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Agenda for the 7 July 2011 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee and contains details of the reports and minutes for this meeting.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Corporate Governance Committee
7 July 2011
10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY

Assurance matters

  1. MPA urgency procedure
  2. External Audit Progress report 2010/11
    Provides an update on external audit’s progress in delivering their responsibilities as the Authority’s external auditors. It also provides a summary of key emerging national issues and developments.
  3. Audit Commission 2011/12 Fee
    Sets out the proposed external audit fee for 2011/12.
  4. Director of Audit, Risk and Assurance Draft Annual Report 2010/11
    Gives the annual opinion on the effectiveness of internal control.
  5. Annual Governance Statement 2010/11
    Requests the Committee to approve the Authority’s Annual Governance Statement for 2010/11 for inclusion in the annual accounts.
    Gives an update on the progress made in addressing areas for improvement in the 2009/10 annual governance statement.
  6. Update on MPA/MPS Health and Safety Assurance Process
    Presents the annual Health and Safety letters of assurance for MPS business groups.
  7. Directorate of Audit, Risk and Assurance (DARA) Progress Report
    Summarises the work of DARA since the last meeting of the Committee.
  8. High Risk DARA Recommendations
    Updates members on the outstanding high risk DARA recommendations as at 28 April2011.

Corporate Governance Framework

  1. Anti fraud Implementation Plan update
    Provides an update on the progress being made to implement the Anti-Fraud Strategy approved on 2 December 2010.
  2. MPA Risk Management update
    Summarises the development of the MPA risk management process and includes the current MPA corporate risk register.
  3. MPS Corporate Governance Framework update
    Provides an update on the work areas covered by the MPS Corporate Governance Framework.
  4. Health and Safety Performance Report
    Provides an overview of Health and Safety performance and an update on the external independent Health and Safety audit.
  5. Police Driving
    Provides police collision data and gives an overview of the MPS Safe Driving Three programme.
  6. Any other urgent business
    This item affords the opportunity to raise issues that are urgent. The grounds for urgency must be stated.
  7. Exclusion of Press and Public
    To resolve that the press and public be asked to leave the meeting during discussion of the remaining items of business because exempt information as defined in paragraph 9 of Schedule 12a to the Local Government Act 1972 is likely to be made known

Please note that members of the press and public must leave the meeting at this point.

Part 2

Items considered after the exclusion of the press and public

  1. MPS Risk Management Update
    Provides the Committee with the current MPS risk register and current on-going work on risk management across the MPS.
  2. Exempt appendix to Outstanding High Risk DARA Recommendations
    Exempt appendix to agenda item 12.
  3. Minutes of the Corporate Governance Committee (Part 2) –10 March 2011.

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