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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Reports from the Sub-committees

Report: 12
Date: 21 May 2009
By: Chief Executive


At each meeting of the Committee members will receive a report from its Sub-committees that have meet in recent weeks.

The report provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the Sub-Committees. (Copies of reports considered by the Sub-committee’s are available on request from the Committee Section)

Human Resources & Remuneration Sub-committee 19 March 2009

1. The following members were in attendance, Faith Boardman (Chair), Reshard Auladin, and Jenny Jones.

ACPO Ranks, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner’s Expenses

2. As part of an Internal Audit Directorate review, a number of recommendations relating to the claims for payment and reimbursement of personal expenses were considered by the Remuneration Sub-committee in relation to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.

3. The Chief Executive reported that, having consulted the Director of Resources, she was able to confirm that the systems in place for the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner to claim expenses are operating effectively and adhere to the arrangements set out in the pay and allowances manual.

APCO Ranks, Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner Gifts and Hospitality

4. As part of the 2006-07 audit plan, Internal Audit Directorate carried out a review of Gifts and Hospitality in the Metropolitan Police Service. A small number of recommendations referred to the arrangements in respect of Association of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) ranks. This report explicitly addressed the recommendations and arrangements for the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.

5. The Chief Executive reported that having reviewed the Commissioner’s and Deputy Commissioner’s gifts and hospitality register on two occasions for the period since 1 April 2008, the systems in place for recording gifts and hospitality are operating effectively and adhere to the revised gifts and hospitality policy.

6. The Sub-committee also considered the following reports

  1. Proposed ACPO ranks selection timetable
  2. Initial analysis of current human resource issues
  3. Performance related pay arrangements for ACPO rank police officers 2007-2008
  4. Directorate of Information – information board changes
  5. Contract of Employment issue

Human Resources & Remuneration Sub-committee 30 April 2009

7. The Sub-committee held an inquorate meeting 30 April 2009, with the following members in attendance Faith Boardman (Chair) and Reshard Auladin.

Transforming Human Resources (THR) Status Report

8. The THR programme will provide a more efficient service and realise total savings of £68.39 over the seven year life of the programme. The report summarised noteworthy achievements to date and gave a high level view of the key features of the programme over the remainder of 2009/10.

Leadership Development

9. The Sub-committee noted that the background to and the progress made in developing the MPS’s Leadership academy.

The exempt items considered by the Human Resources & Remuneration Sub-Committee Sub-committee are set out in agenda item 15.

Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-committee 30 APRIL 2009

Independent Custody Visiting Scheme.

10. The Sub-committee received a report that detailed the roles, responsibilities and the current work of the ICV team. The Sub-committee was advised of new initiatives used to recruit new custody visitors and promote the scheme.

11. An assurance was sought that the quality of the visits was being monitored as well as the quantity. The Sub-committee was assured that it was, and that panel members escalate any concerns they identify.

12. The Sub-committee offered its support to the ICV team, and the Chair agreed to submit a short item for inclusion in the ICV newsletter.

MPA £50k Partnership Fund Allocation Process.

13. This report set out the process for the disbursement of the Partnership Fund, which under the auspices of the previous Authority had been specifically kept simple and streamlined.

14. The Sub-committee was concerned that the fund was allocated to the Borough Commanders without link members having had an opportunity to adequately scrutinise the applications and without a clear audit trail being established. Members were also concerned that the Authority might also be gaining responsibility for the Home Office's BCU fund and that the Authority would need to have more robust processes in place.

15. The Sub-committee noted that a review of the existing process was planned. The annual report on the use of the partnership fund will be considered by the Sub-committee at its next meeting, as will the report on proposed review.

16. It was agreed that all link members will be consulted and invited to the meeting to discuss the new arrangements.

Contact details

Report author(s): Chris Benson, Committee Services, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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