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Report 4 of the 18 November 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee, contains a summary of the business considered by the sub-committees.

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Report on the sub-committees of the Finance and Resource Committee

Report: 4
Date: 18 November 2010
By: Chief Executive


This report contains a summary of the business considered by the sub-committees of the Finance and Resources Committee.

A. Recommendations

That members

  1. note the report

B. Supporting information

1. This report covers the following meetings:

  • Estate Panel – 21 October 2010
  • Resources and Productivity sub-committee – 8 November 2010

Estate Panel

2. Amongst the matters discussed at the meeting on 21 October was the community engagement aspects relating to the provision of front counters. Members approved a draft commissioning brief for a report on the customer experience of front counters to be considered by the Citizen Focus and Community Engagement sub-committee. The Panel also discussed ways in which the flow of information between MPA link members and the MPA on matters relating to changes to front counters could be improved. Finally, the Panel also considered the property related key findings and recommendations from the recent efficiency review by Sir Philip Green.

3. The next meeting of the Panel is on 18 November immediately following the Finance and Resources Committee. .

Resources and Productivity sub-committee – 8 November 2010

Comments on a report on the agenda for today’s Finance and Resources Committee

Corporate Insurance update 2010

4. The reports appear as agenda items 11 and 15 on the agenda for today’s meeting.

5. Heath Lambert, the MPA’s insurance brokers, have completed the renewal and tender process for the main classes of insurance, with effect from 1 October 2010 Savings compared to last year’s premiums amount to £642,000. The report also advised that the results of this year’s process confirms that the insurance strategy is sound and continues to deliver benefits in both cover and cost.

6. The sub-committee supported the recommendations in the report but because it seeks approval to the use of reserves and continuation of the personal insurance indemnity policy it is necessary to forward the matter to the Committee for decision as the sub-committee does not have the necessary delegated authority.

Other reports considered not on the agenda for today’s FRC meeting
Award of Real Time Communications tranche 2 (exempt)

7. The Real Time Communications (RTC) programme is addressing the significant end of life and out of support issues on the existing telephone and data networks. In September 2009 the Finance and Resources Committee approved RTC tranche 1 which is now nearing completion and in January of this year the Committee gave approval for the implementation of RTC tranche 2 and actioned the programme to undertake the requisite commercial discussions. The sub-committee has now considered a report which advised that the commercial discussions have concluded successfully and sought approval to award Capgemini the work to deliver RTC tranche 2.

9. The sub-committee agreed to award the work to deliver tranche 2 to Capgemini, and also noted the implementation of a new charging structure for voice and data networks from April 2011.

Update on the implementation of early payment initiatives to SMEs

10. The sub-committee received its regular quarterly update on the status of the previously approved actions in support of the Mayor’s Early Payment to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Initiative and the current payment profile for such suppliers. Members noted that the figures for September showed a performance of 81% of payments being made within 10 days of receipt of a valid invoice.

11. Work is continuing on updating the MPS invoice management system and the project is due to be completed by December. The new system will provide a single payment system in place of the multiple systems now in place and should enable disputed invoices to be identified more readily. It is anticipated that the new system will enable there to be a further improvement in the performance figures.

Quarterly update on variations to the Capgemini contract (exempt)

12. The sub-committee received the regular quarterly update on variations to the CapGemini contract for the provision of core ICT services. Following the extension of the contract the report now covers the ten year contract period.

C. Other organisational and community implications

Equalities Impact

1. There are no race and diversity impact issues directly arising from this report. Any implications are addressed in the reports considered at the sub-committee

Met Forward

2. The remit of the Resources and Productivity Sub-committee is largely in support of the Met Support strand, but there are no direct implications for the delivery of Met Forward arising from this report

Financial Implications

3. There are no financial implications directly arising from this report.

Legal Implications

4 Any implications are addressed in the reports considered at the sub-committee.

Environmental Implications

5 Any implications are addressed in the reports considered at the sub-committee.

Risk Implications

6 Any implications are addressed in the reports considered at the sub-committee.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report authors: John Crompton, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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