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Report 4 of the 20 November 2008 meeting of the Finance and Resources committee Committee and invites the Committee to confirm appointments to the Sub-Committees and the terms of reference.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Sub committees – appointments and terms of reference

Report: 04
Date: 20 November 2008
By: the Chief Executive


This report invites the Committee to confirm appointments to the Sub-Committees and the terms of reference.

A. Recommendations


  1. members confirm the membership of the Resources Sub-Committee as set out below and that Faith Boardman be appointed as its Chairman;
  2. confirm the membership of the Productivity and Performance Sub-Committee as set out below and that Deborah Regal be appointed as its Chairman; and
  3. confirm the terms of reference for the two sub-committees and the Estates Strategy panel as set out in appendix 1

B. Supporting information

1. Members have requested that the Finance and Resource Committee should be supported by a Resources Sub Committee and a Productivity and Performance Sub-Committee and have set up a member-led panel in connection with the estate strategy. The Committee is asked to consider each of these in more detail.

Resources Sub-Committee

2. The remit of the Sub-Committee covers estates, IS, IT and procurement. It will consider issues in more detail than is possible at the parent Committee. Terms of reference (see Appendix 1) have been developed in consultation with members and are submitted for ratification. It is anticipated that further time-limited groups may be established from time to time as necessary to consider specific issues.

3. The following members have indicated that they wish to sit on the Sub- Committee:

  • Faith Boardman
  • Valerie Brasse
  • Deborah Regal
  • Graham Speed

4. At the informal meeting of members of the Committee held on 6 October Faith Boardman was proposed as Chairman of the sub-Committee. The Committee is asked to ratify this appointment.

5. The quorum will be three members.

6. It is suggested that the Sub-Committee meets once a month.

Productivity and Performance Sub-Committee

7. Terms of reference (see Appendix 1) have been developed in conjunction with members and are submitted for ratification. Members are asked to note that performance against the policing plan will be considered by the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee and the terms of reference of the Finance and Resources and Strategic and Operational Policing committees have been amended accordingly.

8. The following members have indicated that they wish to sit on the Sub- Committee:

  • Faith Boardman
  • Clive Lawton
  • Deborah Regal
  • Graham Speed
  • Richard Tracey

9. Deborah Regal has been proposed as Chairman of the Sub-Committee. The Committee is asked to ratify this appointment.

10. The quorum will be three members.

11. It is suggested that the Sub-Committee meets every other month.

Estate Strategy Panel

12 This was established by the Finance and Resources Committee at its meeting on 23 October. The membership is as follows:

  • Graham Speed (Chairman)
  • Dee Doocey
  • Len Duvall

13. Terms of reference (see Appendix 1) have been developed in conjunction with members and are submitted for ratification

14. It is anticipated that the Panel will meet frequently in order that a report is produced by the spring of 2009.

C. Race and equality impact

None arising directly from the report.

D. Financial implications

None arising directly from the report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): John Crompton, MPA Committee Services,

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Sub committees and panel terms of reference

Resources Sub-committee

1. In relation to procurement exercises, to consider and make recommendations to the Finance & Resources Committee on business cases and the subsequent award of contract following tendering when the total value is greater than £5M.

2. To consider and make recommendations to the Finance & Resources Committee in respect of proposed land and property transactions (acquisition and disposal) above £1m in value

3. To monitor, scrutinise and review (on a programme board basis if required):
• The estates strategy and supporting documents
• Whether the planned disposal programme is generating receipts in line with approved budget
• Progress of the capital programme, including Property Services and Department of Information, and the development of MPS performance management frameworks
• The procurement strategy, including the implementation of responsible procurement
• The IS/IT Strategy and major IS/IT projects
• The MPS Service Improvement Programme

4. To develop compliance and governance frameworks for procurement activity throughout the MPS

5. To review and scrutinise any annual budget growth and reduction proposals

6. To receive and review the MPS Treasury Management report on a quarterly basis

7. To ensure efficient communication of appropriate resource issues within and across the MPA/MPS

Productivity and performance sub-committee

1. To consider how to progress the parent committee’s responsibility for integrating policing and financial planning

2. To oversee MPS resource management in order to maximise the efficient and effective use of resources to deliver strategic priorities and to ensure efficient communication of these objectives within the MPA/MPS. In doing so, the sub-committee will:
• Agree, develop and monitor a programme of scrutiny work to be carried out by the MPS
• Undertake oversight of resource usage, considering different methodologies to improve the leverage of strategic resources, productivity and efficiencies, including the use of zero based budgeting and benchmarking as necessary
• Review and develop the mainstreaming of productivity within the MPS including the development of relevant productivity measures
• Review and encourage the development of an operational policing measure which can identify front line deployable hours and measure changes in this over time
• Encourage and extend the use of business cases and their increased transparency, particularly the measurement of benefits delivery
• Identify and oversee value for money exercises in the MPS
• Review and scrutinise the development of output based costing measures, including activity based costing (ABC) or any replacement to ABC

Estate strategy panel


October’s Finance and Resources Committee agreed that a member led panel would (a) undertake further consultation of the citizen/public facing estate (b) carry out a review of the Estates Strategy and supporting documents. Given concerns raised with regard the last round of consultation coupled and the need to ensure the review of the estates strategy does not become too unwieldy there is a need to ensure there are clear terms of reference in place to ensure a successful outcome. The review will be led by a member panel but will be supported by officers from the Authority and Service where appropriate.

There are two parts to the review; one aspect concentrating on consultation and the other concerned with the review of the estate strategy.

Additional consultation of public/citizen facing estate


To draw on the results of the previous consultation process, identifying those boroughs where further consultation of the public/citizen facing estate is required and ascertain how best to consult with these boroughs and engage with the communities.

Establish how best to communicate the policing model to the remaining boroughs to ensure there is a clear understanding of its objectives.

To decide on the timeframe within which the additional consultation will be undertaken and provide clear direction and leadership throughout the consultation exercise.

Analyse the consultation results reporting back to Finance and Resources Committee in spring 2009.

Formulate a consultation strategy for the period 2009 onwards.


The approach will be to use a mix of research, review of relevant documentation, including earlier MPA committee reports, visits to appropriate facilities and evidence gathering from appropriate ‘witnesses’ at panel meetings. In addition further consultation will be undertaken with stakeholders. Other methods may be used if considered appropriate by panel members.

Suggested contributors include:

  • Borough Commanders (from relevant boroughs)
  • Key stakeholders (from relevant boroughs)
  • Front line representatives
  • Borough and Engagement Team representative
  • Territorial Policing representative
  • Property Services Department representative
  • Consultation specialist
  • Audit Commission

Review of Estate Strategy


Review and as appropriate, lead on the development of a revised estate strategy and supporting documents, which reflects the outcomes of the consultation undertaken in regard to the public/citizen facing elements of the estate.

To ensure the revised strategy:
  • Supports the Authority and Service in achieving their corporate objectives
  • Reflects best practice
  • Encompasses all aspects of the estate
  • Enables the Service to be properly held to account both by the Authority and other stakeholders
  • Reflects current policy

Consider the opportunities presented by working in partnership with other organisations.

Review the existing disposals policy for both the operational and residential estate.

Review the existing strategy & supporting documents to ensure they are in line with METForward

Consider whether there are further options for maximising efficiency of the estate.

Presentation of a consolidated estates strategy to Finance and Resources Committee in 2009.

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