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Minutes of the meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee held on 18 April 2002 at Romney House, Westminster, London SW1.


Graham Tope (Chair)
Reshard Auladin (Deputy Chair) (to agenda item 12)
Nicholas Long (Deputy Chair)
Elizabeth Howlett
Sir John Quinton
Richard Sumray
Rachel Whittaker (from agenda item 13 onwards)

MPA officers:

Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
Peter Martin (Treasurer)
Derrick Norton (Best Value Manager)
John Crompton (Committee Services)

MPS officers:

Tarique Ghaffur (Assistant Commissioner)
Keith Luck (Director of Resources)
Bob Alexander (Director of Finance)
Ailsa Beaton (Director of Information)
Trevor Lawrence (Director of Property Services)
Paul Andrae (Acting Director of Procurement)
Detective Chief Superintendent John Bates
Supt. Simon Ovens
Supt. Marcus Kendrick

Also present: 35 members of the press/media and public and other staff members from the MPA and MPS.

Part 1

221. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of John Biggs and Cecile Lothian.

222. Minutes – 21 February 2002

(Agenda item 2)

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2002 be agreed and signed as a correct record.


Affordable housing scheme Minute 192

The Director of Property Services confirmed that the Coordination and Urgency Committee had approved the arrangements for financing the scheme at its meeting on 12 March. So far there had been over 700 expressions of interest.

Policing and performance plan minute 194

Assistant Commissioner Ghaffur confirmed that details of local bespoke targets had been sent to link members.

Treasury Management Strategy minute 199

The Treasurer advised that details of the local authorities used for benchmarking were now to hand. There were over 150 authorities on the list across a wide cross section of authorities.

Financial devolution minute 205

The Chair reported that he had received a letter from the Police Federation expressing concern at a lack of consultation on the implementation of devolution. Assistant Commissioner Ghaffur apologised for the fact that it had not been possible to submit a report to this meeting of the Committee and undertook to submit one to the next meeting, and said that this would include a discussion of abstraction and the possibility of including a Special Operations Unit to the pathfinder sites. The Treasurer stressed that the proposal for a measure of operational policing, required to support the devolution of police pay, should be reported to the next meeting of the Committee.

223. Draft minutes of The Estates Sub-committee 4 April 2002

(Agenda item 3)

Resolved: That the draft minutes be noted.

224. Chair and members’ update

(Agenda item 4)

Nicholas Long reported that he had attended a meeting of the APA Finance Sub-Committee. Bedfordshire Police Authority had raised concerns about the financial implications in the event of a successful claim under the Riot Damage Act arising from the disturbance and fire at the Yarlswood Detention Centre in February.

225. Audit of Policing And Performance Plan 2001/02

(Agenda item 5)

A report was submitted which summarised the progress made towards implementing the 13 recommendations made by District Audit in its audit of the MPA policing and performance plan 2002/02 and highlights remaining areas of concern

Resolved: That the report be noted.

226. District audit review of corporate planning arrangements

(Agenda item 6)

District Audit has submitted a report following a review of corporate planning arrangements. The Committee received a report summarising the conclusions and recommendations and setting our a suggested initial response to the recommendations.

Following a point from a member it was agreed that a report on the medium term corporate strategy be submitted to the next meeting of the Committee, following an initial discussion by the Planning Panel at its meeting on 22 April.

Resolved: That

  1. the conclusions and recommendations in the District Audit report be noted;
  2. the initial response to the recommendations set out at appendix 2 be approved;
  3. an action plan for progressing the recommendations be submitted to the next meeting; and
  4. a report on the medium term corporate strategy be submitted to the next meeting

227. Changes to best value regime

(Agenda item 7)

A report was submitted which set out changes to the best value regime which came into effective on 8 March 2002 and set out the implications for the MPA/MPS.

Referring to paragraph 6 the Best Value manager said that the updated guidance from the Home Office had now been received and confirmed that it was in line with the content of this report.

Resolved: That

  1. the changes in the best value regime plus the Authority’s continued duty to secure continuous improvement and to review all MPS functions be noted;
  2. ongoing best value reviews should continue and that the reviews of managing people and managing demand should start as planned (in April 2002 and June 2002 respectively);
  3. the number and order of other best value reviews for the period 2003/04 to 2004/05 be reassessed by June 2002;
  4. the chairs of MPS strategy committees be consulted prior to members making a final decision on the future programme of best value reviews; and
  5. the ongoing work to identify how best to respond to the changes in the publication date of the annual plan, the publication date of the auditor’s report and the increased discretion given to the Authority with respect to circulating a summary of its annual plan be noted.

