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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Minutes of the Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee meeting on 11 April 2002 held at Romney House, Westminster, London SW1.



  • Richard Sumray (Chair);
  • Elizabeth Howlett (Deputy Chair)
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Anthony Arbour
  • R David Muir
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff:

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Johanna Gillians (Senior Analyst)
  • Ken Hunt (Deputy Treasurer)
  • Alan Johnson (HR and Professional Standards)
  • Nick Baker (Committee Services)

MPS staff:

  • Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner)
  • Bob Quick (DAC Territorial)
  • Steve House (DAC, Policy, Review and Standards)
  • Carol McDonald (Corporate Performance Analysis Unit)

In addition, approximately 9 members of the press/public and other MPA/MPS staff were present.

Part 1

85. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Lynne Featherstone and DAC Goodwin.

86. Minutes of meeting: 14 February 2001

(Agenda item 2)

Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2002 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

Arising from the minutes it was noted that reports on drugs performance and substance misuse would be presented to the June meeting of the Committee and that the HMIC inspection programme had not been circulated to members as it was not yet available.

87. Chair's and member's update

(Agenda item 3)

No reports were given by members, but the Committee requested that their thanks be forwarded to the MPS on the policing of the Queen Mother’s funeral

88. February performance report

(Agenda item 4)

Members received a report that provided an overview of the MPS performance against targets in the policing plan. This item was considered in conjunction with agenda item 8 - Performance Report – Street Crime.

Arising from this report members highlighted the importance of the March performance figures and that details of those targets that are not going to be reached need to be outlined in future reports.

Members also requested a year analysis on homicide figures in the next performance report.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be received; and
  2. the next performance report include details of all targets not met and a full analysis of homicide figures.

89. 2002/03 targets and performance - monitoring arrangements

(Agenda item 5)

The Committee considered a report that outlined the proposals for monitoring targets for 2002/03. The Committee were informed that the four main priority areas were: to increase the security of the capital against terrorism; create safer communities for Londoners; to improve the police response to vulnerable victims and tackling youth crime.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

90. Dissemination of good practice - monitoring regime

(Agenda item 6)

The Committee considered a report that informed members of the developments in the performance regime operating within territorial policing and in particular how the regime was designed to identify good and poor performance and take appropriate action, including the dissemination of good practise and the monitoring role of the Committee.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

91. Scrutiny report - rape investigation and victim care

(Agenda item 7)

Members received the report on the findings of the MPA scrutiny into rape investigation and victim care.

In agreeing the recommendations arising from the scrutiny, members noted that a further implementation plan would be presented to the next meeting of the Committee.

Arising from the report members agreed that a report focusing on the trafficking of women should be presented to a future meeting of the Committee. Members also discussed and highlighted the need for a more focused approach to training of staff in such areas as rape/victim support.

Resolved – That

  1. the recommendations made in the report be agreed, subject to appropriate financial provision being made; and
  2. an implementation plan be received in June for the recommendations made and to that this plan be monitored on a six monthly basis.

92. Performance report - street crime

(Agenda item 8)

Members received a report that gave an update on street crime performance against targets and current initiatives.

Members were informed that following the introduction of the safer streets campaign, which included to redeployment of traffic officers and traffic wardens in to selected boroughs, there had been significant reduction of street crime in those areas. Members were informed that the campaign had been widened to some neighbouring boroughs to combat any displacement.

Members welcomed the successes of the campaign, but raised concerns relating to the sustainability of it and the importance of such issues as resources, equipment, the impact on officers taking part in the campaign, particularly overtime issues and the effects on withdrawal of officers from other boroughs.

Members also questioned the effects on such campaigns of policing major public events.

Members agreed that a report on the sustainability of the safer streets campaign should be presented to the Committee.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be received; and
  2. the Committee receive a report on the sustainability of safer streets campaign.

93. MPA education and youth street crime conference: outcomes

(Agenda item 9)

The Chair agreed to receive this report as urgent as feedback information from the conference had been late in being received.

Following the successful MPA Education and Youth Street Crime seminar held in late February 2002, the Committee considered a report that identified a number of key actions arising from the seminar and how these should be progressed by MPA Committees. In doing so, it was noted that this Committee would lead on work in school.

