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Communities, Equalities and People Committee review of terms of reference, work programme and equalities objectives

Report: 10
Date: 8 July 2010
By: Natasha Plummer on behalf of the Chief Executive


This report discusses an amendment to the committee’s terms of reference and proposes an outline work programme for 2010/11. It also proposes new equalities objectives, which will underpin its work throughout the 2010/11 committee year.

A. Recommendation


  1. members agree the proposed amendments to the terms of reference, including proposed amendments to the terms of reference to the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus sub-committee as discussed at its meeting on 21 June 2010;
  2. members agree the proposed 2010/11 work programme; and
  3. members agree the proposed equalities objectives for the Committee.

B. Supporting information

Terms of Reference

1. Each committee is required to develop an annual work programme, which identifies the range of issues to be considered by the committee in discharging its responsibilities as described in its terms of reference (ToR). This paper proposes some amendments to the committee’s ToR, an outline work programme and a number of equalities objectives for 2010/11.

2. As discussed in the annual report (see item 9), the committee has covered a wide range of issues throughout the 2009/10 committee year and the way in which the committee business has been discharged has ensured members have kept abreast of relevant matters, while also having the opportunity to focus on key issues. As such, it would seem appropriate to continue with those practices in the 2010/11 committee year.

3. However, there has been some discussion, particularly amongst members of the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus sub-committee (CECF) as to the division of work between parent and sub-committees. The key factor when determining which committee will consider a particular area of business should be the committee’s ToR. Other considerations such as the level of urgency and the committee’s capacity to receive a given item within an appropriate timeframe could also be relevant factors. Over the past year officers have worked with the chairs of the parent committees to regularly review all committee work plans, and as a result there has already been a shift in the allocation of work across some committees to ensure it is more equitable and that no one committee is over-burdened. With this in mind, the terms of reference for CEP and its sub-committees have been reviewed and amended where necessary to ensure greater clarity between their different roles and responsibilities.

4. The amended and current ToR documents for the Communities, Equalities and People Committee and its sub-committees are set out in appendices 1 and 2. The main changes are to the TORs of CEP and CECF, which have been amended to ensure the appropriate delegation of relevant issues, particularly in relation to citizen focus and independent custody visiting. Members should note that the amendments to the ToRs for CECF were discussed by that committee on 21 June 2010 and have been amended to reflect the discussion that took place at that time. The ToRs for both Human Resources and Remuneration (HRR) and Equality and Diversity (EDSC) sub-committees remain largely unchanged from those agreed in 2009/10.

5. Another matter that members might wish to consider is the size of each sub-committee. Members may wish to note, for example, that while EDSC has very full and vibrant meetings, with its unique style of engaging relevant stakeholders, the lack of resilience in terms of the membership has on occasions necessitated the referral of decisions to CEP committee for ratification. As such, there is a need to be mindful of using members’ time effectively, whilst also ensuring that the relevant issues are given appropriate consideration. Both CECF and HRR have four members and EDSC three; the minimum required to form a quorum.

2010/11 Work Programme

6. The proposed outline work plan is attached at appendix 3. Members are asked to consider the proposed plan and to make any necessary additions or amendments. Members should be advised that the work plan is a living document, which is regularly reviewed together with the plans of all other committees both by the Business Management Group and by lead officers. This being the case, there will be further opportunities to add or remove items from the plan as the need arises throughout the year.

2010/11 Equalities Objectives

7. The Authority has specific duties in relation to equalities and diversity related both to how it discharges its own business and as to how the MPS conducts its business. As such, each committee is required to identify one or more specific equalities objectives.

8. The responsibilities of the CEP committee are as laid out in the ToRs and in discharging those duties it is proposed that CEP and its sub-committees adopt the objectives identified in appendix 4. The proposed objectives are intended to cover the range of responsibilities of CEP and its sub-committees and will be shared across those committees as appropriate.

C. Other organisational and community implications

1. Equalities Impact

Equalities and diversity are key issues for the Authority and considerations of such matters are central to the work of this committee. The equalities objectives identified above will ensure that the needs of diverse communities remain central to the work of the MPA and that of the MPS. In addition, these equalities objectives will support the committee in ensuring that the MPA and MPS’s duties, from equalities legislation and internal polices, are properly discharged.

2. Met Forward

Met Forward is the MPA’s three year strategic mission outlining how the Authority wants the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to develop and perform. All MPA committees perform an oversight role in respect of the development and progress of Met Forward projects. In this case, CEP has responsibility for the Met Connect and Met Partners strands of Met Forward.

In discharging this responsibility the committee will:

  1. receive regular reports in relation to the development and delivery of specific Met Forward work streams or projects;
  2. review emerging and significant risks to delivery and ensure that mitigating action is taken to reduce the impact;
  3. review and agree any significant changes to the original delivery plans that have previously been agreed by members; and
  4. ensure that equality and diversity issues are fully considered throughout the delivery of specific Met Forward areas of work.

3. Financial Implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report.

4. Legal Implications

There are no specific legal implications arising from this report.