228. Outcome of the best value review of crime management

(Agenda item 8)

A best value of crime management has been undertaken as part of the programme of best value reviews. This review focused on the two key business processes of ‘crime investigation and detection’ and ‘intelligence’.

Detective Chief Superintendent John Bates attended for consideration of this item.

The Treasurer drew attention to the considerable unbudgeted costs needed in order to realise the potential savings envisaged in recommendations 1,2 and 5 in the review. He suggested that it would therefore be more appropriate at this stage for the Committee to simply note the costs and for them to be incorporated into a report which was due to be submitted to the next meeting setting out all unbudgeted areas of expenditure.

Resolved - To


  1. Approve in principle CMBVR Recommendation 1 at Appendix 1 that a 24-hour Central Telephone Investigation Bureau (CTIB) be established;
  2. that the CTIB is staffed by dedicated civilian operators; and
  3. note the costs as shown in Appendix 2.


  1. Approve in principle CMBVR Recommendation 2 at Appendix 1 that a victim focus desk is established as part of the CTIB (intermediate term);
  2. that a victim focus desk is established on each borough in the short term; and
  3. note the costs as shown in Appendix 2.


  1. Approve in principle CMBVR Recommendation 5 at Appendix 1 that civilian investigators be employed in suitable roles within the crime management system (CMS); and
  2. take note of the costs and savings as shown at Appendix 2.

(4) Approve in principle CMBVR Recommendations 3-4 and 6-16 at Appendix 1.

(5) Details of the costs relating to recommendations 1,2 and 5 be considered at the next meeting as part of the overall consideration of unbudgeted areas of expenditure.

(6) Detective Chief Superintendent John Bates and the review team be thanked for their work

229. Implementation of the Glidewell report

(Agenda item 9)

A report was submitted which set out current position within the MPS on the implementation of the recommendations in the Glidewell report concerning the establishment of joint police/ Crown Prosecution Service Criminal Justice Units.

Resolved: That

  1. the report be noted;
  2. the Treasurer make representations in support of the MPS bid for additional funding; and
  3. a report be submitted to a future meeting on the effects of other changes in the criminal justice system – for example the recommendations in the Auld Review of Criminal Courts

230. The London Safety Camera Partnership

(Agenda item 10)

A report was considered which provided information on the proposed partnership with Transport for London and other agencies with regard to the use of the fine income from driving offences captured by speed and traffic signal cameras.

Further to paragraph 14 the Director of Resources reported that the scheme had been launched on 17 April.


  1. the report be noted.
  2. A further report together with the partnership agreement be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.

231. Revenue budget monitoring 2001/02

(Agenda item 11)

A report was submitted which set out actual income and expenditure for the MPA/MPS to end of February 2002 and provided an update on the projected financial outturn for the year.

The Director of Resources advised the Committee that a further update would be provided at its next meeting.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

232. Medium term capital programme 2002/03 TO 2005/06

(Agenda item 12)

A report was submitted which sought approval to the capital programme for 2002/03 to 2005/06 and set out details of the revenue implications of the proposed programme.

Referring to the table in paragraph 16 members drew attention to the item relating to Lambeth. which appeared to relate to the C3i project and said that this was contrary to the general principle that all C3i expenditure be grouped together and not be included in the general capital programme.

With regard to Operation Cleansweep referred to in paragraph 16 the Committee expressed concern as to whether the approved process for virements had been correctly applied. They also queried whether revenue costs associated with capital schemes had been included within the budget. The Treasurer was asked to satisfy himself on these matters.

