This section contains links to CDRPs, ICV, London RHCF, borough CEGs and other partnership information.
Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).
See the MOPC website for further information.

The MPA works in partnership with local communities, the MPS, local authorities and other partners to ensure local people have their say in community safety and policing matters.
Community and Police Engagement Groups
Community and Police Engagement Groups (CPEGs) are the primary local groups through which people can regularly consult about policing with their local police, the police authority, key stakeholders in community safety and each other.
They provide a mechanism for local police accountability and are a means of reporting back to the community.
Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnerships
Crime and disorder is tackled at a local level in each London borough by a multi-agency Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP).
CDRPs are made up of police, local authorities and other organisations and businesses who work together to develop and implement strategies for reducing crime and disorder.
Hate Crime Forum
The Hate Crime Forum (HCF) scrutinises the MPS response to victims of all hate crime across the six strands of equality - age, gender, disability, religion & belief, race and sexual orientation.
Independent Custody Visitors
Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs) are volunteers appointed by the MPA to check that people detained in local police stations are being treated fairly and in accordance with their rights.
Joint engagement meetings (JEMs)
Joint engagement meetings (JEMs) have been established by the MPA to support action and joint problem solving work between the police, local councils and other partner agencies at the borough level.
London Crime Reduction Board
A London Crime Reduction Board has been set up, to provide leadership and improve co-ordination on policing and crime reduction delivery in London.
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