5. Environmental Implications

There are no environmental implications arising from this report.

6. Risk Implications

There are no specific risk implications arising from this report.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report authors: Natasha Plummer, MPA Engagement & Partnerships Manager

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Terms of Reference (July 2010)

Communities, Equalities and People Committee

The Committee is responsible for:

  • MPS human resources (HR) policies and strategies
  • matters relating to equal opportunities and diversity within the MPS and the MPA
  • the MPA and MPS’s statutory consultation and community engagement duties
  • the MPA and MPS’s statutory partnership duties


  1. To consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to MPS HR policy and strategy, including:
    1. workforce modernisation
    2. the HR Strategy and annual business plan
    3. pay strategy
    4. recruitment and retention issues
    5. training and development (including the Annual Costed Training Plan)
    6. national issues, including implementation of Police Negotiating Board agreements
  2. To arrange for the selection of Association of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) ranks, subject to police regulations and/or Home Office determinations.

Equality and diversity

  1. To lead on all issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity within the MPS and the MPA, including:
    1. ensuring that the MPA meets its statutory responsibilities under equalities legislation
    2. monitoring the MPS’s response to equalities legislation
    3. reviewing and scrutinising MPS performance on equality and diversity issues against agreed targets and policing plan objectives
  2. advising other MPA committees on equality and diversity issues relevant to their responsibilities.

Community Engagement and Citizen Focus

  1. To ensure the effective discharge of the Authority’s statutory consultative, community engagement and partnership responsibilities, including:
    1. the implementation and review of the MPA/MPS Community Engagement Commitment
    2. oversight of the MPS’s Citizen Focus programme and strategies
    3. monitoring and reviewing how the MPA undertakes its statutory duties as a responsible authority of borough Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs)
    4. the development and delivery of borough based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
    5. pan London community engagement and partnership initiatives, including the Hate Crime Forum and Domestic and Sexual Violence Board
    6. the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme in respect of the community engagement and citizen focus aspects (in conjunction with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
    7. the implementation of stop and search in respect of the community engagement and citizen focus aspects (in conjunction with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
  2. To liaise with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee so that issues and priorities identified through this committee’s community engagement / consultation activities can be taken account of in the development of strategic policies and plans.
  3. To monitor and review the development and delivery of the Met Forward work strands allocated to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee, against the three key delivery outcomes of reducing crime and criminality, increasing confidence in policing and delivering better value for money.
  4. Contribute to the MPA’s statutory duty to monitor MPS compliance with the Human Rights Act 1998

Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee

  1. To lead on issues related to the MPA’s statutory community engagement and partnership duties and the MPS’s citizen focus policies and strategies:
    1. To contribute to national policy development, national events or Association of Police Authority networks or initiatives in relation to community engagement, partnerships and citizen focus
    2. To monitor and review the implementation of the MPA/MPS community engagement commitment
    3. To monitor and review the development and delivery of borough-based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
    4. To monitor and review the MPA undertaking of its duties as a responsible authority of the Community Safety Partnerships of London
    5. To monitor and review the implementation of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme
    6. To monitor and review the implementation of stop and search policy
    7. To inform and assist other MPA committees on community engagement issues of relevance to their responsibilities and identify best practice for wider dissemination
    8. Provide advice to the Authority and MPS staff in developing and managing the community engagement work stream
    9. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee

  1. The sub-committee will consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to:
    1. Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) To be responsible for all ACPO human resources issues, excluding conduct and performance
    2. Senior Police Staff To be responsible for all Senior Police Staff human resources issues (unless otherwise covered by protocols with the MPS), excluding conduct and performance
    3. Senior MPA staff In consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Authority, to be responsible for all senior MPA staff human resources issues, including matters related to the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Treasurer and Director of Audit, Risk and Assurance (DARA).
    4. To monitor MPS activity in relation to human resources issues in the MPS and activities referred to it by the parent committee.
  2. To consider any relevant matters in respect of all national Human Resources issues and activities referred to it by the parent committee
  3. Through delegated authority from the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Authority and the Chair of the HR and Remuneration sub-committee, to agree, in cases of urgency, any HR issues in respect of individual ACPO officers, senior MPS police staff or senior MPA staff.
  4. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

Equality and Diversity Sub-committee

  1. To lead on all issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity within the MPS and the MPA:
    • To monitor the implementation of the MPA and MPS generic equality schemes
    • To approve the MPA’s annual equal opportunities and diversity work programme
    • To consider and advise on the equalities and diversity implications of major policy proposals and initiatives
    • To keep under review the MPA and MPS equal opportunities statement and the strategies, which translate this into practice
  2. To review and scrutinise MPS performance data on diversity issues, including trends and performance against policing plan objectives.
  3. To propose the development of performance indicators and target setting in relation to diversity issues.
  4. To consider areas of diversity where new or improved performance monitoring is required.
  5. To co-ordinate action on issues arising from relevant inquiries and investigations (i.e. Stephen Lawrence Inquiry; Morris Inquiry and MPA Scrutiny reports).
  6. To assist other MPA committees on equalities and diversity issues of relevance to their responsibilities.
  7. To propose to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee at least one review of the MPS diversity strategy or other relevant issues annually, depending on the staffing resources available. These reviews could range from a formal scrutiny to one or more themed meetings on a particular subject.
  8. To monitor and review the MPS and MPA annual diversity budgets to ensure efficiency of spend against performance and to respond to the budget requirements of the Mayor’s Office.
  9. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