Resolved- That

  1. subject to the Treasurer being satisfied with respect to Operation Cleansweep an increase of £4.7m for 2002/03 and £5m for 2003/04 and the subsequent two years in the Property Services Department allocation be approved to allow building improvement and development works to be given early priority
  2. a sum of £0.5m be approved for IT communication and security works at the new MPA headquarters building at 10, Dean Farrar Street SW1.
  3. the utilisation of £1m savings in transport revenue and capital costs be carried forward through reserves to offset the capitalisation of vehicle equip for service costs in 2002/03 be approved.
  4. an increase of £1.6m for 2002/03 and £2.6m for 2003/04 and the subsequent two years in the Transport Services Department allocation to allow for the capitalisation of vehicle fleet equip for service costs be approved.
  5. the retention of certain of the additional monies received through the increase in the capital settlement to meet unforeseen developments be approved.
  6. the medium term capital programme for 2002/03 to 2005/06 be approved.
  7. the following elements of the report be noted:
    • the reasons for adjustments being made to the draft medium capital programme seen by the Committee at its meeting on 17 January 2002
    • the adjustments made to the capital property programme in respect of (i) major refurbishment schemes; (ii) rephased schemes; and (iii) new projects but this to exclude the project for the relocation of the Special Escort Group at Lambeth as this is a C3i project.
    • those property schemes which have been brought within the medium term capital programme for 2002/03
    • the revised funding arrangements for the medium term capital programme 2002/03 to 2005/06
    • that consideration is being given to enter into a public private partnership regarding the refurbishment of Maurice Drummond and Norman Kendall Section House

233. Medium term financial projection

(Agenda item 13)

A report was submitted which set out the process and context for the preparation of the medium term financial projection 2003/04 to 2006/07 and discusses issues arising from a service-wide data collection exercise initiated during February.

A revised table 1 was tabled. The Committee noted that in paragraph 15 the figures pertaining to the National Non-Domestic Rate and the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 were transposed and that in paragraph 16 the figure for the new Firearms Training Centre at Gravesend should read "£5.1M."

The Treasurer said that it was intended to submit a report to the Authority meeting on 25 April on the implications of the Budget for the MPA. However, referring to paragraph 21 he advised that details of the counter terrorism monies were still awaited.

On the basis of discussions with GLA officers the Treasurer reported that there would probably not be a formal requirement to submit this medium term financial forecast to the Mayor during the summer, but the MPA should continue its budget planning in accordance with the timescale outlined in the report.

The Treasurer updated members on the latest position on the review of the grant allocation formula.

With regard to funding for additional police officers the Treasurer proposed the following priority order:

  1. Provide funding for officer posts displaced as a result of the C3i civilisation in order to protect current budgeted officer numbers.
  2. Provide funding for investment in further civilianisation e.g. as proposed in the Crime Management Best Value Review (see minute 228 above)
  3. Provide funding for additional officer numbers.

Agreement to the proposed operational policing measure would be essential to taking this forward

Resolved - That

  1. the proposed methodology and timescale for preparation and roll forward of the Medium Term Financial Projection (MTFP) 2003/04 to 2006/07 (paragraph 4) be noted;
  2. it be noted that further information about new items during period 2003/04 to 2006/07 will be reported to the May meeting of the Committee for guidance as to their eventual inclusion in the final MTFP (paragraph 4).
  3. the final MTFP will be presented in June/July 2002.
  4. the information gathering undertaken to inform the MTFP will initiate the budget preparation process for 2003/04 (paragraph 4).
  5. the priorities for additional police officer funding as proposed by the Treasurer be supported.

234. Efficiency and effectiveness review programme

(Agenda item 14)

This report presented an update on progress in the efficiency and effectiveness programmes .

The Treasurer advised that he intended to submit a report to the next meeting that detailed all the savings opportunities that had so far been identified by Accenture

Resolved: That the Committee notes -

  1. the progress on the Efficiency and Effectiveness reviews;
  2. the recommendations made by Accenture;
  3. that a further report on FMEs will be submitted in due course;
  4. the discussion of the Steering Group, particularly the agreement to reconsider the third year of reviews; and
  5. the appointment of Accenture as consultants for the tranche 2 reviews.

235. Insurance arrangements

(Agenda item 15)

A report was considered which set out the arrangements to be put in place to tender for long term insurance advisers and recommended a one-year extension of the existing arrangements.

Resolved: That

  1. the arrangements for retendering the Authority’s long term insurance advisers be approved.
  2. the existing arrangement be extended for a further year.

236. Comparison between New York Police Department and the Metropolitan Police Service

(Agenda item 16)

A report was submitted which discussed the comparisons between the budget for the cost of policing in London and New York.

In summing up the discussion of the report the Chair said that whilst the exercise might have revealed some interesting facts, there did not appear to be any merit in carrying out any further work on the comparisons of the two budgets.

