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This page contains details of the Hate Crime Forum.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Hate Crime Forum


The MPA established the London Race Hate Crime Forum in response to the recommendations of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report in February 1999, referring to gaps in cooperation, sharing of information and learning between the agencies responsible for dealing with hate crime.

The Forum consisted of a multiagency partnership that aimed to improve the co-ordination between the key agencies responsible for dealing with victims of hate crime and to improve the effectiveness with which perpetrators of hate crimes are brought to justice. Its overall purpose was to help reduce and prevent hate crimes, improve the confidence and satisfaction of victims in reporting crimes, and to promote consistent service across London.

The Forum undertook a detailed scrutiny of all London borough partnerships, highlighting good practice to be shared, identifying problems and exploring how they might be resolved and ensuring that the fight against racism remained at the top of the agenda.

Following a review in 2008, the Forum was re-launched in summer 2009 with a new remit as the MPA Hate Crime Forum. This broader remit encompasses a more inclusive focus across all six equality strands of age, gender, disability, religion & belief, race and sexual orientation.

The MPA Hate Crime Forum builds upon the considerable achievements of the Race Hate Crime Forum and is actively consulting with partnership agencies as to the issues of concern and importance to all Londoners.

New terms of reference have been established for the New Hate Crime Forum as has a work plan, which will review a range of activities the previous Race Hate Crime Forum had put in place to explore progress made by the Metropolitan Police Service and other partners in addressing hate crimes in London.

Meetings will table items for each of the diversity strands as well as report on progress on the work plan. Whilst the work plan has been establish as a guide for the work of the Forum, it is acknowledged that there is a need to have some flexibility to give time and focus to emerging issues of concern. The Hate Crime Forum will be considering the learning to be gained from cases of public interest and explore how strategic partners respond to improve service delivery.

Meeting agendas, reports and minutes

Future meetings will take place on:

  • 22 March 2010
  • 22 June 2010
  • 6 October 2010
  • 18 January 2011
  • 20 April 2011

Contact details

For further information on the HCF please contact:

Bennett Obong
Pan London Engagement and Partnerships
Hate Crime and Stop & Search Policy Officer
Metropolitan Police Authority
10 Dean Farrar Street

Tel: 020 7202 0147
Fax: 020 7202 0200
Minicom: 020 7202 0173


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