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Report 14 of the 23 March 2009 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee, provides an overview of Health & Safety performance.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Health and Safety performance report

Report: 14
Date: 22 March 2010
By: Director of Human Resources and Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


This report provides an overview of Health & Safety Performance.

A. Recommendation

That members note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information

General Health and Safety performance update

Summary of Injuries Reported on the Metropolitan Police Accident and Incident Reporting System (MetAIR)

1. A comparison of injuries reported on the Metropolitan Police Accident and Incident Reporting System (MetAIR) between January - December 2008 and January - December 2009 is at Appendix 1. In summary comparing these two reference periods indicates that the:

  • total accident rate fell by 21%;
  • major accident rate fell by 29%;
  • over three day accident rate fell by 29 %;
  • slip, trip and fall accident rate fell by 11%;
  • moving vehicle accident rate fell by 24%;
  • injuries to police officers following assault rate fell by 29%;
  • injuries to PCSOs following assault rate rose by 1.5%.

2. The total number of injuries reported on MetAIR shows a falling trend. The last three months have seen the following total number of injuries recorded on MetAIR - October 594, November 537 and December 487. These figures are lower than the corresponding three months of 2008 (October 653, November 773 and December 629).

Major and over three day injuries

3. A summary of major injuries reported on MetAIR between January 2008 - December 2008 and January 2009 - December 2009 is shown at Appendix 2.

4. Overall numbers of major accidents continues to fluctuate at a level lower than the preceding 12 months. The period October to December 2009 shows a marked fall when compared to the corresponding period October to December 2008 (46 major accidents compared to 58 major accidents).

Major accidents  
October 2009 13
November 2009 17
December 2009 18
Total October 2009 – December 2009 46

5. Of the 46 major accidents recorded on MetAIR between October and December 2009:

  • 35% slipped tripped or fell (inc from height);
  • 27% were physically assaulted;
  • 27% were classified as ‘another kind of accident’;
  • 2% were hit by a moving flying/falling object;
  • 2% were injured while handling lifting or carrying.

Training accidents accounted for 15% of the major injuries during this quarter.

6. A summary of the over three day injuries reported on MetAIR between January 2008 - December 2008 and January 2009 - December 2009 is shown at Appendix 3.

7. There was a decrease in the number of reported over three day injuries from 85 in October 2009 to 50 in December 2009, as demonstrated in the table below. The annual rolling average for the year is still decreasing significantly and the figures represent a significant decrease on the same period last year (October 2008 – 94 injuries; September 2008 – 114 injuries December 2008 - 91 injuries).

Over 3 day accidents  
October 2009 85
November 2009 85
December 2009 50
Total October 2009 – December 2009 220
  • Of the 220 over 3 day injuries recorded:
    • 33% were as a result of what is classed as ‘another kind of accident’;
    • 27% were as a result of being hit by a moving vehicle;
    • 15% were as a result of slips, trips and falls;
    • 14% from being physically assaulted.
  • The remainder of 11% had a wide range of causations with no obvious trends.

Injury Following Physical Assaults on Police Officers and PCSOs

8. A summary of the injuries following assault reported on MetAIR between January 2008 - December 2008 and January 2009 - December 2009 is shown at Appendices 4 and 5.

9. There were 453 injuries following assaults recorded on MetAIR between July 2009 and September 2009, of which:

  • 419 were to police officers;
  • 34 were to PCSOs.

A monthly breakdown for October - December is shown in the tables below:

Injury to Police officers following assault  
October 2009 161
November 2009 136
December 2009 122
Total October 2009 – December 2009 419
Injury to PCSOs following assaults  
October 2009 11
November 2009 13
December 2009 10
Total October 2009 – December 2009 34

10. The total number of injuries following assault on police officers for October – December 2009 (419) shows a fall of 118 injuries when compared to the same three-month period last year (537). The breakdown of the assaults on police officers for the reporting period October to December 2009 is as follows:

  • 2.6% major injuries;
  • 6.4% over 3 day injuries;
  • 91% minor injuries.

11. The number of PCSOs who reported injuries as a result of being assaulted is the same as the period in 2008 (total figure was also 34). The breakdown of the assaults on PCSOs for the reporting period October to December 2009 is as follows:

  • 3% Major Injuries;
  • 12% over 3 days injuries;
  • 85% minor injuries.

Slips, trips and falls (including falls from height)

12. A summary of the injuries following slip, trip and falls reported on MetAIR between January - December 2008 and January - December 2009, is shown at Appendix 6.

