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Report 7 of the 14 September 2007 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee and provides an update on progress in addressing the significant internal control issues included in the statement of accounts for 2006/07.

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Statement of internal control – quarterly update

Report: 7
Date: 14 September 2007
By: Treasurer and Commissioner


The MPA has been required to include a Statement of Internal Control (SIC) in its financial statements since 2003/04, including details of the system of internal control and risk management, the key controls, and how effectively they are being deployed, highlighting any significant internal control issues and the relevant actions being taken to address them. In addition the MPS produce their own SIC, which provides details of controls they have in place to support internal control and risk management.

This report provides an update on progress in addressing the significant internal control issues included in the statement of accounts for 2006/07.

A. Recommendation

That members note the progress in addressing the significant internal control issues included in the 2006/07 Statement of Internal Control for the MPA.

B. Supporting information

Statement of internal control

1. In accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations, 2003 there is a statutory obligation on the MPA to publish a Statement of Internal Control (SIC) in the annual accounts, setting out details of the MPA/MPS system of internal control and risk management, the key controls and how effectively they are being deployed.

2. The Authority is also responsible for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control which facilitates the effective exercise of the Authority’s functions and which includes arrangements for the management of risk. In exercising this responsibility, the Authority places reliance on the Commissioner to support the internal control and risk management process as the majority of the MPA’s controls are deployed within the MPS. Hence in exercising its statutory responsibilities under the regulations, the Authority places reliance on the commissioner to deploy, maintain and monitor internal control and risk management processes.

3. The MPS evidence these controls through the production of it’s own internal SIC. This is then consolidated with the MPA’s own SIC (which also identifies risks it faces on its own account) to produce an overarching statement for inclusion in the statement of accounts.

Significant issues

4. In line with the regulations the SIC includes details of any significant internal control issues and the actions to be taken to deal with these. In 2006/07 three issues have been included in the MPA SIC. Details of each of the issues and progress made in addressing the significant issues are provided below:

Issue Action
1 The Audit Commissions’ interim audit has identified a number of weaknesses within the Authority’s key material systems. The main weaknesses identified included:
  • Insufficient evidence of appropriate controls in respect of accounting for fixed assets
  • A lack of evidence in the operation of key controls in pensions and payroll monitoring
  • Weaknesses in the preparation, timeliness and evidencing of bank reconciliations performed
  • Control account reconciliations not being performed and reviewed on a timely basis
All issues identified in the interim report have now been addressed although the MPS continue to monitor the situation.
With regard to issues yet to be addressed, the MPS have drawn up a consolidated action plan, which incorporates all audit recommendations from the Annual Governance Report, Interim Systems, PURE and the Final Accounts reports. Progress is monitored by a multi disciplinary working group on a regular basis to ensure progression of issues.
2 Contract regulations need to be followed at all times to ensure value for money is achieved when awarding contracts The revised contract regulations will come into effect from 1st October. The MPS are currently drafting the scheme of delegation in response to the revised regulations.
The Authority is working with the MPS to develop systems to support the implementation of the regulations.
3 Whilst Internal Audit have generally found adequate and effective operating procedures within the MPS, key controls have either not been applied, applied inappropriately or not applied in time to provide an effective control environment. Therefore, the average assurance score on internal control has not changed during 2006/07 and remains at 2.9. The main areas of concern are as follows:
  • Delegated authorities - The MPS have yet to put in proper arrangements.
  • Procurement of services – there continues to be concerns around contracts being tendered in accordance with Public Contract regulations and MPA regulations
  • BOCU Financial Control framework – number of areas of weakness need to be addressed
  • Information and Data Quality – whilst there have been significant improvements reviews have identified major data quality shortcomings in some key MPS systems.
Overall, the score has improved slightly and is now 2.8. Follow up audits completed to date indicate an improvement in internal control.
Significant progress has been made in addressing concerns in relation to a number of contracts within the Directorate of Information.
The Authority has met with a number of Senior Managers within the MPS to discuss the development and enhancement of systems supporting procurement activity.
The MPS are working hard to strengthen internal control, using both existing committees such as Corporate governance, along with consideration for development of additional controls.

C. Race and equality impact

The MPA will ensure that equality and diversity issues are fully considered in completing the SIC.

D. Financial implications

There are no additional resource issues arising from this report.

E. Background papers

  • Statement of Internal Control 2006/07

F. Contact details

Report author: Annabel Adams, Deputy Treasurer, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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