
Agenda for the 19 March 2009 meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee and contains details of the reports and minutes for this meeting.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Finance and Resources Committee
19 March 2009
10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1H 0NY

Part 1

Items to be considered while the press and public are present

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. To receive any declarations of interests from members of the Committee.
    In accordance with the MPA Code of Conduct, Members must declare any personal interests they have in any item on the agenda or as they arise during the course of the meeting. Members must orally indicate to which item their interest relates. If they have a personal interest Members must also consider whether or not that interest is a prejudicial interest and take the necessary action.
    • Advice to members:
      Although you should consult part 2 of the Code, a personal interest is, generally, one that affects you (individually or a person/body/organisation they have close connection with) more than other people in London. If a member of the public, knowing all the relevant facts, would view your personal interest in the item being considered as so great that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest, then you have a prejudicial interest.
    • Consequences:
      If you have a personal interest you must declare the interest but can stay, speak and vote. If you have a prejudicial interest you must declare the interest, you cannot speak or vote on the item and must leave the room.
  3. Minutes of the meetings held on 22 January and 5 March 2009 (Part 1)
  4. Business considered by the Sub-committees (oral update)
  5. Procurement financial limits - delegation to Resources Sub-committee

Procurement and IS/IT matters

  1. Changes to MPS procurement processes in support of the new MPA standing orders
  2. Identity and Access Management
  3. Exclusion of press and public
    To resolve that the press and public be asked to leave the meeting during discussion of the remaining item of business because exempt information as defined in paragraphs 8 and 9 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 is likely to be made known. Please note that members of the press and public must leave the meeting at this point.

Please note that members of the press and public must leave the meeting at this point.

Part 2

Items to be considered after the exclusion of the press and public

Finance matters

  1. Exempt appendix to Provisional Police and Community Safety Funding Settlement 2009-10
    This is the exempt appendix to agenda item 7
  2. Exempt appendix to Treasury Management/ Investment Strategy
    This is the exempt appendix to agenda item 10
  3. Treasury Management Action Plan
    This is submitted following consideration of a report on Icelandic Investments at the last meeting
  4. Implementation of early payment initiatives to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
    The report details the actions taken to date to improve the time to make payment on undisputed invoices to SMEs with the ultimate aim being payment within 10 working days of the receipt of an invoice and the current payment profile for SMEs

Estate matters

  1. Property Services’ update – exempt appendices
    These are the exempt appendices to agenda item 12
  2. Stage 2 of the safer neighbourhoods property programme – update - exempt appendix
    This is the exempt appendix to agenda item 14
  3. Request for Authority to Proceed with the Proposed Acquisition of Semi-industrial Property in Merton
    This report gives the background to the previous decision by the MPA to acquire this property and recommends proceeding with the purchase of the property on more favourable terms than previously reported prior to agreement on the final operational use for the site.
  4. Provision of soft facilities management services at Empress State Building
    The report contains recommendations relating to the future provision of these services

Procurement and IS/IT matters

  1. Exempt appendix to Identity and Access Management
    This is the exempt appendix to agenda item 15
  2. Extension of Forensic Science contracts for DNA services and drugs examinations
    The Committee is asked to agree an extension to the current contracts with existing forensics providers of DNA services and drugs examinations
  3. Master vendor contract
    The report makes recommendations relating to the contract for the engagement of temporary workers
  4. Minutes of the meetings held on 22 January and 5 March 2009 (Part 2)

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