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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Minutes of the meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee held on 29 May 2002 at Romney House, Westminster, London SW1.


Graham Tope (Chair)
Reshard Auladin (Deputy Chair)
Nicholas Long (Deputy Chair)
Elizabeth Howlett
Eric Ollerenshaw
Sir John Quinton
Richard Sumray
Cecile Wright

MPA staff:

Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
Peter Martin (Treasurer)
Derrick Norton (Best Value Manager)
John Crompton (Committee Services)

MPS staff:

Tarique Ghaffur (Assistant Commissioner)
Stephen House (Deputy Assistant Commissioner)
Keith Luck (Director of Resources)
Bob Alexander (Director of Finance)
Ailsa Beaton (Director of Information)
Trevor Lawrence (Director of Property Services)
Supt David Chinchen (Best Value Review Team Leader)

Also present: 20 members of the press/media and public and other staff members from the MPA and MPS.

Part 1

249. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of John Biggs and Rachel Whittaker.

250. Minutes – 18 April 2002

(Agenda item 2)

Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2002 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

251. Chair and Members’ update

(Agenda item 3)

At the end of the meeting, the Chair referred to the fact that following a recent review of the MPA committee structure this was the final meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee. He thanked the members and officers for what had been achieved by the Committee thus far and said that this would largely be continued by the Finance Committee.

The Chair also referred to the fact that this was the last meeting Trevor Lawrence, Director of Property Services, would be attending as he was retiring at the end of the month. On behalf of the other members, the Chair thanked him for his valuable contribution to the work of the Committee and wished him well for the future. Mr. Lawrence returned thanks.

252. District Audit review of corporate planning arrangements – action plan

(Agenda item 4)

At its last meeting, the Committee considered a report that had been produced following a review of corporate planning arrangements. A follow on report was submitted which set out an action plan to meet the recommendations made by District Audit.

Resolved - That the action plan be agreed.

253. Best value review of records management

(Agenda item 5)

The final report of the best value review of records management had been published. The recommendations and improvement plan were before the Committee. A supplementary report, drafted following the members workshop held on 23 May, was tabled. Supt Chinchen, the review team leader, attended for consideration of this item. He drew attention to the fact that the supplementary report contained information on the implementation cost.

The Chair reminded the Committee that he had been the lead member on the review and thanked Supt. Chinchen and the other members of the review team for their work on the review.

Resolved: That

  1. the recommendations and implementation plan be adopted; and
  2. the review team led by Superintendent David Chinchen be thanked for the work undertaken on the review.

Arising thereon-

The best value manager reported that there were two further urgent items he needed to bring to the attention of the Committee:

  1. under the new committee structure, best value would fall within the purview of the Planning, Performance and Review (PPR) Committee. At its first meeting, the PPR Committee would be considering the scoping for the human resources review. Nominations were sought for the lead member for this review.
  2. HMIC was due to carry out an inspection in June. He understood that inspectors would like to speak to lead members from reviews and to members of the FPBV Committee.

254. Financial devolution

(Agenda item 6)

A report was submitted which set out the current position with regard to the devolution of a number of MPS budgets.

In reply to questions, DAC House stated that a decision had still not been made as to which SO unit would join the six pathfinder sites. DAC House undertook to report to a future meeting on the financial implications.

Resolved: That the report be noted.

255. Operational policing measure

(Agenda item 7)

An operational policing measure matrix had been produced to accurately reflect the number of police and civil staff who provided a uniformed visible presence; were operational or provided operational support; or who provided organisational support. An updated version of the report containing revised appendices was tabled.

Elizabeth Howlett and Eric Ollerenshaw said that they could not support the proposal as, especially in the light of the RAF review, police officer numbers should remain the paramount measure. In addition, it was feared that the Mayor, other stakeholders - especially at borough level - and the public could see the matrix as diverting the focus away from increasing police officer numbers.

