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Report 7 of the 21 October 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee seeks approval to the draft estate strategy which has been developed for 2010-14.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

MPA/MPS Estate strategy

Report: 07
Date: 21 October 2010
By: Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


This report seeks approval to the draft estate strategy which has been developed for 2010-14.

A. Recommendations

Members are asked to:

  1. Approve the draft MPA/MPS Estate Strategy 2010-14 at Appendix 1.
  2. Subject to (1) above, approve the publication of the Estates Strategy.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA/MPS have published a number of documents in regard to the real estate assets of the Metropolitan Police. Some are outdated but still included within the MPA web-site (Building Towards the Safer City 2003 - 2008); some relate to specific operational business groups (Property for Policing Spring 2007), and others to specific disciplines including town planning matters ( Planning for Future Police Estate Development May 2005).

2. The most recent MPA/MPS Estate Strategic Plan; developed in 2006 (reviewed 2007), and on which the publication of the TP BOCU related Asset Management Plans were developed, was approved by MPA Finance Committee in 2008. Whilst the document is available on the MPA website no formal publication was prepared. This led to some public confusion over the current estate strategy the MPA/MPS is following.

3. As a result of this, and the outcome of the TP BOCU consultation in Spring 2008, the Finance Committee approved in September 2008, the creation of an Estate Panel to lead the development a new MPA/MPS estate strategy.

4. Estate Panel members include both MPA members and officers and representatives from Territorial Policing and the Directorate of Resources (Finance and Property Services) within the MPS.

5. In parallel, the MPS developed and adopted a corporate real estate approach to the provision and utilisation of property/real estate to improve the standards of accommodation provided, ensure a consistent approach in regard to the provision of resources and to maximise the use of facilities.

6. The raft Strategy document was first considered by the Estates Panel in February 2010, following approval by the MPS. The comments and decisions taken in February and since that time have been incorporated into this document.

7. The attached paper seeks to document the high level strategy of the MPA and MPS in regard to the provision and utilisation of real estate, which can then be converted into an MPA/MPS publication. The Strategy is supported by a suite of implementation plans; providing targets and timelines for delivery linked to the MPS timetable and performance management framework. These are regularly reviewed and updated.

C. Other organisational & community implications

Equality and Diversity Impact

1. Further modernisation of the estate will ensure that the MPA/MPS can provide/are able to continue to provide easily accessible accommodation for those officers and staff within the MPS and those sharing accommodation through partnership arrangements, and specifically in regard to the public facing estate, the community/public interface points, reflecting Disability Discrimination Legislation and Health & Safety requirements.

Consideration of Met Forward

2. The principles of the Estates Strategy seek to maximise the use of facilities and minimise operational cost, driving better value for money.

3 Met Forward highlights the ‘having an estate of buildings that are efficient, well located and properly equipped is vital for effective crime fighting’. The principles outlined in the MPA / MPS Estate Strategy will help drive that strategic vision, seeking to maximise the use of facilities and minimise operational cost, driving better value for money and enabling operational policing.

Financial implications

4. The value of the Authority’s real estate asset is some £1.65 bn and the strategy aims to ensure that the MPA/MPS delivers value for money from the estate whilst meeting service requirement.

5. Within the current financial year 2009/10 the MPS currently spends £234m on property services (PSD manage £219m of the total). The strategy and associated implementation plan will look to reduce these costs over the next three years.

6. The table below details the revenue budgets for the next three financial years. At present (period 4), against a net base PSD budget of £219m in 2010/11 savings of £35.0m, £41.7m and £49.6m have been built into each of the three years of the 2011/14 budget and business plan. The table details the budget build up in each year.

PSD Budgets (Figures are cumulative)

Premises Costs (2010/11 at B4) 219,427 219,427 219,427
Other PSD Departmental Costs (2010/11 at B4) 20,886 20,886 20,886
Less Income and Grants (2010/11 at B4) -21,651 -21,651 -21,651
Budget Moves (2010/11 up to B4) 4 4 4
Base budget 2009/10 218,666 218,666 218,666
Budget and other moves -4 -4 -4
Committed decreases (from 2009/13 business planning process) -7,460 -13,980 -13,980
Provisional Base budgets 211,202 204,682 204,682
Impact of the proposed 2011/14 business planning process
Savings in 2011/14 business planning process -35,000 -41,700 -49,600
Growth in 2011/14 business planning process 0 0 0
Inflation 8,550 14,850 21,200
Proposed Base budgets 184,752 177,832 176,282
Proposed savings in 2011/14 business planning process - all SIP related -35,000 -41,700 -49,600

7. The delivery of these savings will, however, be dependent on a more corporate approach to the use of the estate and more effective demand management.

Legal implications

8. There are no direct legal implications arising from the recommendations in this report.

9. The MPA has powers to acquire and dispose of property under Part 7 of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”).

10. Whilst overall responsibility for the estate is vested in the MPA, the day to day management of the estate is delegated to the Resources Directorate in the MPS.

11. Decisions relating to individual property matters will be required to be made in accordance of the provisions under the Act and in accordance with the Estate Strategy, once approved, and other internal governance procedures that are set out in the MPA’s Standing Orders.

12. The Finance and Resources Committee is the appropriate committee to approve the MPA/MPS Estate Strategy 2010-14 as it is has delegated authority to consider and determine issues relating to the MPA estate and other resources, which is set out in its terms of reference.

13. Legal advice can be obtained from DLS in relation to individual property transactions or specific property related issues as and when they arise.

Environmental implications.

14. There are no specific environmental implications arising from the proposals in this report. The MPA/MPS Environmental/Corporate Social Responsibilities for 2010/13 will be referenced within the estate strategy.

Risk implications

15. Approval to the Strategy will enable the MPA/MPS to progress more quickly with Corporate Real Estate proposals to release revenue costs to the MPA/MPS to meet target pressures.

D. Background papers

  • Building Towards the Safer City 2003 - 2008
  • Property for Policing Spring 2007
  • Planning for Future Police Estate Development May 2005

E. Contact details

Report author(s): Neil Webster – A/Director of Asset Management, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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