Resolved: That the report be noted

237. Status of the C3i project

(Agenda item 17)

A report was submitted which updated the Committee on progress on the C3i project.

The Treasurer advised that details of the funding had not been received. It would therefore be necessary for this aspect to be dealt with at the Coordination and Urgency Committee at its meeting on 7 May.


  1. 1. the status and progress of the C3i project be noted.
  2. 2. the steps taken for the award of the contract for systems integration services be noted.
  3. 3. it be noted that a financial report will be issued after the receipt of Home Office spend approval and that this would be considered by the Coordination and Urgency Committee at its meeting on 7 May.

238. Accommodation for Ealing Borough OCU

(Agenda item 18)

A report was submitted which considers the accommodation requirements for Ealing Borough Operational Command Unit. The report had previously been considered by the Estates Sub-Committee at its meeting on 4 April which had

endorsed the recommendations

Peter Goulding the Chief Superintendent of Ealing attended for consideration of this item and reiterated the need for improvements to the accommodation in the borough.

Members commented that some of the proposals were relevant to Glidewell and indicated that they would not wish to give final approval to the scheme until the position with regard to funding was clearer. The Director of Property Services requested that the matter be decided in principle so that work could be carried out on the initial requests stage 1 tenders.

Resolved- That

  1. the business case for rationalisation and improvement of accommodation for Ealing Borough OCU be noted;
  2. to endorse in principle the recommendation in support of the only viable option in the investment appraisal on the proviso that no costs be incurred at this stage.
  3. the medium term accommodation requirement to undertake alteration, extension and refurbishment works to the existing Acton and Southall police stations and replacement of Ealing police station by a police office be supported; and
  4. it be noted that the necessary adjustments have been made to the medium term capital programme 2002/3 to 2005/6 to reflect cost changes to the project.

239. Accommodation at Alperton for North West Traffic and Territorial Support Group

(Agenda item 19)

A report was submitted which considers the accommodation requirements for the North West Traffic Operational Command Unit and Territorial Support Group OCU. The report had previously been considered by the Estates Sub-Committee at its meeting on 4 April which had supported the recommendations concerning the operational building strategy for the construction of new buildings at the existing Alperton Traffic Unit.

Resolved- That the decision of the Estates Sub-Committee be ratified.

240. Sale of former Old Street Police Station and Magistrates Court

(Agenda item 20)

A report was submitted concerning the disposal of the freehold of the former Old Street police station and magistrates’ court.

Resolved- That

  1. the request from the Community Advice Project Board seeking a review of the valuation for the property and to investigate means for transferring the property to the London Development Agency at a reduced or nil price be noted;
  2. bids are sought for the property on the open market in accordance with the original decision.
  3. the Community Advice Project Board be advised of the decisions made.

241. Provision of an integrated communications platform

(Agenda item 21)

A report was submitted which outlined the provision of an integrated communication platform for the MPS.

Resolved- That tender action be approved for the provision of an integrated communications platform.

242. Provision of a keyholder database via a sponsorship agreement

(Agenda item 22)

A report was outlined the provision of a fully serviced and maintained database containing details of keyholders for all residential and commercial premises. The report also considered the sponsorship opportunity that the project presents.

Supt. Simon Ovens and Marcus Kendrick attended for consideration of this item.

Resolved- That

  1. the report be noted.
  2. tender action be approved for the provision of a keyholder database.

243. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 23)

Resolved: That under section 100 A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraphs 8 and 9 of Schedule 12A of the above Act.

Part 2: Summary of decisions made on exempt items

Minute 244 Agenda Item 24 Accommodation for Ealing Borough OCU
Exempt information in support of the decision in minute 152 noted.

Minute 245 Agenda item 25 Accommodation at Alperton for north west traffic and Territorial Support Group
Exempt information in support of the decision in minute 153 noted.

Minute 246 Agenda item 26 Provision of an integrated communications platform
Exempt information in support of the decision in minute of the report was noted.

Minute 247 Agenda item 27 Outsourced contracts renewal
Recommendations concerning the strategies in connection with the renewal of outsourced contracts including the resource implications were adopted.

Minute 248 Agenda item 26 Exempt minutes of the meeting held on 17 February
The minutes were agreed as a correct record.

The meeting ended at 5.10 p.m.

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