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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the Chair's Co-ordination and Urgency Committee meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held in AG23, Romney House, Westminster on Thursday 23 November 2000.



Toby Harris (Chair)
Richard Barnes (Deputy Chair)
Reshard Auladin
Nicholas Long
R David Muir
Richard Sumray
Graham Tope
Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff

Peter Edwards (Clerk), Ian Gaskell (Deputy Clerk) and Peter Martin (Treasurer)

MPS staff:

Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner)

Also in attendance Jenny Jones plus 12 members of the public and MPS/MPA staff.

Part 1

Chair opening comments

The Chair informed the meeting that this would be the last formal meeting attended by the Clerk, Peter Edwards. On behalf of the Members, the Chair thanked Peter Edwards for his work and contribution to MPA during its transitional period.

27. Apologies

(Agenda item 1)


28. Minutes: 26 October 2000

(Agenda item 2)

the minutes of the meeting held on 26 October 2000 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

29. Relations with the MPS and outside bodies

(Agenda item 3)

The Committee agreed to receive this report noting that it had been circulated less than three clear working before the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 100B(4b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The urgency for this report was due to late relevant information being made available.

The Committee received a report that informed and updated Members on the revisions that had been made to a previous paper, presented to the full Authority in October 2000, that considered the nature and type of relations that the MPA may wish to seek to establish with internal bodies and groups within the MPS as well as external organisations. Members also highlighted some additions and amendments to Appendix 1, these included reference to other Bishops in London, with regard to 'Faith Groups'; to note that Commissioner was a trustee of 'Crime Concern' and that the Appendix to the report should include reference to the Police Memorial Fund.

The Deputy Commissioner tabled details of MPS internal groups and bodies, but suggested that further information and work was still required on this. The report also suggested the need for further analysis of some external organisations.


  1. the Committee note the contents and approve the action outlined in Appendix 1 to the report;
  2. members noted the tabled list of MPS internal groups and bodies and that a further report on these be presented to the next meeting of this Committee;
  3. a further report on the analysis and prioritisation of relations be presented to the January 2001 meeting of the Authority.

30. Virdi inquiry costs

(Agenda item 4)

The Committee agree to receive this report noting that it had been circulated less than three clear working before the meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section 100B(4b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The urgency for this report was due to late relevant information being made available.

The Committee considered a report on the financial costs of the Inquiry into the case of Gurpal Virdi and sought approval for the proposed costs.

that the budget provision proposed for the Inquiry for 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 be agreed.

31. Draft initial response to Mayor's draft transport strategy

(Agenda item 5)

The Committee considered a report that outlined the MPA's response to the Mayor's draft Transport Strategy, particularly in respect of possible implications for the MPS.

The report outlined key elements of the Strategy and the possible impact of these on the MPS. In particular the report focused on: improving public transport, enforcement, decriminalisation, the 'power to stop', road safety, as well as environmental issues and education and publicity.

Members noted the concerns expressed by the MPS with regard to the setting up of a separate enforcement agency. However, it was felt that the arguments put forward in the report needed to be more detailed and made clearer before Members would decide whether to support the MPS position.

In order to take this issue forward, it was agreed that a response be prepared by the MPS, in consultation with MPA officers and two members.


  1. that it be noted that the MPS acknowledges the duty and role it has to contribute with others in order to achieve this strategy;
  2. that the MPS, in consultation with MPA officers, Graham Tope and Jenny Jones submit a response to the Mayor's draft Transport Strategy.

32. HMIC regional inspection of the MPS

(Agenda item 6)

At the full Authority meeting on 28 July 2000, Members proposed areas that warranted examination by HMIC during the forthcoming inspection of the MPS. The Committee considered a report that updated members on various matters relating to that inspection.

The report informed Members that the HMIC inspection would take place from 12 February 2001 to 2 March 2001. Members agreed that it would be helpful if they could receive from the HMIC more information about what the inspection was seeking to achieve before the first of the pre-inspection meetings scheduled for 12 December 2000. This should enable a decision to be made as to which members should meet with the Inspection Team. It would also be noted that the proposed date for the pre-inspection meeting might not be convenient and alternatives might need to be requested.

The report concluded by informing Members that HMIC would debrief MPA Members on the key findings of the inspection on 2 March 2001 and proposals to interface with external organisations.


  1. members note the timetable for the inspection;
  2. members receive further information on the specific areas the Inspection Team would be focusing on before the scheduled meeting on 12 December, in order to enable a judgement to be made as to which members should attend;
  3. that HMIC be asked to provide a further date for any interested Member who can not make the planned pre inspection meeting with HMIC staff officer in December;
  4. that MPA members be briefed on the inspection findings at a meeting on 2 March 2001;
  5. HMIC write direct to the Mayor's office to establish a suitable contact.

33. Provision of regular performance management reports to MPS committee

(Agenda item 7)

The Committee considered a report that considered the provisions of regular performance management reports to MPA committees. In particular, the report outlined proposals discussed by the Performance Standards and Professional Management Committee (PSPM) to recommend liaison with other committees that have a particular interest in some areas of performance and related PIs and targets.


  1. the lead committee responsibility for performance monitoring against PIs should be as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report, with the amendment to BVPI 152 which should be lead by Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee;
  2. where a committee other than the PSPM Committee has the lead for monitoring performance, the relevant subset from regular monthly PSPM Committee performance reports should be issued to the next meeting;
  3. MPA officers ensure that the PSPM is kept informed of key issues raised by other committee on PIs for which they are the lead;
  4. a quarterly report should be submitted to the full Authority and be based on the monthly report presented to the PSPM meeting held the previous month, with commentary from the PSPM on any key issues raised.

34. MPA membership of APA policy groups

(Agenda item 8)

Members considered a report that sought nominations from the MPA's APA Plenary Group to sit on six APA policy Groups.

that the following members be nominated to APA Policy Groups:

  • Best Value - Reshard Auladin (co-opted)
  • Partnerships - Richard Sumray R David Muir
  • Financial Issues - Graham Tope Toby Harris Nicholas Long (co-opted)
  • Personnel Issues - Rachel Whittaker
  • Ethnic Diversity - R David Muir
  • Technology and Operational Policing - Richard Barnes Rachel Whittaker Nicholas Long (co-opted)

35. Exclusion of press and public

(Agenda item 9)

that under section 100a (4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the items 10 and exempt section of business relating to a Legal Proceedings up date, on the grounds that they involved disclosure of exempt information as detailed in the paragraphs of Schedule 12A (1) of the above Act.

Summary of exempt items

Minutes 26 October

The Committee received the exempt minutes of the meeting held on 26 October 2000.

Legal proceedings update

The Committee considered a report on an up date of a legal proceeding.

The meeting ended at 4.55pm.

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