Appendix 2: Communities, Equalities and People Committee Terms of reference 2009/10

The Committee has a range of responsibilities including:

  • MPS Human Resource policies and strategies
  • Leading on the integration of equality and diversity work within mainstream MPS service areas
  • The MPA / MPS’s consultation and community engagement responsibilities


  1. To consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to MPS HR policy and strategy, including:
    1. workforce modernisation
    2. the HR Strategy and annual business plan
    3. pay strategy
    4. recruitment and retention issues
    5. training and development (including the Annual Costed Training Plan)
    6. national issues, including implementation of Police Negotiating Board agreements
  2. To arrange for the selection of ACPO ranks, subject to police regulations and/or Home Office determinations.

Equality and Diversity

  1. To lead on the integration of equality and diversity work within the MPS, including:
    1. ensuring that the MPA meets its statutory responsibilities under anti-discrimination legislation and monitoring the MPS’s response to this legislation
    2. reviewing and scrutinising MPS performance on equality and diversity issues against agreed targets and policing plan objectives
  2. To advise other MPA committees on equality and diversity issues relevant to their responsibilities.

Community Engagement and Citizen Focus

  1. To ensure the effective discharge of the Authority’s consultative and community engagement responsibilities, including:
    1. the implementation and review of the MPA / MPS Community Engagement Strategy
    2. oversight of the MPS’s Citizen Focus programme and strategies
    3. monitoring and reviewing how the MPA undertakes its statutory duties as a responsible authority of borough Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships
    4. the development and delivery of borough based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
    5. pan London community engagement and partnership initiatives
    6. the Hate Crime Forum and Domestic Violence Forum
    7. the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme
  2. To liaise with the Strategy and Operational Policing Committee with regard to consultative arrangements in the development of policing plan priorities.
  3. To ensure the effective discharge and development of the Authority’s consultative and community engagement responsibilities, including:
    1. the implementation and review of the MPA/MPS joint Community Engagement Strategy
    2. oversight of the MPS’ Citizen Focus programme and strategies
    3. monitoring and reviewing how the MPA undertakes its statutory duties as a responsible authority of borough Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships
    4. the development of borough based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
    5. pan London community engagement initiatives, including the Hate Crime Forum and Domestic Violence Forum
    6. the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme
    7. Stop and Search Monitoring and Review
    8. CDRP’s and partnership groups
    9. Funding processes for community engagement and partnership work

Appendix 3: Proposed Work Programme for the Communities, Equalities and People Committee 2010/11

2 September 2:00pm

  • BCU and MPA Partnership Fund 2009/10 Out Turn Report
  • Update on the MPS Central Partnerships Steering Group
  • MPS Staff Survey
  • MPS policy and strategy for delivery of the victims’ code of practice
  • MPS Vetting Report
  • Proposals for implementation of the Race and Faith Inquiry recommendations

4 November 2:00pm

  • Update on the Problem Oriented Partnerships Awards 2011
  • Borough Command Unit Fund 2010/11 mid-year report
  • Review of Community & Police Engagement Groups 2011/12
  • Update on the Restructure of Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate
  • Update on Transforming HR programme
  • Report on MPS training capacity and delivery

6 January 2:00pm

  • Annual report of the Domestic and Sexual Violence Board
  • Update on recruitment and retention activity including specials
  • Update on MPA/MPS Community Engagement Commitment and work programme for 2011-12
  • Update on Partnership Working across the MPS

3 March 2:00pm

  • Annual report of the Hate Crime Forum
  • Update on training activity, including the Leadership Academy

5 May 2:00pm

  • Borough Command Unit Fund 2010/11 end of year report
  • Update on Met Volunteer Programme

7 July 2:00pm

  • Appointments to sub-committees
  • Annual Review
  • Update on MPS Vetting Procedures
  • Update on detective capability and capacity

Appendix 4: Communities, Equalities and People Committee Draft Equality Objectives for 2010/11

  1. to identify key equality and diversity issues with regard to its areas of responsibility, including through consultation with communities and partners, and disseminate a view on such matters as appropriate;
  2. to ensure that all reports the committee receives adequately address equality and diversity matters and that EIAs have been conducted;
  3. to contribute to the corporate equalities impact assessment (EIA) dip sampling process and take appropriate action;
  4. to ensure the terms of reference of all Met Forward projects and scrutinies, which fall within the committee's remit, include the need to conduct an EIA; and
  5. in receiving reports on such matters, ensure that the EIA has been conducted and any equalities issues have been adequately addressed.

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