The Treasurer reported that the Mayor’s office had been kept abreast of the development of the matrix. The Chair said he thought that the matrix would be well received and understood, and felt that, financial resources permitting, the expectation was that police officer numbers would continue to grow.

Resolved- (with Elizabeth Howlett and Eric Ollerenshaw asking that their names be recorded as dissenting) that the policing measure be endorsed and subsequently deployed.

256. Cost of policing public events

(Agenda item 8)

A report was submitted which set out the policing costs associated with major public order events that occurred during 2001 and up to May Day in 2002.

Members stressed the importance of close liaison over the policing implications for any major public events that were being planned by the Mayor’s office.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

257. Revenue budget monitoring 2001/02

(Agenda item 9)

A report was considered which set out the latest position on the financial outturn for 2001/02. The report also considered the issues relevant to final decisions on the application of surpluses arising from underspending against budget.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

258. Capital programme 2001/02 – provisional outturn

(Agenda item 10)

This report provided details of the provisional outturn position for capital expenditure during 2001/02 and gave an early indication of the level of underspend likely to be required for carry forward to 2002/03. Approval for the eventual level of carry forward would be sought as part of the final outturn review to be submitted in July when the 2001/02 final accounts process had been completed.

Resolved: That the following elements in the report be noted:

  • the provisional outturn figures for capital expenditure in 2001/02;
  • the reported outturn figures were provisional and might change as part of the process for finalising the 2001/02 accounts; and
  • adjustments would be required to achieve consistency of accounting and compliance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989

259. Revenue budget update 2002/03

(Agenda item 11)

A report was submitted which updated the Committee on developments affecting the 2002/03 revenue budget. Referring to paragraph 1, the Treasurer said that copies of the Budget Book would be available shortly. Referring to the section on additional resources for counter-terrorism, he advised the Committee that discussions were continuing with the Home Office on the use of these monies. The Director of Resources undertook to supply Sir John Quinton with further information on the items included in the budget savings.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

260. Medium term financial projection

(Agenda item 12)

At its meeting on 18 April, the Committee received a report setting out the process and context for the preparation of the Medium Term Financial Projection (MTFP) 2003/04 to 2006/07. The Committee was asked to note that further information concerning the new financial pressures would be reported to the May meeting for guidance as to their eventual inclusion in the final Medium Term Financial Projection. This report set out the position reached so far and the timescale for completion of the scrutiny and review process. The final MTFP would be reported to the Finance Committee at its July meeting.

Resolved – that it be noted that the final medium term financial forecast would be submitted to the Finance Committee at its July meeting and include the implications of recent funding announcements for the MTFP framework.

261. Efficiency and effectiveness review programme

(Agenda item 13)

This report presented an update on progress in the efficiency and effectiveness review programmes. It included the final summary report by Accenture on the forensics and DNA review and implementation matrices on overtime and transport.

On paragraph 1, the Treasurer reported that the Estates Sub-Committee had held a special meeting on 22 May to consider the work undertaken by Knight Frank. The Committee did not support the carrying out of a second tranche of a property review but had suggested that the review be carried out in smaller discrete packages.

With regard to paragraph 5, the Treasurer informed the Committee that the Project Board had agreed that a Programme Team be formed to focus on implementation of the Accenture recommendations and that it had been agreed that a limited amount of consultancy support be provided by Accenture to support the In House Team for each of the reviews.

Resolved – That-

1. the progress on the Efficiency and Effectiveness reviews and the recommendations made by Accenture in the forensics report be noted; and

2. it be noted that the proposed savings from the Efficiency and Effectiveness reviews would be incorporated in the Medium Term Financial Forecast to be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.

262. PFI review

(Agenda item 14)

In October 2001, the Committee had commissioned 4Ps to carry out a review of the MPA/ MPS experience of PFI before any future PFI procurement commenced. A report was submitted on the outcome of the review, together with proposals for taking forward its recommendations. Fred Portnell and Brian Smith from 4Ps attended for consideration of this item. In introducing the report, the Treasurer reiterated the commendations for the Director of Property Services and his staff expressed in the 4Ps report.

