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Minutes of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee held on 19 July 2002 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Toby Harris (Chair)
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Richard Barnes (Deputy Chair)
  • Nicholas Long
  • R David Muir (Deputy Chair)
  • Abdal Ullah
  • Rachel Whittaker

Sir John Quinton was also present for part of the meeting

MPA staff

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Peter Martin (Treasurer)
  • Simon Vile (Head of Secretariat)

MPS staff

  • Tarique Ghaffur (Assistant Commissioner)
  • Bernard Hogan-Howe (Assistant Commissioner)
  • David Veness (Assistant Commissioner)
  • Keith Luck (Director of Resources)
  • Alan Croney (Director of Property Services)
  • Commander Andy Baker

Also in attendance: 4 members of the public and MPS/MPA staff.

Part 1

1. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Cindy Butts, Elizabeth Howlett, Richard Sumray, Graham Tope, Cecile Wright and the Deputy Commissioner

2. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 2)

No interests declared.

3. Minutes

(Agenda item 3)

Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the former Co-ordination and Urgency Committee held on 11 June 2002 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

4. Chair’s and Members’ update

(Agenda item 4)

It was agreed that it was not necessary to include this as a standing item on future agendas.

5. Working arrangements for the committee

(Agenda item 5)

The Committee considered a report on how the committee might operate in future. It was emphasised that it was open to all MPA members to attend the committee’s informal sessions. As regards the forward agenda, the Treasurer commented that there might be a need for informal discussions at stages of the budget process. Nick Long asked for a regular item to be included on the forward agenda for the MPS to brief the committee on any MPS pilots which were underway, such as night courts.

Reshard Auladin requested that the start time of the committee’s meetings held on Fridays be brought forward.

Resolved – 

That the working arrangements and forward agenda set out in the report be approved subject to:

  1. the start time of the committee’s meetings held on a Friday being brought forward to 11 a.m. (with the informal session on those days scheduled to start at midday)
  2. regular position reports being made to the committee on MPS pilot projects

6. Introduction of the baton gun weapon system as a less lethal option

(Agenda item 6)

The committee considered a report by the Commissioner on the introduction of the baton gun weapon system as a less lethal option in self-defence, arrest and restraint scenarios.

The Chair tabled a copy of a letter he had written to the Chair of the Police Complaints Authority and Sir Alistair Graham’s reply.

In introducing the report, A.C. Veness reported that a demonstration of the baton gun had been arranged for members at the Hounslow public order training centre on 10 July. Representatives of Surrey Constabulary had been invited to this in view of their recent experience.

Members who had attended this demonstration considered that the new baton gun round was a major improvement on previous weapons, particularly in terms of accuracy and that it represented a less lethal option. It was felt that the appropriate checks and balances had been put in place to ensure that it was used properly. It was felt important for the MPS to explain to the public why the baton gun was being introduced, to allay any concerns.

Rachel Whittaker referred to an item in the Police Review reporting that North Wales Police had asked for research into a multi-round baton gun after an incident in which one round had failed to stop a man retreating into a house still carrying a knife. A.C. Veness commented that it would always be a matter of judgement which weapon to use – a firearm or a baton gun - and there was debate as to whether a multi-round baton gun was a possibility. He stressed the novelty of the new baton gun system and the intention to review it six months after implementation.

Resolved – 

  1. that the introduction by the Metropolitan Police Service of the current generation baton gun system into service as a less lethal option in self-defence and arrest and restraint scenarios be supported; and
  2. that the results of any evaluation of the system be reported to the Authority or any issues that arise in relation to the use of these weapons

7. Framework for the Policing And Performance Plan 2003/04

(Agenda item 7)

The committee considered a report by the Clerk proposing a change to the way in which the MPA’s policing and performance plan is prepared.

Members referred to the role that police authorities were likely to be required to play on Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships. The MPA would need to give thought as to how it could add value to the process, with all the implications for staff resources that this entailed.

Resolved – 

That the first draft of the MPA’s policing and performance plan 2003/04 be prepared by aggregating priorities, objectives and targets from local crime and disorder reduction strategies.

