited to submit questions in advance of the meeting.


  1. The Director of Property Services be authorised to continue negotiations with Equion.
  2. The recommendations (and that in the exempt paper) be referred to the meeting of the full Authority to be held on 8 March 2001.
  3. The report to the meeting of the full Authority contains more information on the human resources aspects of the proposal.

in response to points raised by members concerning the timing of estate replacement/refurbishment works the Chair requested that a paper be submitted to a future meeting on the estates strategy.

95. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 18)

that under section 100 A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraphs 8 and 9 of Schedule 12A of the above Act.

Summary of decisions made on exempt items

Agenda Item 19 Efficiency and Effectiveness Review Programme
The Committee agreed to appoint Accenture to carry out the initial mapping and scoping project as part of the Programme.

Agenda Item 20 Mobile Telephony Masts on MPA buildings

Agenda Item 21 Cleaning Contract for North West London boroughs and Hendon Training Centre
The Committee awarded the contract to Cromwell for a three year period with a possible two year extension.

Agenda item 22 Provision of Consultancy Staff to the MPS Directorate of Information
The Committee agreed that formal tender action be taken to seek a replacement contract.

Agenda item 23 Tender for supply and delivery of male body armour
The Committee agreed that formal tender action be taken to seek a replacement contract.

Agenda item 24 Provision of South East London services and accommodation under a Private Finance Initiative
See under agenda item 17.

Agenda item 25 Report by Treasurer on PFI
This item was considered in the non-exempt section of the agenda as agenda item 17a.

Agenda item 26 Exempt minutes 22 January 2001
The Committee adopted the exempt minutes of the Committee meeting held on 22 January 2001.

The meeting ended at 5.15pm.

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