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Report 6 of the 30 April 2009 meeting of the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee containing information about the allocation of monies from the MPA Partnership fund.

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See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA £50K Partnership fund allocation process

Report: 6
Date: 30 April 2009
By: the Chief Executive


The MPA established a Borough Commanders Partnership Fund in 2003. This enables each BCU commander to support partnership initiatives in their borough. The system requires the BCU commander to consult with their link member to develop an annual programme of partnership activity. A review of the system for developing the programme with the aim of developing a more robust, transparent and accountable structure for the development of the programme and the individual projects within the programme is already included in the committee’s annual work plan.

A. Recommendation

That Members note the contents of this report and receive a more detailed paper outlining proposal at the June meeting.

B. Supporting information

  1. The MPA scrutiny into Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships in 2003, established a Partnership Fund from which £50,000 is allocated to each Police Borough Command Unit to support the undertaking of partnership work within their BCU. The purpose of the fund, which should be spent in consultation with the MPA link member, is to support local partnership working. In setting up the Partnership Fund one of the key criteria was that, unlike other partnership-related funding streams, any associated bureaucracy should be kept to a minimum to allow maximum flexibility.
  2. In November 2005 the Authority undertook a review of the current arrangements for the disbursement of the Partnership Fund. As a result of this process the arrangements were enhanced through the provision of further guidance and a new spending plan process.
  3. This procedure was intended to assist police Borough Commanders’ financial planning processes by providing an opportunity for BCUs to consider future spending plans at an early stage. The revised guidance and documentation have been in use for the last three years.
  4. Borough commanders are asked to be mindful of two things:
  1. This process did not replace the need for continued consultation with the MPA link member and MPA link officer, which should still take place as funds are disbursed and/or as spending plans are reviewed
  2. That in disbursing funds borough commanders are required to “have regard to the need to promote equality of opportunity for all persons irrespective of their race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or religion”.

Current nature of the Fund and process of programme development and approval and proposals for improvement 

  1. At the commencement of the funding stream in 2003 it was established that the MPS would receive a block grant of £50,000 per borough (£1,600,000 in total) to undertake partnership work and that each borough commander would be required to submit a spending plan to the MPA.
  2. The key elements of this plan are, as stated above, that they meet the criteria established for the use of the fund and that the programme is approved by the Borough link member. This process has enabled the borough programmes to be close to their point of delivery but it has also sometimes led to a lack of clarity in terms of the programme aims and the project objectives, milestones for delivery, outputs and outcomes.
  3. As a result, officers have already identified the need for a short review of the process so as to ensure that a model of good practice is adopted for the development of these borough based programmes and this is already included in the committee’s work plan. The committee will receive the annual report on the use of the partnership fund at its next meeting and will at the same time receive a paper on proposals for the review.

C. Race and equality impact

It would be intended that an improved process would continue to require the commitment to the equality strands as identified in 4 ii above.

It would be intended to ensure that consultation in the development of these programmes would pay due regard to equalities matters.

D. Financial implications

An improved system of accountable programme development will provide a more robust system of financial management.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Martin Davis, Head of Engagements and Partnerships, MPA

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