8. Appointments to outside bodies

(Agenda item 8)

The committee considered a report by the Clerk which had been deferred at the Annual Meeting of the MPA and referred to the committee for decision.

Resolved – 

That the following appointments be made to outside bodies:

Association of Police Authorities

APA Plenary (following a ballot): Reshard Auladin, Richard Barnes, Toby Harris, R David Muir, Richard Sumray and Rachel Whittaker

APA Policy Groups:

Diversity: R David Muir
Community Engagement: Cindy Butts and Toby Harris
HR and Personnel: Rachel Whittaker
Operational Finance and IT Issues: Graham Tope and Nicholas Long
Performance Management: Reshard Auladin and Richard Sumray
IM Liaison Network and Members Group: Reshard Auladin
Training Liaison Network: Rachel Whittaker
Criminal Justice System Task Group: Richard Sumray and Reshard Auladin

Association of London Government

Leaders’ Committee: Toby Harris
Community Safety & Policing Panel: any three of the following to attend any meeting – Cindy Butts, R David Muir, Abdal Ullah and Cecile Wright

Local Government Association

General Assembly: appointments already made by the full Authority – Nicky Gavron, Toby Harris, Elizabeth Howlett and Graham Tope
Police Authorities in Corporate Membership Group: Nicky Gavron, Toby Harris, Elizabeth Howlett and Graham Tope
Urban Commission: Richard Sumray
Policy Review Groups: there was some uncertainty about which of these were still in existence – this to be clarified with the LGA for appointments to be made at a future meeting.

London Health Commission:

Toby Harris with Richard Sumray as reserve

Airwave Programme Board:

Catherine Crawford

Joint Steering Group for Community Safety in London:

R David Muir, Graham Tope, Abdal Ullah and Catherine Crawford

London Police Education Ltd:

Nicholas Long

Police Advisory Board:

Jennette Arnold

Southwark Local Strategic Partnership:

Cecile Wright

Crime Stoppers:

Nicholas Long

Police Negotiating Board:

Toby Harris or Rachel Whittaker

Street Crime Management Board:

Cecile Wright, with R David Muir as substitute

It was also agreed to add Jennette Arnold to the membership of the Human Resources Committee.

There were a number of other bodies on which some members had indicated that they were representing the MPA. It was agreed to defer consideration of these to the next meeting.

9. Problem Orientated Partnerships Conference

(Agenda item 9)

The committee considered a report by the Clerk and

Resolved – 

  1. that approval be given to the attendance of two members at the fifth UK National Problem Orientated Policing Conference; and
  2. that the Clerk be authorised to agree which members should attend

10. Inspection of Transport OCU

(Agenda item 10)

The committee considered nominating a member to liaise in this forthcoming inspection and

Resolved – 

That, given that both Jenny Jones and Lynne Featherstone have expressed an interest, enquiries be made as to the possibility of nominating two members.

11. Exclusion of press and public

Resolved – 

That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during discussion of the following items of business because exempt information, as defined in paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act, is likely to be made known.

The committee considered two additional exempt reports, as follows.

Part 2

12. Construction of new command and control centre at Lambeth for the C3i project

The committee considered a report by the Commissioner seeking in principle approval to enter into contracts for the construction works for this centre.

Resolved – 

  1. that the contents of the report be noted; and
  2. that a preparatory/enabling contract and subsequently a construction contract be awarded to the company named in the exempt report, at a total figure currently estimated not to exceed the figure quoted in the report, together with additional anticipated costs in respect of professional fees referred to in the report.

13. Construction of a new command and control centre at Hendon for the C3i project

The committee considered a report by the Commissioner seeking in principle approval to enter into contracts for the construction works for this centre.

Resolved – 

  1. that the contents of the report be noted; and
  2. that a construction contract be let to the company and at the cost identified in the exempt report, together with additional anticipated costs in respect of professional fees referred to in the report.

The meeting ended at 12.47 p.m.

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