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Report 5 of the 11 June 2009 meeting of the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee provides an overview of the distribution of the MPA Partnership Fund for the 2008/09 financial year.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Use of MPA Partnership Funding 2008/09

Report: 5
Date: 11 June 2009
By: Commissioner


This report provides an overview of the distribution of the MPA Partnership Fund for the 2008/09 financial year. The breakdown of allocations contained within this report is in accordance with the commissioning brief. It therefore provides an account of the use of this Fund in the areas most of interest to members.

A. Recommendations

That the Authority notes the content of this report as to the distribution of the MPA Partnership Fund across the 32 London boroughs.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA Partnership Fund continues to be allocated according to the guidelines repeatedly approves by the Authority. These guidelines for the 08/09 Fund reflect the ongoing desire to maintain flexibility. In this way, allowing Borough Commanders to support local, partnership initiatives with small, one-off allocations. As with previous years, there have been many local projects that have benefited from the support of this Fund. A total of 305 allocations were made during the relevant period.

2. In accordance with the commissioning brief, this report presents the allocation of the £1.6 million Fund some headline figures which show MPA Partnership Fund allocations according to predetermined categories. However, it must be stressed that these are not discrete categories and many of the initiatives supported by the Fund would sit within at least two categories.

3. Fund totals for the Year 08/09

  • Annual Allocation 08/09 £1,600,000
  • Underspend from 07/08 £ 251,820
  • Total Available £1,851,820
  • Actual Spend 08/09 £1,696,299
  • Carry Fwd to 09/10 £ 155,521

4. Breakdown according to requested categories of activity:

  1. Anti-social behaviour £21,309Burglary £27,106
  2. Confidence target / fear of crime £120,213
  3. Crime reduction contingency fund £133,651
  4. General consultation / communication £193,966Hate crime & Domestic violence £103,864Safer Neighbourhoods related £195,775
  5. Staffing / overtime £112,227Under-represented groups / new communities £58,990Victim & witness support £47,346young people - crime prevention / diversion £681,852

5. The first responsibility for monitoring this fund lies with each borough. A spend plan is prepared by each borough and is submitted to the Territorial Policing section of Finance Services. This Unit is responsible for the financial management of the fund through dedicated cost centres. The spend plans contain the title for the project or initiative being supported together with a short description of it (see Appendix). There has been a long-established principle supported by past members of the Authority, that multiple small allocations should be encouraged, the Fund having been designed to enable the Authority - through borough commanders - to support small local initiatives. The reporting and evaluation requirements placed on borough are necessarily minimal.

6. The majority of allocations made from this fund will not amount to the full financial requirement of each supported project. However, no formal record is made of the overall project cost such as would indicate the percentage made up be this fund. By the same token, while some of the projects supported are evaluated in other contexts, there has been no requirement for boroughs specifically to evaluate initiatives supported by the fund.

C. Race and equality impact

The fund has been used to support a broad range of activities. There are no indications that the use of the fund has had an adverse impact on any single section of the community.

D. Financial implications

1. A total of £155,521 has been carried forward to the 2009/10 financial year. This represents a significant reduction on the previous carry forward of £251,820. This is likely to reflect two factors: the more difficult financial situation currently being experienced, and the more consistent use of the fund by boroughs.

2. The ongoing light touch in terms of spend criteria and monitoring minimises the financial implications of managing the fund. It may be that significant changes to these requirements would have a disproportionate impact on the (real terms) value of this fund to each borough.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Commissioner, MPS

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