13. There were 311 injuries as a result of slips, trips and falls between October and December 2009. This number is higher than the same period in 2008 (261), however the annual rolling average is showing a decrease.

Slips, trips and falls  
October 2009 92
November 2009 91
December 2009 128
Total October 2009 – December 2009 311

14. Of the 311 slip, trips and falls:

  • 5% were major injuries;
  • 10% were over 3 day injuries;
  • 85% were minor injuries.

15. During the period 16th - 22nd December 2009, 53 incidents were recorded, of which 47 were as a direct result of the unstable conditions underfoot caused by heavy snowfall and sub-zero temperatures.

Hit by a Moving Vehicle (including injury from RTAs)

16. A summary of the injuries following staff being hit by moving vehicles (including RTAs) reported on MetAIR between January - December 2008 and January - December 2009, is shown at Appendix 7.

17. There was a decrease in the number of injuries following being hit by a moving vehicle from 49 in October 2009 to 41 in December 2009. In the same period in 2008 there was an increase (55 to 56). The annual rolling average for this type of accident is gradually decreasing.

Hit by moving vehicle  
October 2009 49
November 2009 43
December 2009 41
Total October 2009 – December 2009 133

18. Of 133 injuries:

  • 37 were as a result of Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) whilst travelling to and from work;
  • the remaining 96 injuries were as a result of injuries sustained during working hours.

Replacement of MetAIR Under Transforming HR

19. The replacement MetAIR system under the THR project is integral to the THR IT solution. Therefore the delay in THR go live directly affects the delivery of the MetAIR replacement. The indicative THR launch date is scheduled for 31 May 2010. It is anticipated that the new MetAir system will go live on this date

MPA Internal Audit of Health and Safety

20. The MPA has issued a draft internal audit report following a review of the MPA report that was issued on 7 January 2009. This latest draft report has been issued to the Strategic Health and Safety Committee for comment/review. The MPS Strategic Health and Safety Committee believe only one high risk recommendation relating to MetAir remains outstanding. The majority of medium risk recommendations are now complete.

MPA/MPS External Independent Audit Report

21. The Turner Townsend External Independent Health and Safety Audit report has been distributed to the MPA and members of the MPA Corporate Governance Committee. The report was received by Management Board on 10 February 2010

22. Management Board agreed that the MPS Strategic Health & Safety Committee will now, in consultation with the MPA, review recommendations and incorporate them into a draft framework for a 3-5 year health and safety strategy, including any costs associated with the draft plan for consideration by Management Board and the MPS Corporate Governance Committee. The audit report will be presented to the next MPS Strategic Health and Safety Committee in April 2010.

Training Accident Study Report

23. The training accident report has been distributed to the MPA and members of the MPA Corporate Governance Committee. The report has also been distributed to the MPS Strategic Health and Safety Committee for comment. The MPS Strategic Health and Safety Committee has now formed a sub working group to examine the report and recommend appropriate accident reduction strategies.

Disaster Victim Identification Risk Assessment Workshop

24. Safety and Health Risk Management Team (SHRMT) hosted a workshop on 6 January 2010 to review hazards associated with a range of operational Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) deployment scenarios including deployment overseas. This work is to be used to inform MPS risk assessments and National ACPO DVI Group.

Contact with the HSE

25. The Head of SHRMT met with the HSE on 21 December 2009 to discuss and the following:

  • MPS investigations in relation to two separate complaints made by police officers to the HSE. No issues remain outstanding regarding these complaints.
  • Interim update to the HSE on the MPS learning following the tragic death of PC Gary Toms (CO19).

SHRMT deployments

26. SHRMT deployed and supported the following exercises:

  • Exercise Actorione – MPS DVI and Forensic Examination Exercise; SHRMT deployed 3 members of staff to assist in the running of the exercise and also enable familiarisation with the team’s occupational hygiene monitoring equipment.
  • Exercise Wooden Pride. Two members of staff deployed in support of Exercise Wooden Pride. This exercise is a key arena for the SHRMT trials of a new operational safety assurance document and development of an operational thematic audit tool.

First Aid Training Team – Trauma Training day

27. The Metropolitan Police Trauma Study Day was held in the Lecture Theatre at Hendon Peel Centre on Tuesday 17 November 2009. The day was hosted by the Central First Aid Team and attended by 80 delegates. The day included eminent expert speakers on various topics including trauma treatment and medicine along with an exhibition section with various companies displaying the latest first aid equipment and services.

MPA/MPS H&S Assurance Process

28. The SHRMT and Property Services Compliance team (for Resources Directorate) are in the process of commencing reviews of relevant OCU Commanders and Heads of Department assurance letters within CO, SO, SCD, DOI and Resources. Dip sampling and verification of assurance letters has commenced.

