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Report 3 for the 17 Oct 02 meeting of the Remuneration Subcommittee and contains notes of an inquorate meeting of the Remuneration Sub-Committee held on 29 July 2002.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Meeting notes

Report: 3
Date: 17 October 2002

Note of an inquorate meeting of the Remuneration Sub-Committee held on 29 July 2002 at 10 a.m. at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY



  • Rachel Whittaker
  • Toby Harris


  • Catherine Crawford
  • Alan Johnson
  • Graham Spencer
  • Simon Vile


  • AC Bernard Hogan-Howe
  • Martin Tiplady
  • Michael Shurety

A meeting of the Remuneration Sub-Committee was scheduled to take place at this time. The meeting was inquorate as less than three members were present, so the members present decided to continue to discuss the items on the agenda informally. Any decisions that were required before the next scheduled meeting of the Remuneration Sub-Committee were taken under the urgency provisions by the Clerk in consultation with the Chair of the Authority.

1. ACPO recruitment 2002

Members discussed the timing of advertisements and the selection process for the recruitment of Deputy Assistant Commissioners and Commanders. A draft advert was tabled

2. Fixed term appointments (FTAs)

Members considered extensions to two FTAs. The Clerk subsequently took a decision reflecting their views under delegated authority.

Members asked for a paper to the next Sub-Committee meeting in October outlining the different regulations that the MPS operates under compared to other forces, particularly in relation to age limits, and the action which would be required to bring the MPS into line with other forces.

3. Senior civil staff pay review

Members asked for further information about senior MPS civil staff pay scales and the objectives for these staff once they had been set.

4. ACPO appointments

With regards to the draft offer letter following ACPO appointments, it was agreed to arrange a meeting with CPOSA to discuss such issues as appraisal and post-employment restrictions.

Decisions on the number of ACPO appointments to be made would have to await discussions between the Commissioner and the MPA’s Chair.

5. Extension of contract for a  senior civil staff post

Members considered a request for the extension of a senior civil staff post contract. The Clerk subsequently took a decision reflecting their views under delegated authority. Members also asked for a report to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee to open a debate about the basis for making senior civil staff appointments and whether these should be fixed term contracts or permanent appointments.

6. ACPO relocation expenses

Members considered a report on whether the existing provisions for relocation expenses needed to be reviewed. It was agreed to discuss this further at the next meeting of the Sub-Committee following some further work to refine the proposals and identify the issues.

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