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Report 8 of the 23 March 2009 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee, summarises the development of the MPA risk management process and includes the current MPA corporate risk register.

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MPA risk management update

Report: 8
Date: 22 March 2010
By: Chief Executive


The report summarises the development of the MPA risk management process and includes the current MPA corporate risk register.

A. Recommendation

That members consider and comment on the MPA risk register and the on-going development of the MPA risk management process.

B. Supporting information

1. The risk register, attached at Appendix 1 contains the MPA current assessment of risks to the delivery of its strategic plan Met Forward.

2. The register has recently been reviewed and updated to include additional objectives around equalities and diversity and high profile MPA initiatives such as race and faith and the civil liberties panel. It also now reflects the MPA business unit responsible for each of the control measures in place to address the identified risks and includes a residual risk assessment.

3. The corporate risk register is regularly reviewed by the MPA Senior Management Team (SMT) and Business Management Group (BMG). Key emerging risks are reported by the heads of business units and reviewed by BMG at its fortnightly meetings. Appropriate action is agreed and monitored on an ongoing basis by the MPA SMT and BMG.

4. The MPA Deputy Chief Executive has also led on the development of the MPA business plan and performance management framework ensuring that key strategic risks are identified within the business and budget planning cycle. Risk assessment forms an integral part of the performance management framework established for the delivery of Met Forward. Any risk to the delivery of the strands of Met Forward are included in the analysis of the emerging risks reported to BMG.

5. Future developments include reviewing the process in place for evaluating the effectiveness of the risk control measures and delivering further training to business unit leads. The Director of Audit, Risk and Assurance is also working in liaison with the MPS strategic lead for risk management to align the MPS and MPA risk registers.

C. Race and equality impact

Equality impact assessments will be conducted for each strand of Met Forward and for all MPA policies supporting the risk management process.

D. Financial implications

An assessment of financial risks is undertaken as part of the annual budget submission cycle and is reported to Finance and Resources Committee. The cost of developing and maintaining control measures is included in the budgeted work plans for each business unit in the MPA.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Catherine Crawford, MPA Chief Executive

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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