Property Services health and safety performance update - summary of building related accidents and incidents reported to Property Services

Summary of building related accidents and incidents reported to Property Services

29. Between October and December 2009 there were 5 HSE reportable accidents (major and over 3 day), 2 lost time accidents and 38 minor property related accidents involving MPA/MPS staff reported on MetAir.

30. Between October and December 2009 there were 10 minor reported accidents involving employees of Property Services contractors. None of these resulted in lost time or HSE reportable events. In the same period Property Services contractors reported 84 near miss incidents. The increase in the number of Near-Miss / Hazardous Situations reported is due to the contractors C.A.T.S (Changing Attitudes Towards Safety) reporting system which encourages employees to report any unsafe acts which could have resulted in accidents if the situation had been left uncontrolled. The data is analysed for trends and to determine where further health and safety training/procedures are required.

Halon Replacement

31. The Home Office Scientific Branch continues to project manage Halon replacement for all UK police forces. MPS are awaiting feed back from the Home Office following their discussions with DEFRA and the EU Commission relating to granting an extended exemption to continue use halon as a fire extinguishing medium.

Senior Designated Officer (SDO)/Nominated Officer (NO)/Fire Safety Training

32. Fire safety training courses have been implemented Pan Met and will be an ongoing process fulfilling statutory requirements.

33. The content of the proposed role and training courses for the SDO and NO health and safety roles within MPA/MPS buildings is currently subject to consultation with Police Federation/Unions and Associations. Following the successful completion of the consultation process Property Services Compliance team in conjunction with the SHRMT will seek approval from the MPS Strategic Health and Safety Committee to proceed with this training.

Access by Authorised Personnel – to high-risk areas

34. Procurement is assisting the Property Services Compliance Team in progressing this matter. Arrangements are being evaluated to enable a controlled access system to be installed in the short term so that only authorised personnel can gain access to restricted areas of the MPS estate e.g. confined spaces, plant rooms, boiler/electrical distribution rooms and roof areas.

Notifications to HSE and Enforcing Authorities

35. The Property Services Compliance Team has been in contact with the HSE regarding the following specific incidents:

  • HSE have visited the cooling tower at NSY and examined the maintenance and control measures relating to legionella. To date all measures found to be of an acceptable standard and further HSE visits will take place on an ongoing basis.
  • On the 20 October an HSE inspector issued a Prohibition Notice at an MPS Safer Neighbourhood premises under construction – Bowes Road Site. The inspector stopped all roof works at the site and issued a Prohibition Notice to both the principle contractor and also sub contractor for the incident. Subsequent corrective action and a detailed investigation have been undertaken. No action has been taken against the MPA/MPS.

MPS Firing Ranges

36. Property Services have secured the services of a NPIA competent person and obtained health and safety statutory certification of each of the 14 firing ranges across the MPS estate. The certification is valid for a three-year period.

Asbestos Surveying on the MPS Estate

37. Due to a problem with the award of the original contract, the current survey programme has been suspended. Interim measures have been put in place to minimize our risk of non-compliance whilst urgent action is undertaken to re-establish compliant contract arrangements.

C. Race and equality impact

1. There are no immediate implications on equality and diversity arising from this report. The team will monitor all health and safety matters, including MetAIR statistics, to determine whether there is any disproportionate impact on any particular group, and, where there is, take appropriate action.

D. Financial implications

1. To date trails for halon replacement extinguishers have indicated that there will be additional costs and changes to operational procedures. The exact costs are unknown at this time.

2. The cost implications for the provision of the approved mandatory training for SDOs and Nominated Persons are currently being assessed. Once determined consideration will be given on how best to accommodate these costs within the overall resources available to the Service.

3. A reserve of £200k has been set up for the installation of an access control system to high-risk areas within the MPS estate. This reserve is part of the £800k “Property - Statutory Energy Performance” allocation which was approved as part of the 2007/08 year-end reserve process.

Following confirmation that this functionality cannot quickly be incorporated in the DOI ‘IAMS’ project, the original bespoke alternative will be progressed from this fund.

4. The costs associated with the activities set out in this report are covered by budgets held in PSD and across the MPS.

E. Legal implications

The information in this report assists the Authority in the performance of its duties under Health and Safety legislation and of its strategic oversight role as set out in the joint MPA/MPS Corporate Health and Safety Policy.

F. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Nick Kettle, Head of Safety and Health Risk Management and Peter Brown, Assistant Director – Head of Compliance, Property Services, MPS

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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