Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Joint minutes of the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 18 April 2011 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, SW1H 0NY.



  • Faith Boardman (Chair)
  • Tony Arbour
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Cindy Butts

MPA officers

  • Jane Harwood (Deputy Chief Executive)
  • Bob Atkins (Treasurer)
  • Fay Scott (Head of Equalities and Engagement)
  • Alan Johnson (HR Officer)
  • Michael Taylor (Committee Officer)

MPS officers

  • Mark Simmons (Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Leadership and Learning)
  • Tamsyn Heritage (Head of Talent Management)
  • Robert Crawley (Employee Relations, Health and Well-Being)
  • Katherine Patterson (HR Organisational Development Team)
  • Eleanor Ryan (Strategic Director, Employee Relations, Health and Well-Being)

39. Apologies for absence

(Agenda Item 1)

39.1 No apologies were received.

40. Declarations of interest

(Agenda Item 2)

40.1 Faith Boardman declared an interest in item 4; as she is an associate of the Whitehall and Industry Group.

41. Minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2010

(Agenda Item 3)

41.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 20 December 2010 were agreed. A briefing note on overseas travel was circulated to members.

42. MPS approach to talent management and succession planning

(Agenda Item 4)

42.1 Tamsyn Heritage introduced the report, which provides an overview of the different activities undertaken to develop staff, along with the work of the ‘promoting difference’ team. Members acknowledged the positive activities which are being undertaken on an individual basis, but noted that these do not form part of a wider strategic approach.

Members also requested a briefing note on how the effectiveness of the different schemes is assessed.

42.2 Members enquired as to the effectiveness of the use of the Talent Questionnaire as a method to identify potential candidates for the high potential programmes. The MPS clarified that the questionnaire is one method used to identify staff who may not feel confident in applying for promotion, but whose answers demonstrate that they possess sufficient skills. With the current recruitment freeze, the MPS is also more focused on providing staff with opportunities for lateral development.

42.3 Members noted that with the new shift in modern policing, there is an added emphasis on developing the personal skills of the MPS workforce, and asked that feedback be provided on the effectiveness of the schemes. The MPS recognise that development of staff is a cultural issue, and that it is important to promote development opportunities to staff.

Action: MPS to provide a briefing note evaluating the effectiveness of the talent management initiatives, including the Trident mentoring scheme.

42.4 In light of the recruitment pause, members asked if any graduate schemes were in operation. The MPS has developed a Diversity Internship Scheme, with the next round of placements being advertised in May 2011. In addition, there was a scheme which places MPS staff in external organisations to work on strategic issues. This allows staff to develop their own skills and to bring back any learning and experience back to the MPS.

42.5 In response to a question, it was explained that the Home Secretary had asked Peter Neyroud to conduct a review of police leadership and training. A briefing note on the findings of the ‘Neyroud Review’ has been circulated to members.

43. Report in sickness trends, case of sickness absence and an update of the review of restricted duty

(Agenda Item 5)

43.1 Eleanor Ryan introduced the report, which outlined the falling rates of sickness absence in the MPS; for police officers it is an average of 6.8 days per year and 7.7 days overall, which is one of the lowest levels in the country. Early intervention work is conducted to identify potential causes of absence. Members commended the low levels of absence and noted that the causes of disproportionality between sickness rates for men and women have been investigated. They acknowledged that the MPS system for restricted duty was recognised as good practice in the Winsor Review, since police officers were kept in operational roles wherever possible.

43.2 It was explained that, due to the long term nature of restrictive duties, reviews of all cases are scheduled to be completed by March 2012. Members suggested that a system be implemented for staff on restrictive duties to be asked to sign a declaration to confirm the cause of their restricted status has not changed. The MPS agreed to actively consider this.

Action: MPS to consider a declaration system for staff on restrictive duties.

43.3 Issues relating to absence are the responsibility of line managers, whilst MPS OH oversees issues relating to sickness. The aim is to maintain the current proportion of MPS officers (3%) being on restricted duties. Members requested a briefing note detailing the numbers and locations of police officers in restricted duties post.

Action: MPS to provide a briefing note on detailing the number of officers who are on restrictive duties, but who are still conducting street patrols.

44. Human Resources implications of the Race and Faith Inquiry

(Agenda Item 6)

44.1 Mark Simmons introduced the report, which outlines MPS activity to implement the recommendations of the Race and Faith Inquiry. These are also being reported to the ‘Race and Faith Monitoring Group’ (RFMG); which is comprising of MPA and MPS officers, and is chaired by Cindy Butts. The RFMG examines the developments the MPS is undertaking to progress the recommendations.

44.2 Members enquired on the development of the Organisational Learning Team. The team consists of three members of staff, and serves as a coordinating body to identify good practice from all MPS business groups, and to institute organisational learning. The team is part of HR Organisational Development, and is therefore ideally placed to liaise with all business groups.

44.3 A new Personal Development Review (PDR) process is also being introduced. This will simplify the process so that it becomes more focused on staff development. The process is being supported by the Leadership Academy, which is providing appropriate skills based modules into its management programmes. Member’s asked for a note outlining the development of the new PDR process.

Action: MPS to provide a briefing note on the new PDR process.

44.4 During the recruitment pause, the MPS uses temporary promotions to provide flexibility as a short term solution, should no candidates on promotion waiting lists apply. Business cases for temporary promotions are assessed, and are these are utilised as a last resort. The RFMG will be examining the equalities implications of temporary promotions and why no suitable, qualified candidates apply.

45. MPS exit surveys

(Agenda Item 7)

45.1 Katherine Patterson introduced the report, and outlined the steps taken to improve response rates and the quality of data captured by exit surveys. Postal surveys are now used to consult with leavers, whilst an early notification scheme allows data for leavers from Metropolitan Special Constabulary (MSC) leavers to be recorded. The exit survey has also been simplified in order to encourage responses.

45.2 Currently responses to surveys are measured by Business Groups, although a breakdown by individual units will enable targeting of those which have low response rates. HR is also engaging with line managers to identify where responses have not been received.

45.3 Members noted the relatively poor response rates from those leaving. It was strongly recommended that the MPS benchmark against other organisations.

Action: MPS to look at opportunities for benchmarking exit survey data and response rates to improve the current yield.

46. MPS vision for the next 3-5 years

(Agenda Item 8)

46.1 Due to the wider reaching implications of this item outside of Human Resources issues; all MPA members will be consulted on this subject. A separate meeting will be organised for this issue to be discussed.

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