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Treasury management action plan - update

Report: 14
Date: 14 September 2009
By: Treasurer


This is the regular update report on the progress in implementing the treasury management action plan agreed by Finance and Resources Committee on 5 March 2009.

A. Recommendation

That members note the report.

B. Supporting information

1. At the Finance and Resources Committee meeting of 5 March 2009 an action plan was agreed in response to recommendations following an independent report into treasury management by KPMG. It was agreed at that meeting that Corporate Governance Committee would monitor implementation of the approved Treasury management action plan at each of its quarterly meetings.

2. Accordingly, the progress made against the individual recommendations has been set out in Appendix 1. Members are invited to review the detailed progress identified therein. Further quarterly updates will be brought to this committee at its future meetings.

C. Race and equality impact

None specific to this report

D. Financial implications

There are costs associated with a number of the actions which will need to be fully assessed as part of the implementation process.

E. Background papers

  • Treasury Management report to Finance and Resources Committee 5 March 2009

F. Contact details

Report author: Annabel Adams, MPA

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