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Report on the Sub-committees of the Finance and Resources Committee

Report: 4
Date: 17 December 2009
By: Chief Executive


This report contains a summary of the business considered by the sub-committees of the Finance and Resources Committee.

A. Recommendation

That members note the report

B. Supporting information

1. This report covers the following meetings:

  • Estate Panel – 19 November 2009
  • Resources and Productivity Sub-Committee – 3 December 2009

Estate Panel – 19 November 2009

2 The Panel met on 19 November and gave further consideration to the development of the estate strategy. The next meeting of the Panel is on 17 December immediately following the meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee. It is anticipated that there will be a more detailed report at the next meeting of the Committee.

Resources and Productivity Sub-Committee – 5 November 2009

Payments to SMEs quarterly report

3 Members note the actions taken to date to improve the time to make payment on undisputed invoices to SMEs and the current payment profile with the ultimate aim being payment within 10 working days of the receipt of a valid invoice. A customer survey was carried out in October. The majority of companies agreed that the MPS pay invoices on time and are satisfied with the service they receive.

Review of Productivity measures

4. The Committee considered a report which provided an overview of the work being undertaken within the MPS as part of the productivity agenda. Productivity is one of the Commissioner’s five Ps. The scope of this work is very wide ranging and members will meet informally to identify items which items they wish to consider in more detail in the coming year in the context of the wider remit of the Sub-Committee following its merger with the former Productivity and Performance Sub-Committee.

Implications of Office of Fair Trading reports on bid rigging in the property and recruitment industries

5. The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has recently completed two investigations into bid rigging in a series of public and private tenders for Property/Construction Services and Recruitment services to support Construction Projects. As a result of these investigations, a number of companies have been named, and fined for a breach of competition law. Some of those suppliers fined by the OFT are current MPA/MPS suppliers. The report discussed how the MPS and other public bodies should treat these offences as part of the qualification process for any future tenders where suppliers in general, in addition to those fined by the OFT in particular, bid for work.

6. Members discussed the implications of the OFT investigation for the MPA/MPS and requested a further report to be submitted to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee. It anticipated that recommendations will be made to the January meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee.

Procurement Strategy action plan

7. An action plan was first presented to the Sub-Committee at its meeting on 3 September . The Sub-Committee has now received a quarterly update. Members noted the progress made and requested a refinement to the information to be provided in future reports.

8. Copies of non exempt reports and minutes from the Authority and its committees can be viewed on the MPA website at

C. Race and equality impact

There are no race and diversity impact issues directly arising from this report. Race and diversity impact is a standing item on reports submitted to committees and sub-committees.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications directly arising from this report although there could be financial implications arising from items discussed by sub-committees.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: John Crompton, MPA

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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