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Report 6 of the 19 October 2009 meeting of the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee, looking at how the health, safety and welfare of Chief Police Officers is protected, particularly at times of operational stretch.

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Support provided to Association of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) ranks & senior police staff - update

Report: 6
Date: 19 October 2009
By: Chief Executive


An Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigation of an ACPO officer has identified some concerns regarding the management of the officer concerned. The Investigating Officer’s report recommended “that the MPA undertakes a review of how the health, safety and welfare of its Chief Officers is protected, particularly at times of operational stretch.”

In order to satisfy the IPCC that the recommendations that have been made are being addressed the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) were asked to spell out what ACPO ranks and senior police staff (SPS) in the MPS have access to in this respect and outline some proposals for agreement or further consideration. A report was considered in April and the Sub Committee recommended that the MPA undertakes a review of how the health, safety and welfare of its Chief Officers are protected, particularly at times of operational stretch.

A. Recommendations


  1. This Committee agrees the provision of a personal letter from the Commissioner outlining the health, safety and welfare services available to Chief Officers and a credit card size aide memoire; and
  2. That all Gold Groups explicitly incorporate the provision of health, safety and welfare services to Chief Officer Gold, Silver or Bronze Commanders in their Standard Operating Procedures.

B. Supporting information

1. All employers have a legal duty to safeguard the health of their staff. The MPA and MPS have a joint Corporate Health and Safety Policy which clearly defines the responsibilities of senior managers and staff to meet the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work at Act. In this respect, appropriate arrangements are in place to meet the MPA and MPS general obligations under section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act for welfare related matters.

2. ACPO ranks and senior police staff in the MPS have access to the full range of occupational health, safety and welfare services. A health care and health-screening scheme is available to ACPO rank officers and SPS as part of their benefits package. This includes the availability of private health care and a full health screen every two years.

3. Nevertheless, it is likely that ACPO ranks and SPS may not be aware of the symptoms and signs of stress or may be unaware of the range of services that are available both in-house and externally should they develop a stress–related problem. For example, the MPS provides a comprehensive welfare counselling service available to all staff 24/7. Where there are issues of confidentiality or issues of particular sensitivity, arrangements can be made to outsource the counselling service to an external provider or speak directly to the MPS senior physician.

4. A short-term solution would be to send a leaflet or credit card sized aide memoire to all senior staff, with a covering letter from the Commissioner, outlining the symptoms and signs of stress, and the services that are available. The purpose of this credit card/leaflet would be to outline both the overt signs and symptoms of stress and also the more subtle less obvious signs and symptoms. The leaflet would detail the various levels of support available in the Met, including the facility opportunity to talk directly to the Senior Physician.

5. In order to ensure this message is reinforced at times of operational stretch, it is recommended that all Gold Groups explicitly incorporate the availability of health, safety and welfare services to Chief Officer Gold, Silver or Bronze Commanders in their Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Commander Maxine de Brunner is currently conducting a review which includes to some extent how the Service manages and oversees Gold Groups as an organisation. It would be relatively straightforward to include advice on the availability of health, safety and welfare services for all officers, but specific reference to senior officers and the issue of stress.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no race and equality implications associated with this report.

D. Financial implications

The financial implications of the short-term proposal are minimal and funding could be sourced from the Occupational Health budget. If the EAP solution was to be pursued there would, of course, be more significant costs.

E. Legal implications

None given.

F. Background papers

  • Support provided to Association of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) ranks & senior police staff (30 April 2009)

G. Contact details

Report author: Alan Johnson

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