Resolved - That

  1. members note the actions identified as priorities for Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and that this Committee lead on work in schools
  2. members note the proposal for an MPA Youth and Street Crimes Reference Group to be chaired by Cecile Lothian, lead member on youth crime issues.

94. Progress on PNC data quality

(Agenda item 10)

Following issues surrounding Police National Computer (PNC) data quality, particularly that all criminal prosecutions should be promptly and accurately recorded on the PNC, raised by the Information Commissioner and the HMIC in the report ‘on the record’, the Committee received a report on progress within the MPS on addressing this issue. The report also highlighted that externally set targets were unlikely to be achieved.

Members reiterated their support that once the impending prosecution target is achieved, the administration burden relating to impending prosecutions should be transferred from the police service to the Lord Chancellor’s Office where responsibility properly lies. Members agreed that the Chair of the Authority should write to the Lord Chancellor to this effect.

Resolved – That

  1. members note the current position on the impending prosecutions reduction target and progress towards the implementation of the recommendations of ‘On the Record’ and that the MPS anticipates achievements of the target by the end of May 2002; and
  2. the Chair of the Authority be asked to write to the Lord Chancellor in relation to the undertaking of the administration role relating to impending prosecutions

95. Implementation of the national crime recording standards within the MPS

(Agenda item 11)

The Committee received a report that provided members with an update on the progress of MPS projects to introduce the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) on 1 April 2002

Members in considering the report requested that all CPCG be informed of the introduction of the new recording standards.

Resolved – That the report be received.

96. MPS drugs policy/evaluation

(Agenda item 12)

Members were informed that the MPS are currently reviewing the MPS drugs strategy and as part of the process the MPA would be consulted, prior to the strategy being presented to the full Authority in May 2002.

The report also informed members that any extension of the warning system for cannabis offences across London would not be made until the Home Secretary had made a decision on the reclassification of cannabis.

Resolved – That the report be received.

97. Investigative performance and misconduct procedures

(Agenda item 13)

The Committee received a report that confirmed that complaint allegations had continued to reduce and that initial figures had indicated that the number of cases and associated allegations would reduce beyond the annual reduction of 12%. The report also indicated that a higher percentage of fully investigated allegations are being substantiated.

In addition, the report informed members of the reduction from 946 to 833 between December 2001 and February 2002 of current public complaints and that the backlog of complaints over 120 days continued to be reduced.

It was agreed that the report to the Committee in June on this issue focus on the timeliness of the process.

Members congratulated DPS in being able to reduce the number of complaint allegations.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

98. Best value and progress on improving DPS investigating process and outcomes

(Agenda item 14)

The Committee received a report that informed them of the implementation of the best value review of the Directorate of Professional Standards. Members were informed that the restructuring of Borough Support Command had been completed ahead of schedule as had the development of performance information for all Investigating Officers.

The report also included an update on the implementation plan and details of the costs of the review an implementation. Members were also informed of the HMIC inspection report on this best value review and noted that the overall judgement was that the service is good and prospects for improvement are excellent.

Resolved - That members note the progress on the DPS Best Value Review and the judgement by HMIC

99. HMIC inspection: best value review of complaints and discipline

(Agenda item 15)

Following the best value review of complaints and discipline, the Committee received a report that introduced the HMIC report on the inspection.

Resolved – That members note the report from HMIC and the steps taken to meet the recommendation made.

100. Member involvement in Climbié inquiry

(Agenda item 16)

The Committee considered a report that outlined the progress to date on arrangements for securing MPA involvement in phase two of the inquiry.

Resolved – That members approve the proposed arrangements for MPA involvement in phase two of the inquiry.

101. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 17)

A resolution was put to exclude the press and public from the meeting during item 18 as it was likely to disclose exempt information as described in Schedule 12(a) (1) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

Resolved – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of agenda item 18

Summary of exempt items

101. Police Regulations

The Committee considered two issues relating to possible breaches of the Police Regulations.

The Committee in considering these two complaints agreed to delegate to and establish a ACPO Complaints Sub-Committee to consider all ACPO complaints and discipline matters.

The meeting closed at 6.00 p.m.

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