
Report 4 of the 30 January 2009 meeting of the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee and outlines workplan for the sub-committee.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Workplan for the HR and Remuneration Sub-committee

Report: 4
Date: 30 January 2009
By: the Chief Executive


This report sets out the proposed workplan for this Sub Committee. It is subject to regular review by Members of the Sub Committee as a result of change in Authority priorities, the work of the newly formed Association of Police Authority (APA) People Policy Network.

A. Recommendations

1. That Members agree or amend the workplan at Appendix 1.

B. Supporting information

1. There is a significant amount of work currently taking place around human resource issues at a national, Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) level. This Sub Committee will wish to make a significant contribution to these issues and the intention of this workplan is to provide an opportunity to influence and debate the major issues and obligations placed upon it.

2. For the most part, the different mainstream ‘HR’ and senior staff ‘Remuneration’ issues will be considered at different meetings. These are shown separately as ‘HR’ and ‘Remuneration’ in the Appendix, although it is only one Sub Committee and one workplan. In particular, the ‘HR’ meetings will have a focus item on a major area of business within the MPS HR Directorate.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct equality and/or diversity implications as this paper is concerned primarily with setting out the future workplan of this Sub Committee.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications arising from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Alan Johnson, Policy Officer, Human Resources, Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA)

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

HR Remuneration
  • Open session with MPS HR Board members to discuss plans and priorities (including purpose, vision and values) for the next twelve months. This should include some ‘thematic’ issues such as “the MPS policing family” (i.e. the impact of the MPS and MPS issues/policies/practices on its staff and their families) and “issues affecting MPA staff, including policies and practices.” This session should also include how plans and priorities are agreed and reviewed.
  • ACPO bonuses – principles
  • Exit packages (updated paper)
  • MPA SMT pay proposals (updated paper)
  • Sub Committee work plan

(4pm on 30 January 2009)

  • Report on the ‘compensation’ or ‘exit’ packages provided to ACPO officers and senior police staff

(2pm on 16 January 2009)

February meeting postponed.
  • ACPO PDRs – bonus proposals for 2007-08 and objectives for 2008-09 (MPS)
  • Commissioner and D/ Commissioner’s expenses (MPA) – result of previous committee recommendation
  • Commissioner and D/ Commissioner’s gifts and hospitality (MPA) – result of Internal Audit recommendation
  • Proposals for ACPO recruitment 2009-10 (MPA/MPS)
  • ACPO/SPS issues raised by staff associations (MPA/MPS – standing item)

(provisionally 4pm on 19 March following F+R Committee)

  • THR update
  • MPS approach to police staff pay including proposed pay inflation provision

Focus items:

  • Leadership, including leadership training
  • HR Strategy, including pay and benefits, employee relations, secondments, health and well being, recruitment, workforce planning, organisational development, etc

(4pm on 30 April 2009)

  • Outlook for senior pay 2009-12 (MPA)
  • ACPO overseas travel – annual update (MPS)
  • MPS ACPO cars and drivers – annual update (MPS)
  • ACPO issues raised by staff associations (MPA/MPS – standing item)

(10am on 29 May 2009)

  • Project Herald update
  • Sickness, including recuperative and restricted duties

Focus item:

  • Training/Development, including driver training, recruit training and professional development and endorsement of annual training plan

(10am on 30 June 2009)

  • ACPO PDRs – bonus proposals for 2008-09 and objectives for 2009-10 (MPS)
  • Commissioner and D/ Commissioner’s expenses (MPA)
    (see March)
  • Commissioner and D/ Commissioner’s gifts and hospitality (MPA) (see March)
  • Proposals for MPA SMT pay increase 2007-08 (MPA)
  • Proposals for MPS Senior Police Staff (SPS) pay increase 2007-08 (MPS)
  • PNB Review of Chief Officer pay (MPA)
  • ACPO issues raised by staff associations (MPA/MPS – standing item)
  • Overseas Travel – half yearly update (may be CEP)
  • HR implications of the 2012 Olympics
  • MPS police officer and police staff pay update

Focus item:

  • Logistical Services, including catering, transport, property, events and income development, language services, vehicle recovery and historical collection, Intellectual Property Rights
  • ACPO P11Ds for period ending April 2009 (MPA)
  • ACPO gifts and hospitality (MPS)
  • ACPO issues raised by staff associations (MPA/MPS – standing item)

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