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Report 9c of the 14 March 2008 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee detailing the Scheme of Delegation for the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), which came into effect on 1 October 2007.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPS Corporate Governance - MPS Scheme of Delegation

Report: 9c
Date: 14 March 2008
By: Director of Strategic Finance on behalf of the Commissioner


This report presents details of the Scheme of Delegation for the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), which came into effect on 1 October 2007. The Scheme was developed in line with good governance practice and in support of compliance with the MPA Standing Orders. The scheme forms an integral element of the MPS’s corporate governance framework and system of internal control.

A. Recommendation


1. Members note the amended MPS Scheme of Delegation; and

2. note the programme of work in support of the development of the Scheme of Delegation and supporting processes.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPS provides policing services at an international, national, regional and local level across the capital. In providing those services, the MPS has a responsibility for the stewardship of over £3bn a year and the effective management of the assets entrusted to it.

2. The MPS Scheme of Delegation (Appendix 1) sets out all significant functions and decisions which are delegated to officers (incorporating police officers and police staff) and which are of a statutory, financial or managerial nature, other than those of a purely operational nature. The Scheme does not define how those decisions should be taken nor does it attempt to list all the matters which are incidental to the exercise of those responsibilities and which are part of the everyday management functions of authorised officers.

3. The MPS, in carrying out its functions, operates within a statutory framework. The MPS Scheme of Delegation reflects that statutory framework and provides officers with the legal power to exercise delegated functions from either the MPA or the Commissioner. The MPS scheme, therefore, operates within the framework of the MPA Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation.

4. The MPS Scheme of Delegation is an integral element of the MPS Corporate Governance Framework and supports the MPA’s Standing Orders which include:

  • Financial Regulations;
  • Contract Regulations;
  • Scheme of Delegation;
  • Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy.

On 28 June, the MPA revised its Standing Orders with an effective date of 1 October 2007. The main changes to the MPA Standing Orders are summarised in Appendix 2. The Scheme of Delegation also became effective from 1 October 2007. The scheme and the changes to Standing Orders were launched on the MPS intranet and through the Management Board

5. In developing the MPS Scheme of Delegation the following work is being progressed:

  • Reviewing or establishment of local schemes of delegation within each Business Group;
  • Updating of MPS Scheme of Devolved Financial Management and Procurement Strategy and Policies;
  • Review of Scheme of Delegation in light of operational experience.

6. The Resources Directorate has lead responsibility of some of these work streams. Work will be progressed with support from other Business Groups, in particular from Legal Services, Strategy, Modernisation and Performance Directorate (SMPD) and Human Resources (HR). In addition, all Business Groups will engage with the review and with the development of local schemes of delegation. Financial Services will provide resources to each Business Group to ensure that local schemes of delegation, which reflect current delegations and authority limits, are in place as quickly as is practically possible.

7. The Scheme sets out the framework for the delegation of authority within the MPS to support the general management of the MPS. It has been emphasised to all Business Groups that everyone taking decisions within the MPS must ensure they comply with the terms of the Scheme and that failure to do so should result in appropriate management action. It is therefore essential that Business Groups understand the need to ensure that officers are made aware of their responsibilities under the Scheme and the authority limits within which they must operate.

C. Race and equality impact

The establishment of, and adherence to, a scheme of delegation reflects good governance. The Scheme makes it clear that in exercising delegated functions under the Scheme of Delegation officers must have regard to the MPS Corporate Governance framework including the MPS Equalities Schemes,

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising directly from this proposal. The Scheme will operate within the resources available to the MPS. Everyone in the MPS has a responsibility to ensure the resources entrusted to them are managed effectively and efficiently. This will be facilitated by adherence to the Scheme.

E. Legal implications

1. The Metropolitan Police Authority was established by the Greater London Authority Act 1999. Police Authorities are Local Authorities. Their powers and duties are defined by the Police Act 1996, the Local Government Acts and other domestic and EU legislation affecting public bodies. The Commissioner is appointed by Her Majesty the Queen on the recommendation of the Home Secretary, after considering recommendations of the MPA and representations from the Mayor of London. The Police Act 1996 confers upon the Commissioner the control and direction of the MPS. In addition he has the powers delegated to him by the MPA, which he may sub-delegate to officers within the MPS, as set out within the MPA Standing Orders.

2. The Scheme sets out functions delegated to officers of the MPS from

  • The MPA
  • The Commissioner of Police.

F. Background papers

  • MPA Review of Standing Orders: MPA full Authority, Report 6, 28 June 2007
  • MPA Standing Orders: 28 June 2007

G. Contact details

Report author: Anne McMeel, Director of Strategic Finance, MPS

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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