Resolved: That -

  1. the findings and recommendations of the review of PFI be noted;
  2. the PFI-type options for major capital investment proposals be brought forward for consideration where appropriate;
  3. the Director of Resources, with the Treasurer, to report on how 4Ps’ recommendations for the future should be actioned, including the items in the building programme which had been identified for future PFIs;
  4. the MPS be asked to consider what actions to take on the recommendations specific to existing contracts; and
  5. 5. the Director of Property Services and his colleagues be thanked for the work in connection with the review.

263. Treasury management annual report 2001/02

(Agenda item 15)

A report was considered which presented the annual review of Treasury Management for the twelve-month period ending 31 March 2002.

Resolved: That the annual report of the Treasury Management function be noted.

264. Financial regulations and financial instructions

(Agenda item 16)

At its meeting on 21 February 2002, the Committee approved the financial management strategy for taking forward improvements in the Authority’s financial management and for monitoring progress. The action plan included the target of reviewing and updating the detailed Financial Instructions, which operate below the level of the Authority’s Financial Regulations. This work had been completed and a report submitted setting out details of the review. The Committee agreed that consideration should be given to an amendment to the Regulations relating to submissions for additional grant funding.


  1. the proposed amendments to Financial Regulations be recommended for adoption by the Authority at its meeting on 27 June 2002 as part of a fully revised version of the Regulations; and
  2. it be noted that the completed Financial Instructions would be disseminated within the MPS.

265. Sale of former Old Street Police Station and Magistrates Court

(Agenda item 17)

At its meeting on 18 April 2002, the Committee agreed to the disposal of these premises on the open market. A report was submitted updating the Committee on developments since that meeting. A supplementary report was tabled setting out the outcome of a meeting between the Director of Property and representatives of the Community Advice Project. In agreeing to the recommendation in the supplementary report that the disposal be delayed, the Committee stressed that the Community Advice Project and other interested parties be made aware of the revised deadline.

Resolved- That

  1. disposal of Old Street police station be delayed until September 2002 to enable the Community Advice Project to hold discussions to investigate the possibility of a joint partnership; and
  2. a further report be submitted at the end of this period.

266. Hendon accommodation

(Agenda item 18)

No report submitted. Noted that a report would be submitted to the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee on 11 June.

267. Dagenham investment appraisal

(Agenda item 19)

No report submitted.

268. Construction of a new command and control centre for C3I project

(Agenda item 20)

A report was submitted which sought approval in principle to enter into a contract for the construction of a new Command and Control Centre on the MPA estate at Hendon. The Committee agreed to consider this report, which had not been available at the time of the main agenda despatch.

Resolved- That the tender for construction works at Hendon be let to Wates Construction Ltd.

269. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 21)

Resolved: That under section 100 A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in paragraphs 8 and 9 of Schedule 12A of the above Act.

Summary of decisions made on exempt items

Minute 270 Agenda Item 22 Exempt appendix to efficiency and effectiveness review programme
Information in the appendix was noted.

Minute 271 Agenda item 23 Dagenham Investment appraisal
No report.

Minute 272 Agenda item 24 Construction of a new Command and Control Centre for C3i project
Exempt information in support of the decision in minute of the report was noted.

Minute 273 Agenda item 25 Sale of Trenchard House
Disposal to be dealt with under the urgency procedure

Minute 274 Agenda item 26 Maurice Drummond and Norman Kendall Section Houses
The sale of Maurice Drummond and Norman Kendall Section Houses was approved with a contractual agreement to nominate occupiers for a minimum 80% of the bedrooms provided and accompanying financial responsibility.

Minute 275 Agenda item 27 Exempt minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 
The minutes were agreed as a correct record.

The meeting ended at 4.45 p.m.

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